Love of God and Jesus
What's the way to check one who loves of God and Jesus in the Bible?
One who Persecutes and One who Receives Persecution
Main reference: Mt 5:11-12 (Acts 7:51-53, Mt 23:30-36, Jn 16:1-4, Lk 20:9-15)
Who are those who persecute and those who receive persecution? Those who persecute are pastors of the devil and those who receive persecution belong to God.
The history of the Old and New Testaments illustrate this very well. When God and His pastors worked in every era, Satan’s pastors insulted, persecuted, and killed God’s pastors. The persecutors were not non-believers or gentiles, but the pastors of God’s people who claimed to be the orthodoxy and the believers of God.

A common problem we can observe is that people carried out their life of faith solely by professing with their lips that they believed in God. However, a believer had to believe in God and His Word and perceive. They did not have the words of promise in them so they were not able to recognize God or Satan. God and Jesus were the Word (Jn 1:1), and Jesus came as the Word in flesh. The one who knew this Word was someone who had the ears to hear.
Jesus, who fulfilled the Old Testament, promised the new covenant in prophecies; the promise is the New Testament—Revelation. If one does not know the words of Revelation (prophecy) at the time Revelation fulfills, how can he believe it? As it is written, God warned against adding or taking away from Revelation (Rv 22:18-19). Until this day, however, there has not been a single pastor in this world who knew Revelation (besides the One who Overcomes and the congregation members of Shincheonji). This means that there has not been a single person who could have received salvation. However, believers think proudly that they are the orthodoxy and will receive salvation. They cry out, saying that they are filled with the holy spirit, but all this is trickery. Thus, they become liars.
Satan entered the chosen people because they were deceived and had greed and lawlessness. Even if one is a believer but his faith and actions change for the worst, then like Eve, Balaam, and Cain, he will become Satan’s home and possession. Someone becomes like Satan when he becomes greedy, abuses his authority, and when he acts subjectively and arbitrarily. As summarized in 2 Peter 2 and Jude, such people betray, create division, return to the old, and carry out evil actions. Therefore, one must always remain humble and put his utmost effort in only perceiving the Word and believing it.
God dislikes the proud and those who exalt themselves. This is because Satan had these same actions. He betrayed and became the enemy. Whoever falls away from God becomes hostile, an enemy, and a persecutor. One can see by the persecutors’ actions and words that they have changed for the worse; one can see whether the enemies’ words are hostile or beneficial. There are those who persecute and those who receive persecution. Why? Of course it is because the spirits within them are different. Their thoughts and ability to discern are different. The word in them is different, and their actions and intentions are different.
God desires to reclaim what He had lost and was rightfully His, but Satan’s tactic is to keep and rule over the world, which he had stolen through the work of deception. One is the authority of life and the other is the authority of death. Since the beginning, the fight between them was over the people.
God prophesied through the prophets what will take place in the future. After proclaiming these words, He came and fulfilled according to the promise. This happened so the people can see and perceive to believe. However, the one who changed for the worse by eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil have more of Satan’s characteristics than God’s characteristics. They do not diligently put the effort to believe in God’s word, but they let those words flow through one ear and out the other. This is the reason why people do not believe even when the promises fulfill accordingly.

Technology has rapidly advanced to this day and many take advantage of the anti-cafés to persecute so that the entire world may know. Those who persecute are Satan’s pastors and the betrayers. How will they escape the judgment of hell? If anyone curses another saying, “You must die so I can live,” can he be considered as a true believer and will God acknowledge his heart? One must not repay evil with evil, but overcome evil with good and pray for the evil one (Rom 12:21, 1 Pt 3:9). Jesus said in John 15, “As the Father has loved me, love each other.” This is God’s commandment and Jesus’ commandment. Through love, Jesus died on our behalf. God said He is love, and anyone who loves belongs to God (and Jesus), and anyone who does not love is not born of God (1 Jn 4). The one who believes in God’s true love dislikes hearing others curse and judge their neighbors. Jesus said to love your enemy, to feed your enemy if he is hungry, and to go with him two miles when he asks you to go one (Mt 5:41-44).
Anyone who truly believes in God and Jesus obeys their commandments. Someone would persecute because he is not born of God and does not have love. Let us read 1 Jn 4:5-11 and become those who love.
- 1 Jn 4:5-11
5 They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. 6 We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood. 7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
Shincheonji, Love of God and Jesus, did you find them in the bible?
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