Today we live in a society where we have a tendency to only believe in what we can see. Some instances of this case are exemplified in the belief that the world is flat. Other examples can be seen from couple hundred years ago before we had a microscope to see the bacteria and viruses that make us sick. Many actually thought bacteria and viruses were the unseen evil spirits that plagued the people. Now the reason we believe that bacteria and viruses exist is because we can see them through a microscope. However, does this actually mean we can only believe in the things we can see with our physical eyes? What about the people who are blind? How do they believe that everything around them is actually real? These are some basic questions I even personally think about. This is because I am intrigued by the fact that many people in this world believe in something they cannot see which are things pertaining to the spiritual unseen world.
Why do people of Christianity believe in the unseen world and even in God who cannot be seen with our physical eyes? First, we cannot just believe in God who is unseen because we "feel" His presence. God provides us evidence of His existence, but where does He show this? God shows His existence through the scriptures. God promises many things in His scriptures and He fulfills them. Fulfillment of His scriptures is evidence that the Word is living and breathing. How can something that is not alive fulfill a promise, let alone make a promise? A rock cannot promise nor keep a promise, but the scriptures which God's spirit is given (John 6:63) provides promises and even fulfillment. Then our quest as Christians is to find evidences of God's existence so we may have faith in Him (Jn 14:29).

Many people of the Old Testament based their faith in the seen. For example, they sought for God's existence through miracles such as the splitting of the sea or even the fiery pillars that came down from the sky. However, even despite seeing those things, they lost their faith in God and even created gods themselves. Then we have to ask ourselves how faithless people must be and what kind of faith God seeks from our hearts.
Let us continue to seek God through the scriptures in which we are able to see Him even if our physical eyes are unable to. Amen!
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