2016년 12월 14일 수요일

Shincheonji Bible: Betrayal and Rebellion

Have you ever felt betrayed in your life?

More than anything in this world, betrayal is the worst of many things that can happen.
Why is betrayal such a bad thing within this world? Before we say "it can happen," let us remember the time we have felt betrayed the most.

We must recognize that betrayal is not a joke, but something that truly hurts. We must also remember that betrayal is not committed among just any two individuals or two parties, but from those who are the closest. This is why betrayal hurts and this is something that everyone in the world will face one day or another.

Why is this betrayal being discussed?

The reason is because there is one who has felt the greatest betrayal in all over the world. This being is God.

Let us remember the time of Moses.
During the time of Moses, the Israelites were in slavery for over 400 years. Little did many of them remember that this was part of a promise that God had made with them and further a promise of salvation to a promised land. God did everything he could to keep His promise and the Israelites should have as well. As we all know, Moses was sent by God to free the people from their slavery and many miracles were performed as God wanted to show His people that He is keeping His promise. Many believed at first and that is when we can say God and the Israelites were finally understanding one another and in agreement to do everything as told and promised (Ex 19:8).

However, after a time, the people lost faith in the covenant...They stopped believing that God will keep His promise of bringing them to the promised land.They lost their faith when they could not persevere in waiting for Moses to return from the mountain top of Sinai. At the moment they started to lose their faith, they had started to have the heart of betrayal. What was that betrayal? They built an idol and worshiped it in place of the one who saved them...

God was indeed angry, but moreover, what do you think He must have felt? God felt sorrow as He now had no choice but to judge them for their sins. God does not anyone to die, but instead everyone to live. However once betrayal is committed, God can no longer dwell with those who turn their backs on Him.

If you were in the position of God and you saved hundreds and thousands of people from their misery but later on are betrayed by those very people, how would you have felt?

This is why we must know God's pain. If you know what betrayal feels like would you betray others yourself especially the ones you say you love? If that heart of understanding is true, one will NOT betray. Therefore let us recognize what position we are with God and repent to find the way of being one with Him and help fulfill His purpose!

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