2015년 9월 10일 목요일

Shincheonji Cult ure and Art: The Heart of a Father

Through the history in the Bible, we have heard about God and how much He has done for us, but how many times do we ask what we should do for him? In Genesis chapter 22, God shows us a shadow of what His heart is like through the history of Abraham being commanded to sacrifice his beloved son. Through the testing of Abraham's faith, many of us who have the scriptures in our very hands are able to see why this history was given for us. In obedience, Abraham was able to take action to sacrifice his son, but by the grace of God, Isaac was spared and Abraham's faith was that much greater. With God's promise through Isaac, Abraham was able to fully have faith and do as commanded. What a relief it must have been for Abraham as a father right?

We see the true intention of God only when we look at the Bible as whole. Why is that? Because the story of Abraham and Isaac was a shadow of what God would do about 4000 years later. Instead of a lamb, Abraham was about to sacrifice his son in place of it. A lamb when sacrificed was to atone the sins of those who were under the law. However, Jesus came as the reality of the law and was the true lamb. God however, did not hold back, but His own beloved son had to die for the sins of men under the law and for the blood to purchase a people in the future who will do the final work of God. Now if we were in the place of a father or even a mother, would we sacrifice our one and only child for many people? How difficult would that be? Truly truly, we must rethink the heart that God has for his people. In order to save the 7.3 billion people on earth and to give all of them life, He gave up His son for people who have been breaking His promises for 6,000 years. God's love is greater than we might perceive, but once a person is in the shoes of a father having to give up his own son for the lives of man, it is only by a huge heart that can contain the world that it can happen. Let's always reflect on the heart God for us in this era. Shincheonji is where finally the people who can see God's heart are appearing and it is where the blood that was spilt is finally redeemed. May we all live to repay God for what he has done as our eternal, spiritual, and true Father! Amen!


The pain of the Father's heart