2014년 10월 31일 금요일

Shincheonji and Harvest

Shincheonji is 
the Location of the Harvest! 

Faith on Earth in The Time of Harvest

Main reference: Rv 14:14~20

This is the time of the harvest, and the time of the creation of a new kingdom.

Today (at the time of the harvest, the end of the age), the place God is untied with, Shincheonji the church of Jesus, the tabernacle of the testimony, is the only place with the word of revelation.

It is the location of the harvest, the promised theology, the place where the revelation has been fulfilled.

This is the place of delivering the true revelation, of receiving the food of eternal life and the authority of judgment, the place where the promised pastor is located, and the place of the promised kingdom and people.

the Location of the Harvest 

Shincheonji is the only place.

  •  the place of the harvest
  •  the place God is untied with
  •  the place of the promised theology
  •  the place where the promised pastor
  •  the place of the authority of judgment 
  •  the place of delivering the true revelation 
  •  the place of receiving the food of eternal life
  •  the place of the promised kingdom and people
  •  the place where the revelation has been fulfilled

2014년 10월 30일 목요일

Prophecies and Fulfillment

The Importance of Prophecy and Fulfillment

Prophecy, Fulfillment, and the Promised Pastor

Main references: Jn 14:29, Jn 19:30, Rv 21:6

Prophecy is the word spoken before it is fulfilled, and fulfillment is the word that speaks about how prophecy is fulfilled.

Prophecies and fulfillment!

Prophecy was given so that when it fulfills one can see and believe (Jn 14:29). Also, one must first know the prophecies in order to see and believe when it fulfills.

Therefore, one must first write the prophecies that God promised in one’s heart to see and believe at the time of fulfillment. 

That is why if one does not know the promised prophecies, one will not know and believe when God fulfills the prophecies He promised.

The followings are the main references 'Prophecies and Fulfillment' in the Bible

  • Jn 14:29

I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.

  • Jn 19:30

When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

  • Rv 21:6

He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.

2014년 10월 29일 수요일

Those who believe in the promises

In the Bible, those who believe the promises 

God's will is to establish the new pastor and a new congregation just as it was promised in the Word. The eternal city of truth "beautiful Shincheonji" will be created and this is the new heaven, the promised kingdom, the 12 tribes where the saviors who are sealed are at.

Today, the testimony of Shincheonji is not of the old era but of the new era. It is about the fulfillment of the promised New Testament prophecies. It testifies about the promised coming of God, Jesus, the angels, and the holy city New Jerusalem, or heaven (Rv 3:12, 21:1-7).

Just as the Shincheonji saints have done, what must first take place is a true confession of one's sins and behavior of death. Let us not think about how our spirits died because of Adam and let us not become like the pastors and elders during the first coming that persecuted Jesus who fulfilled the Old Testament. Let us confess, receive, and believe in Revelation through the promised pastor and let us be saved. Those who believe in the promises will know this.

A Conversation between the Old and New Eras

2014년 10월 28일 화요일

The Evidence of the New Era

The Evidence That New Era Opened 

Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/358
A Conversation between the Old and New Eras

What is the evidence that one era became corrupted and that another era opened? 

The "evidence of corruption" is the behavior of loving the world, serving other gods and doctrines, lies, absence of the Word, and leaving God's commands. 

The "evidence that a new era opened" is testifying about the fulfillment of the promised prophecies of the New Testament.

  • The contents of the Fulfillment of the New Testament
Today, through the corruption of the spiritual Israel, one era has gone away just as it was promised in the New Testament and a new era has opened. The words and thoughts of the pastors from the old era are from the old era, and the thoughts and words of the pastor from the new era are prophesied (promised) in the Bible and they are of the new era. The pastors from the old era use measuring sticks from the old era for their doctrines, and the pastor from the new era uses a measuring stick from the new era where the prophecies have been fulfilled for his doctrine. There is the fulfillment of past prophecies and then there is the fulfillment of the prophecies in the new era. The pastor in the new era will pass along to the pastors from the old era what has been fulfilled in the new era.  

-SCJ <The Evidence That New Era Opened>-

2014년 10월 27일 월요일

New Era

New Era Will Come To Us

A Conversation between the Old and New Eras

What kind of new era will come to us today?

One era comes and another one goes away.

The old era was corrupted and therefore a new era opened. The 6000 years of Bible history tells us this from the time of Adam to Noah's world, Moses' world, Jesus' world during the first coming, and Jesus' world during his second coming.

God created the heavens and the earth and he is also the one who opens the new era. Once the world that God created becomes corrupted he destroys it and he creates a new world. 

If Adam's world was sound there would have been no reason to destroy it and to create Noah's world.

If Noah's world was sound there would have been no reason to create Moses' world and if Moses' world was sound there would have been no reason to create Jesus' world during the first coming.

 If Jesus' world during the first coming was sound would there have been a need to create Shincheonji (new heaven new earth) the era of the thousand years during the second coming?

2014년 10월 26일 일요일


Harvest of Christ's Coming

Searching for the seed of God and sealing them is the same as searching for God’s people of heaven, His new nation, and sealing them. 
Those born of God’s seed will be harvested and sealed.

It is written that not a single person, dead or alive, went to heaven and God. In fact, it is written that God will bring with Him those who have died in the Lord (1 Thes 4:14). As for those who are alive and are born of His seed, God will harvest and bring them to Him. Whether dead or alive, one does not come by his own will, but he is brought by the Lord. 

False pastors' assurances like, “You will go to heaven, I have been to heaven,” are their own words.  These are lies and the deceiving words of the devil. The Scripture cannot be broken (Jn 10:35).

End of the Churches, End of the Age, Harvest, and Peace

1 Thes 4:14
For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.

2014년 10월 25일 토요일

God & Heaven

God and Heaven

Where is God? 
Where come down heaven(New Jerusalem, the city of God)? 
It is fulfilled according to Revelation 3:12. 

  •  Revelation 3:12

He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name.

End of the Churches, End of the Age, Harvest, and Peace

2014년 10월 24일 금요일

Warfare in the Bible

What is the Warfare in the Bible?

Warfare in the New Testament

The Bible speaks about battles throughout the history: the battle between the worlds of Noah and Adam (the floods), the battle between Moses' world of Israel and Noah's world of Canaan, the battle between the first coming Jesus and the Physical Israelites, and the battle today between Shincheonji, the new heaven and new earth, and the Spiritual Israelites that have become spiritual Babylon. 

The pastors who testified about the battle in the New Testament being a worldly war are false pastors. 

The warfare in the New Testament is a religious and a doctrinal battle (Rv 12). 

2014년 10월 23일 목요일

If you don't recognize??

When the promise happen, how can we???

About Adding and Taking Away from Revelation

Main reference: Jn 14:29

 Revelation is the summary of the promise God made in the New Testament. God made this promise so that when it does happen we will believe (Jn 14:29).

Just as Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament at the First Coming (Jn 19:30), he also fulfills the New Testament at the Second Coming (Rv 21:6). 

If you don't recognize when the fulfillment takes place, how can you believe in it?

  • Jn 14:29 
I have told you now before 
it happens, so that when 
it does happen you will believe.

2014년 10월 22일 수요일

The Truth

God's Word is truth!

Main reference: John 17:17

Jesus said, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (Jn 8:32). The truth is God’s Word (Jn 17:17). One can avoid destruction by perceiving and knowing the promised words of the New Testament, and such a person is able to escape from where he is kept as the enemy’s captive. Without the word of truth, which is the light, it is only a dark night. The night refers to the darkness that people cannot see, the time people sleep. Peace comes by being saved through the truth.

As it says that “the Word in the beginning” is life and the light, when one is born again through the Word in the beginning, he also becomes the Word, like God and Jesus. One must first have the Word for God to be with him and to be guided by God. Truly blessed is the one who is guided by God; he does not fall into death, but reaches eternal life.

The True Meaning of God’s Love

             ● John 17:17
Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.

2014년 10월 21일 화요일

The Word in the Bible

Biblical Knowledge

♣ Main reference: Hos 4:1, Jn 1:1

The Word since the beginning is referred to as “the Way,” (Jn 1:1), because it is the path to heaven. 

Just as there are laws (national and international laws) in this world, there are laws in the kingdom of heaven as well—the Holy Bible (refer to Jn 12:48; Rv 20:12). Just as there are people who are knowledgeable and who are ignorant in the world, there are those who are knowledgeable and those who are ignorant in the world of faith as well.  God said, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge,” (Hos 4:6). This knowledge is referring to the knowledge of the words in the Bible (Hos 4:1, Jn 1:1 the Word was God).  

That is why if the one, due to his lack of Biblical knowledge, adds or takes away from Revelation he will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.  Thus, if you does not know, you must learn!

   The Words of Promise, Their Meanings, 
and Biblical Knowledge

   ● Hos 4:1
Hear the word of the Lord , You children of Israel, For the Lord  brings a charge against the inhabitants of the land: 
There is no truth or mercy Or knowledge of God in the land.

   ● Jn 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2014년 10월 20일 월요일

Who Are Heretics?

In the Bible, 
Heretics are ...

Do you believe in Jesus?
Then, why won't you believe in what is fulfilled according to the promise in the Bible?   

If you truly believes in Jesus and his words, you must be surely believe in what is fulfilled according to the promise? 

As Satan's pastors also sowed their seeds in the field (church) that Jesus sowed his seed, the two types of seeds grew together in Jesus' field up until the last days of the world. Because only the wheat, meaning those who were born with God's seed, were harvested at the time of harvest, only the seeds of the devil, the weeds, remain in the church (Mt 13:24-30). The weeds are referred to as the sons of the devil (Mt 13:38-39), who are the pastors and the congregation members who belong to them; they are not harvested, and they are the only ones remaining as the weeds (the sons of the devil born from the seeds of the devil). Just because such people call the harvested wheat "heretics," do they really become heretics? True heretics are the weeds, the sons of the devil.

True heretics are the pastors and the congregation members who are not harvested
Shincheonji, The New Heaven and the New Earth that Are Newly-Created, 
and the First Heaven and the First Earth that Passed Away

2014년 10월 19일 일요일


Who will attain Salvation?

The Lamp and Oil to Receive Jesus at His Second Coming

Those who do not have the light(Word, Jn 1:1~5) will get destroyed 
Those who become like the light of the day will attain salvation.

Today, at the time of the Second Coming, anyone involved in the acts of persecution and cursing is a pastor of Satan. 
Such actions serve as the evidence that they are a part of Satan’s people. 
It is only those who believe and keep the word of promise whom will attain salvation. 

We, Shincheonji, pray for all to believe and be saved.

2014년 10월 18일 토요일

The Destination Of A Believer

Shincheonji, The Destination Of Life Of Faith

♣ Main reference: Jn 1:1, Rev 3:12

Where to go??
Do you know where to go?

As can be seen in the Bible, where should the believers go to be saved? They must go to where God, Jesus, and heaven are. Where are God and heaven, and where should the believers go? What is the way to heaven? The word since the beginning is the way (Jn 1:1). 
We must follow the Word as our way. After a certain event, then after another, and another, God and heaven are there. If you deny the way of the Word, how can you know the way? Go to Siloam, open your eyes and see (refer to Jn 9:7). Then you will see. Without the one who overcomes of Revelation chapters 2, 3, and 12 (the Promised Pastor), there will never be salvation for all of humanity. 
Satan is the one who opposes this, and there is salvation for those who accept this. 

God and heaven are in Rv 3:12. 
Why don't you find out in the Bible?
Can you find and come to that place? This is the promised kingdom, our hope, and heaven where God is. This is the destination of life of faith--it is where God purposed.

Persecution at the First and Second Comings

2014년 10월 17일 금요일

The Reasons Of The Persecution

Persecution At The First Comings

The world that God, the Lord of Creation, (Gn 6:1-7) left has been under the control of the serpent (Satan) until today (Gn 1:1-Rv 22:21). God did His work in order to save humanity that has fallen into sin by sending prophets in each of the eras, but Satan killed and persecuted them through his own pastors, each and every time.

Why did he(the Satan) persecute and kill?
Why did they(the pastors of the Satan) persecute and kill? 
What's the reasons of the persecution?

The Reasons of persecution at the First Coming of Jesus.

     1. He does not keep the Sabbath (Mt 12; Jn 5:1-16).

     2. He calls God his own father (Jn 5:18).

     3. He deceives others (Lk 23:2).

     4. He asserts eternal life (Jn 8:51-59).

     5. He is demon-possessed (Jn 8:52).

     6. He is a plague (Acts 24:5).

     7. He calls himself a king (Jn 19:18-22).

     8. He is a heretic (Acts 24:5).

...... among others.

Persecution at the First and Second Comings

2014년 10월 16일 목요일

The Prophesied Promised Pastor

The Prophesied Promised Pastor

The Prophesied Promised Pastor

Who is the Prophet of this Era?

Main reference: Deu 18:21~22

In every era, God appointed a prophet. He then gave the revelation to that prophet and had him make known all things.

Jesus chooses a pastor and fulfills what he promised in the New Testament, just like the times of Moses and Jesus. As a result of this, physical entities of the fulfillment will appear. These physical entities are the evidence for us to know the promised pastor (refer to Dt 18:22). 

Even a false pastor claims himself as a promised pastor to get on the believers’ good side, but the evidence that he is not the promised pastor is that he is not able to testify about how the prophecies of the New Testament are fulfilled.

※ Deu 18:21~22
You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord ?” If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.

2014년 10월 15일 수요일

The Importance of The Prophecies

Why do we must know the prophecies?

Main reference: Jn 14:29

◈ The content of the Bible into four parts: 

1. history 
2. moral instructions 
3. prophecies 
4. fulfillment  

The prophecies are mostly written in parables, for they are the secrets of heaven.  
It is written that if one does not perceive these parables, he will become an outsider and not receive atonement for his sins (Mk 4:11-12).

A believer must know the prophecies, in other words, the words of promise, and their meanings, so that when the prophecies fulfill, he can believe in them and act accordingly to receive salvation.

The Words of Promise, Their Meanings, and Biblical Knowledge

2014년 10월 14일 화요일

Jesus' Second Coming

 Jesus' Second Coming

God and the Second Coming of Jesus

Apostle Paul describes Jesus' Second Coming in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. When Jesus comes, believers will be gathered to him. However, certain things must take place before he returns. As it is recorded "to not become easily unsettled or alarmed, whether it be through spirit, word, or letter saying that the Lord has come." Also, there were warnings saying that the savior does not come until the event of betrayal and the sons of destruction appear. This means that betrayal and destruction must come first before the Second Coming of Jesus.  

Do you know the event 'betrayal and destruction must come first before the Second Coming of Jesus'?

2014년 10월 13일 월요일

The Signs of Jesus’ Coming

The Signs of the Second Coming of Jesus

<God and the Second Coming of Jesus>

Matthew chapter 24 records the signs of Jesus’ coming and of the end of the age. Jesus said, "First they will deceive you and many will turn away from the faith. At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it. This is what false prophets and antichrists say" (Mt 24:1-5, 23-24). 
He also said, “See, I have told you ahead of time.” (Mt 24:25). 

So how will Jesus come then? As lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so would be the coming of the Son of Man (Mt 24:27), meaning that Jesus comes in the spirit. Jesus further explained the sign of his Second Coming and the end of the age, saying that 'there will be war in the temple with the gentile who will destroy the chosen people and stand in the holy place, and the sun, moon, and stars will darken and fall (the destruction of the chosen people).' At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory (Mt 24:15-22, 29-31). 

This means that Jesus will come after the signs regarding his coming appear. Jesus comes with the angels and harvests from all directions (Mt 24:31).  This is the way and the signs of Jesus’ coming.

Do you understand the signs of the second coming of Jesus? 
If these signs are hard for you, you should study to the word! 
You ought to cast away arrogance and learn the word!!   

2014년 10월 12일 일요일

The Identity of The Serpent

The Real Identity of 'The Serpent', in Gen 3:1

What kind of animal is the serpent, the beast created by God? (Gen 3:1)

According to Rv 12:9 and Rv 20:2, the serpent is the dragon, the devil, and Satan. Jesus referred to the Pharisees who were ruling over Jerusalem as snakes in Mt 23:33. In addition, the dragon gave his throne and authority to the beast with seven heads and ten horns in Rev 13. The identities of this beast, in fact, were the pastors of Babylon and of the world who have seized the ecclesiastical authority according to Rev 17. Babylon was the kingdom of demons that fed people with the wine of adulteries in Rev 18. The kingdom of gods is not the kingdom of the world, but it is referring to a denomination. Considering this, the serpent symbolizes a pastor who has become one with the spirit of Satan. It symbolizes a person. If this serpent was a literal serpent, how could he have talked to people? Why would people believe in the serpent’s words instead of believing in God’s word?

 If you look at Ezk 28:12~14, the serpent, that is, Satan, was one of the cherubs in the Garden of Eden. Four cherubs were the four living creatures, and the four living creatures were the archangels who were positioned before God’s throne as well as in the north, south, east, and west. The angels who belong to these archangels are symbolized as many eyes—spirits or angels (Rev 4:6; Rev 5:6). The fallen cherub was a perfect seal full of wisdom. 
He was adorned with precious jewels, and he was someone appointed by God. This is why Eve was deceived by him. He was God’s creature, the wild animal, the serpent, in Gen 3:1.

<The real identities of The figurative tree of life & the tree of the knowledge of good and evil>

Gen 3:1 
Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals(beasts) the Lord God had made.

Ezk 28:12-14.
“Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre, and say to him, ‘Thus says the Lord God : “You were the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, Beryl, onyx, and jasper, Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes Was prepared for you on the day you were created. “You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

The Real Identities of 
'the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil'

What is 'the tree of the knowledge of good and evil'? 

What is the real identities of 'the tree of the knowledge of good and evil'?

It is not a literal tree, but a spirit and people who betrayed God. 

If you examine the book of Jude and 2 Pt 2, both make references to the angels who betrayed and the people who betrayed here on earth. At the first coming of Jesus, Satan fell like lightning from heaven and entered into Judas, and he became someone who opposed [God] (Lk 10:18; Jn 13:2). Furthermore, the king of Babylon, the kingdom of demons, Nebuchadnezzar, was represented by a huge tree in Dn 4. It had abundant fruit, and birds (evil spirits) rested on it branches. Wild animals found the tree to be their shelter. This Babylon, in fact, was the organization of Satan that fed God’s churches, which are all nations, with the wine of adulteries, and that caused all nations to collapse, just as seen in Rv 17, Rv 18, and Rv 13. 

Considering these, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil represents the spirit of wickedness that betrayed as well as the people who betrayed.  

<The real identities of The figurative tree of life 
& the tree of the knowledge of good and evil>

2014년 10월 10일 금요일

Shincheonji and CCK

CCK is declaring War
Shincheonji is declaring Peace

CCK loves money and likes to persecute, Shincheonji... 


The Churches in Korea and Corruption

CCK accepts and tolerates the churches of those who reject Jesus and call him the devil.  
I wonder when another group will split from CCK again.  
Because of these occurrences CCK is rapidly decreasing in number. 

 Although Shincheonji Church of Jesus is not bribing the politicians or the CCK, it is rapidly increasing because they have God and the blessings from God.  It is because God and His Word is at Shincheonji, and God and His words are greater than money.  When a pastor and church has no word, it is evidence that God is not there; the heaven’s doors have shut that the revelation cannot be delivered.  It is a blessing to be on the side that receives persecution and not belong to CCK (Mt 5:11-12).
They love money and love to persecute; whether it was in the past or in the present times such love for money and the tendency to persecute are absurd.   Why does CCK torture us for not becoming one with the former world of lawlessness that will pass away (refer to Rv 21:1)?  
They belong to the world but we belong to heaven and not the world.  Isn’t this the reason they are declaring war against us and persecuting us the same way the Jews persecuted the prophets and apostles at the First Coming?  God commanded us to not become one with them.  And He commanded us to bring out His people who are under them Rv 17:14, Rv 18:4.  Who must we listen to? 

God is creating a kingdom of peace and reigning over the world (Rv 19:6).  The one born of the earth will return to the earth, but those born in heaven will go to heaven. This is the principle of nature (truth) that fulfills according to the Bible. They too will become the people of heaven living in paradise with the eternal new life if they are born again with the God’s seed of heaven, get harvested, and get sealed.  Amen! 

CCK declared War! 
But on the other hand, Shincheonji declared Peace!!

2014년 10월 9일 목요일

The Revelation and Commentaries

The Bible and commentaries

The Christian Council of Korea (CCK) abandoned God and belongs to the world.  They are oppressing the believers with their worldly authority. 

The word of God is offensive to them (Jer 6:10). They exercise their authority and consider their books of commentaries they have made as their bible.  They block their congregation members from being harvested to Shincheonji.  They condemn Shincheonji as a cult while giving the excuse that they are the victims facing the loss from the harvest. 

They say, “Because our congregation members are going to Shincheonji for the revealed word, let us also teach Revelation.” So they have made their own commentary books on Revelation, but these have become books of lies filled with absurdly incorrect explanations.

<The Walk in Faith of the World 
that Does Not Believe>

Commentaries, on the other hand, are interpretations of the scriptures that pastors speak of their own accord. There is only one Bible, but there are hundreds of different commentaries that vary widely in terms of content. Does any commentary give a perfect explanation of the Bible?
There is only one God and one Bible!

2014년 10월 8일 수요일

The Love For Money Of CCK

The love for money is sweeping across CCK

The Churches in Korea and Corruption

Now, let us eval‍uate the walk in faith of those in the Christian Council of Korea (CCK).  

The Korean Christian Media Association Forum (Ep. 7 of Christian Media Forum, April 24, 2008) revealed that CCK’s root is the Presbyterian Church, and the root of the Presbyterian Church is the Church of Calvin who murdered many people.  We cannot equate the Church of Calvin with the Church of Jesus.

Like King Solomon (1Kgs 11) and the event of Revelation 13, the CCK of the Presbyterian Church bowed and worshiped the Japanese emperor during the Japanese colonization.  This is a testimony from the Koshin Church (the Koshin Church is a denomination that split from the mainline Presbyterian denomination in Korea as they resisted the shrine worship during the Japanese colonization.)

CCK has not acted in love, forgiveness, and blessings according to God’s command, but has cursed, slandered, persecuted, and declared war against others.  Shincheonji is acting in love, forgiveness, blessings, and declaring peace and the cessation of war.  Which side has salvation and peace?

CCK exchanges their leadership positions with money, purchases and sells their titles, and some simply pay to be ordained as a pastor.  The love for money is sweeping across CCK.  Have you read 1 Tim 6:10?

Are such actions done according to the truth from heaven or are these the actions of the devil?  Out of their love for money they are now splitting into two’s and three’s and labeling each other as cults.  Is this orthodoxy and the light?  What is truly a cult?

2014년 10월 7일 화요일

The Time Of The Harvest

Harvest and Sickles

What is the sickles in the time of the harvest?

Those who harvest are Jesus and angels.
They harvest with sickles. Then what's the sickles in the time of the harvest?

According to Matthew 24:29-31, Luke 13:28-30, and Revelation 14:14-16), those who harvest are Jesus and angels. 

They harvest with sickles, which symbolize flesh. In other words, the Lord uses people (who have the Word) to harvest; the ones who harvest are both spirit and flesh. Because Jesus and angels are spirits, they harvest a flesh that is born of God’s seed. This is why they use a flesh (a sickle) to harvest.

This is the time of the harvest, and the time of the creation of a new kingdom, Shincheonji. 

<God’s Seed, Abraham’s Seed, and the Gentiles>

2014년 10월 6일 월요일

The Importance Of Seed

Those who are Born of God’s Seed

God’s Seed, Abraham’s Seed, and the Gentiles

Main references: Jn 1:13

Those who are born of God’s seed are not born of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God (Jn 1:13).

Everyone born of God’s seed have the image of God.

They bear the resemblance of God’s image and likeness.

The seed of the new covenant was sown, and it grew for the last 2,000 years (proclaiming of the gospel). Jesus returns to harvest the fruit of the seed of God that was sown.

John 1:13 
Who were born, 
not of blood, 
nor of the will of the flesh, 
nor of the will of man, 
but of God

2014년 10월 5일 일요일

The Cause of Suffering and of Death

Healing of our Suffering and of Death

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What is this fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that has caused so much suffering and death for the past 6,000 years?

No one has ever seen this tree, nor has anyone ever been able to offer the true explanation of this tree and its fruit. Do the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the serpent, Adam and Eve’s nakedness, and their garments symbolize something or should they be literally understood? Were the plants and animals God created clothed? Did they feel shame in front of one another? Before this incident, Adam had become a living being, in other words a living spirit. If he was naked, why did he only realize it after eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? What is the fruit of this tree? Did God give this same choice to the animals? The concept of nakedness makes no sense unless some piece of clothing has been removed. What were Adam and Eve wearing before they were found to be naked? What did they remove? Why has humanity suffered the punishment of death for 6,000 years just for knowing what it means to be naked?

We must understand the meaning of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the meaning of nakedness. Healing can begin only when we know the cause of our suffering and of death. Let us look to the Bible to learn the spiritual meanings of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, nakedness, and clothing.

<The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, nakedness, and clothes>

2014년 10월 4일 토요일

The Time of the Highest Truth

The time for humanity to receive the highest truth

  • The process of revealing God’s theology like the life of a student: 

  1. Kindergarten: Adam’s generation 
  2. Elementary School: Noah’s generation 
  3. Middle School: Moses generation 
  4. High School: Jesus’ first coming
  5. University: Jesus’ second coming (the time of Revelation) 

It is at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment that God finally bestows the highest truth upon the world (Rv 10; Rv 2:17; Mt 24:45-47). God spoke through Jesus at the time of the first coming. “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear,” (Jn 16:12). Jesus also said that he would no longer use figurative language when the Counselor, the spirit of truth, comes. The spirit of truth is a holy spirit who brings God’s word. This spirit of truth comes in the name of Jesus and dwells within a person (Jn 14:26; Rv 10).

The Counselor, the spirit of truth, comes in the name of Jesus (Jn 14:26), and the person in whom the spirit of the Counselor dwells comes in the name of the Counselor. Since Jesus came in the name of God, seeing Jesus was the same as seeing God (Jn 14:8-10). In the same way, since the Counselor comes in the name of Jesus, seeing the Counselor is the same as seeing Jesus. The spirit of Jesus dwells in that person (Rv 3:12, 21; Rv 22:16; Jn 14:26). Believing the words of that person who comes in the name of the Counselor is the same as believing Jesus.

Since the physical fulfillment of the prophecies is being testified at the time of the second coming, people are able to see face to face instead of seeing only the figurative language (Jn 16:25; 1 Cor 13:10-12). This is why the time of Revelation’s fulfillment is the time when God’s highest truth of the past 6,000 years of God’s work is proclaimed.

Mere flesh is ignorant of God’s words. It will be difficult for them to understand and believe in the physical fulfillment of the prophecies even if they hear the testimony over and over again. Those who see and believe the physical fulfillment, however, will be given the best blessing of the truth and they will receive salvation.

<The time for humanity to receive the highest truth>