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<God, the Bible, and Me>

Learn from Shincheonji: God, the Bible, and Me
▲God's desire, Hos 6:6 in the Bible▲
Main references: Hos 6:6, Jn 14:29
- Hos 6:6
“For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burn offerings.”
Who is God? God is self-existent. His name is Jehovah, and he is spirit (Ex 3:13-15; Jn 4:24). God is the creator of the heavens and earth. He is the origin of all blessings and the father of all creation. He is a living being (Gn 1).
God created Adam and Eve as his creatures, but they were deceived by the serpent. As a result, all things in heaven and on earth became the possessions of a mere creature (the serpent = the dragon = Satan = the devil: Rv 12:9, Rv 20:2). God also had to leave mankind (Gn 3, Gn 6). Would there be any greater mortification than what God had to go through in this way? God had to retrieve what he had lost. He deserves happiness by restoring all things in heaven and on earth and mankind, who has fallen into death (refer to 1 Cor 15:27-28).
The Old and New Testaments, the Bible, were given to us through the prophets so that such facts could be made known to the world. The scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35). God promised what he would fulfill in the future, and he has been fulfilling all his promises accordingly (Jn 19:30; Rv 21:6). It was also noted to us that no one must add to or subtract from Revelation in the New Testament (Rv 22:18-19), and that it was given to us, so that when it happens, we will believe (Jn 14:29).
God established promises with Abraham in Gn 15. Four generations, after the descendants of Abraham went to Egypt, God fulfilled his promises to Abraham through Moses. God also established promises with the Old Testament prophets. Roughly about 600 years later, God fulfilled them through Jesus. The promises in the New Testament have also been fulfilled, today, at the time of Revelation (Rv 21:6). The Lord told us prophecies in advance, so that when they happen, we will believe (Jn 14:29). We, therefore, must see the embodiment of the prophecies (the physical realities) and believe in them.
The prophets of old were persecuted, as it was written in Acts 7:51-53 and Mt 5:11-12. Likewise, persecution continues even today. Those who persecute others are the pastors of Satan, just like Adam, who betrayed the Lord. Such people shout as if they were the orthodox pastors of God, but on the inside, they are filled with the spirits of the devil and untruth. These are the ones who killed the prophets and the apostles. They faced death in their attempt to pass the word of God on to us. How can we say that we are true believers, if we disregard the Bible, which they gave us under such circumstances? If we neglect the Bible, will we be able to live in heaven with them, who were martyred for our sake? (refer to Rv 20:4-6) Everyone must strive to know the Bible so that they can understand the meaning of the Bible and act according to it.
Learn from Shincheonji:
God, the Bible, and Me
Source: Shincheonji cafe
- Jn 14:29
I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.
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