How to distinguish those who
belong to God and those who
belong to Satan in the bible
Source: Shincheonji cafe
Source: Shincheonji cafe

These are the actions of those who belong to God and those who belong to the devil: those who persecute belong to the devil, but those who receive persecution belong to God.
The one born of the Word from the beginning knows the word, but the weeds—the sons born of the devil—do not have God's word and are filled with men's teachings. They do not show up when we ask to hold an open debate (on Bible), in fear their realities might be revealed. They love honor, authority, and money. More than hearing God’s word of promise, they love to hear things of the world and receive authority from the world. They despise Jesus’ commands to forgive, love, and bless. They torture others by insulting, persecuting, cursing, and making lies. They despise the people who act according to God's word, even to the point of wanting to kill them. Jesus said to love your enemies and to feed them if they are hungry (Mt 5:44, Rom 12:20). He also said to go two miles if they force you to go one mile (Mt 5:41). These are the differences.
Shincheonji, New Heaven and New Earth is the new world promised by God.
By God, Shincheonji, "New Heaven and New Earth" is the new world promised in the Bible. (Refer Isa 65:17, 66:22, Rev 21:1 2Pet 3:13)
However, Who are you who Persecutes Shincheonji promised by God in the Bible?
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