2014년 8월 6일 수요일

Spiritual body

Spiritual bodies

The way of heaven includes knowing of both the physical and the spiritual world, as well as knowing the reason the way was needed. Apostle Paul, who knew the mysteries of heaven, made known the outcome of the living and the dead. He said that at the last trumpet, the bodies of the dead will perish, but their spirits will be changed into spiritual bodies. He also said that we who are alive will also be changed, and the perishable will clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality (1 Cor 15:51~54) – referring to change into spiritual bodies like Jesus’. 

If this is not true, one needs to show where Jesus’s dead body is. It is also stated that Moses’ grave is nowhere to be found (Dt 34:5-6). Moses was with Jesus on Mount of Transfiguration. Elijah included, these three people, whose dead bodies were not buried, appeared, looking all the same (in the spiritual bodies) (Mt 17:1~8). Why did the only three people whose bodies were not found on earth appear? Where is it inferring that the bodies of these three are? Or did their physical bodies transfigure as well?

The Answer is in SCJ cafe

Source: SCJ(old: Shinchonji) cafe

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