The obligation of the saints
Source: Shinceonji(Shinchonji:old) cafe

Just as the Old Testament was fulfilled, the New Testament will be all fulfilled at the Lord’s second coming. After Jesus breaks and opens (Rv 6, Rv 8) the seals of the sealed scroll (Rv 5), he allows one person (the promised pastor, New John) in Rv 10 to receive and eat it.
Furthermore, after Jesus fulfills all of the New Testament (the events of the entire book of Revelation), he shows the entire fulfillment and make it known to this one person (Rv 22:8).
Jesus chooses this person (a pastor), who has eaten the revealed scroll and has seen all the physical fulfillment of the entire book of Revelation, and sends him to the churches as his messenger to testify to them what he has seen and heard (Rv 22:16).
Is it not the obligation of the saints to believe in these promises?
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