2013년 9월 11일 수요일

Rev 3:12 The one who Overcomes in the Bible

Who's he who overcomes in the Bible??

Rev 21:6~7
He said to me "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.
To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.
He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.

Rev 3:12 Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God.

Never again will he leave it.

 I will write on him the name of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I(Jesus) will also write on him my new name.

Who is he who overcomes in the Bible?

2013년 9월 7일 토요일

Why is labeling Shincheonji as a cult (heresy)?

Why is the divided CCK, labeling Shinchonji as a heresy(cult)?


Why is the divided CCK, labeling Shinchonji as a heresy? 
When this question is asked, no one usually answers.
People are calling Shinchonji as a heresy without any concrete reasons, just as the people did to Jesus.
They seem to be doing so because their own congregation members have been going to Shinchonji, and because the number of their members is dramatically decreasing. 
All of creation, in heaven and on earth, are working to feed themselves and to survive.
Likewise, believers have come to Shincheonji as they were looking for something to eat.
They have come to Shincheonji because they were unable to find the word of life from their own churches, but have found it in Shinchonji.
This is the evidence Shincheonji is not a heresy(cult).
It is clear the churches, teaching the worldly words due to the lack of the word of life, are the true heresies. 
Teaching commentaries, the words of men, is like preaching different gospels (Gal 1).
The commentaries are the seed of the weeds and the wine of adulteries.
Those who are feeding this wine of adulteries are intensely persecuting Shincheonji, as they they did to Jesus at the first coming--just like the Pharisees and the pastors during the first coming! 
If one examines the hardships of the prophets and the apostles in the 6,000 years of Bible history, as well as the afflictions of Shincheonji today, one will know there are those who persecute and those who are persecuted. Life and salvation have always been with those who are persecuted, although it is a small and narrow path (Mt 5:10-12).
If anyone has the knowledge of the Bible, he will look for a place which receives persecution because of righteousness. 
Within the world of Korean Christianity, salvation and curses are being granted at the same time. Salvation is in Shincheonji, the new promised kingdom.
Curses, on the other hand, are with the denomination which regards lies as their own food, and has added to and/or subtracted from Revelation. One is now coming to an end, whereas the other is rapidly growing. This can be clearly seen with our own eyes.
It is pitiful, despite seeing this the people do not realize.
Source ☞ Shincheonji cafe

2013년 9월 6일 금요일

Jesus told that he is ......

Jesus said that that he is ......

Jesus is the true vine(Jn 15:1~5).
Jesus is the tree of life(Jn 14:6, Jn 15:1~6).
Jesus is the heaven(Mt 13:24, 37).
Jesus is the Word of life(1 Jn 1:1~2).
Jesus is the way(Jn 14:6)
Jesus is the truth(Jn 14:6)
Jesus is life(Jn 14:6)

The seed of God’s Word of life (Jn 1:1-4) is sown and grows into the tree of life, and from that tree, bears 12 kinds of fruit and in its branch, the bird (spirit) of the air comes and dwells (Mt 13:31-32). Jesus is the Word of life (1 Jn 1:1-2), the way, the truth, and life (Jn 14:6), and the Spirit of God descended and came upon him as a dove (Mt 3:16). The same Jesus said that he is the true vine (Jn 15:1-5), so Jesus is in fact the tree of life that bears 12 kinds of fruits (Refer to Rv 22:1-2). Also Jesus told that he is the heaven (Mt 13:24, 37) 

Source : Shincheonji cafe