2017년 1월 25일 수요일

Shincheonji Bible: Promise and Faith

The first man, Adam, and Eve returned to dust (Gn 3) and received destruction (Gn 7) because they did not believe in God’s promise (Gn 2:17). Noah’s son, Ham, became cursed (Gn 9:20-27) and was destroyed in Canaan (Jos 9 ~ 10) because he committed the same sin that Adam did (Gn 3:10). The Israelites, the descendants of Abraham who escaped to Canaan from Egypt, were destroyed and went into captivity because they worshipped the Gentile gods again during the days of Solomon (1 Kgs 11).

The Israelites had been keeping the Law, and the first of the Ten Commandments was, “Do not worship any other gods.” God even told the people of Israel, “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” (Jos 1:8). However, neither Adam nor the Israelites kept the Law and as a result, they all received destruction (Hos 6:7). Then, God promised to create a new thing (Jer 31) which, unlike the Law that was given to Moses, was to plant two kinds of seeds. What God did through Jesus was to sow the seed of the New Testament (Mt 13), and Jesus returns to harvest the fruits of that seed (Rv 14:14-16). Jesus seals them and creates the twelve tribes (Rv 7). They are the firstfruits, the 144,000 in Rv 14.

Today, God has shown the greatest power (the fulfillment of Revelation) within the 6,000 years of history of the Bible. However, are you yet to overcome your flesh and are still so short of faith? Will you face the same end like Adam who once started in spirit but ended in flesh (Gal 3:3, ESV)? Why do you not believe, but instead fall into laziness and disregard the promise? What is it that you want? Is it the bread that merely feeds the flesh? What we believe is the promise, and it was given for us to believe when it is fulfilled (Jn 14:29). The holy spirit will drive out those who do not believe or do not participate in the work of harvest. God has been working for 6,000 years to create the twelve tribes of the New Testament, and only the sealed twelve tribes can enter the kingdom of heaven.

I have taught the promise of the New Testament and its fulfilled physical entities for the people to believe them. Let us not be ungrateful. Eternal life, or eternal punishment, is right before our eyes.

2017년 1월 18일 수요일

Shincheonji Bible: True Love

When you think of love, how do you show love?

There are many people in this world who show love in a variety of ways such as with giving, speaking, and even listening.

However, what is true love in the eyes of God and Jesus? According to John 14:15, Jesus says that if you love him you will obey His commands. Then we have to ask ourselves a question a lot of us do not want to hear. What does it mean to obey His commands? First we must ask ourselves what Jesus' commands were. When we look throughout the entire New Testament, we are able to see a lot of the scriptures written in ways that may be difficult to understand. Why is this?

When we look within scriptures, we are able to see that Jesus spoke in a figurative language according to Psalm 78:2. It was a prophecy in regards to Jesus speaking in parables and uttering things hidden from the past. Then the question we should all have is, "How can we obey something we do not understand?" If you asked yourself that question, your heart is in the right direction. For example, if you saw a stop sign and you did not know how to read English, would you be able to keep the stop sign? No it would be impossible. Then how are we as believers supposed to show our love to Jesus if we cannot understand what he is commanding? This is why we must live a life of faith with a heart of searching the answers that Jesus wants us to thirst for.

When we look at the entire New Testament, there is a book that is written in prophecies such as the book of Revelation. This book in the Bible is show to this Apostle John in a figurative vision in which many of the believers today have such a hard time interpreting. More than trying to understand in our own way, we must look and verify through scriptures what these all mean. If we truly say we love Jesus, then shouldn't we put in effort to search out what Jesus meant in all the New Testament? Without a heart of searching, one will never be able to truly be confident to say they love Jesus the way that Jesus wanted to be loved. When a person you love desires something, you always have to remember that it is not the desire you think unless you know them 100%. If you don't know, simply ask. They may be mad that you didn't know, but it is much better than showing them love in the way they do not want. Jesus wants us to understand His heart more than anything else. By us understanding His heart, we are also able to understand God's. Let us make sure we love God the way He desires! Amen!

2017년 1월 17일 화요일

Shincheonji Bible: The End of Age and Faith

The End of Age and Faith
Main Reference: Mt 13:36-43 (Mt 13:24-30, Lk 8:11)
Jesus came in the name of God as the light and sowed the secrets of heaven, the seed of God (Lk 8:11), in the field (church). The devil came to this field and sowed weeds among the wheat. These two types of seeds grew together within one field until the time of harvest. (Mt 13:24-30)
At the time of the harvest, God’s sons born of the good seed are harvested to heaven, and the sons of the devil, those born of weeds, are not harvested but are left to be burned in the field. This time (the time of harvest) is the end of age (Mt 13:36-43). At the end of age, true faith is to believe in the promise of this time (the time of harvest). At this time, there appear those who are harvested and those who are not—they are the physical entities of the fulfillment of promise. According to Mt 13:39 and Rv 14:14-16, the harvesters are the angels and the sharp sickles in the hands of the angels are the congregation members who believe in the Word.
About 2,600 year ago, God promised through Jeremiah in the Old Testament to sow two types of seeds (Jer 31:27). About 2,000 years ago, God sent Jesus to sow the seed as promised. Jesus then promised to return to harvest, and left. Today, about 2,000 years since that time, Jesus came in spirit with the angels to harvest as promised (Rv 14:14-20). He is creating a new kingdom and new people according the promise.
have made known to all the people regarding what I have seen and heard, and what I have done. I have made known regarding harvest, peace, and the creation of the newkingdom and new people.
God prophesied the work of peace (Isa 52:7). Jesus carried out the work of peace as promised (Lk 19:38-42) and said, “Whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do” (Jn 14:12, ESV). This is why I am also doing the work of peace. Jesus said in Mt 7:21, ““Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Thus, I am working according to the will of God and Jesus.
Believers with the same hope in heaven! Whose words do you believe in—God’s words of promise or the words of your pastors? It is written that all nations will have fallen from the wine of adulteries in the last days (Rv 18). One’s path to life can only be found by going to the promised pastor of the New Testament. We must go inside the Word and meet the promised pastor to achieve our hope. Jesus said to see and believe when the promise of the Bible is fulfilled (Jn 14:29).

2017년 1월 11일 수요일

Shincheonji Bible: Why do You Read the Bible?

Often, many people of faith read the scriptures and reflect on what they read that day. Some others post pictures of their bible open with so many highlight marks and it can be appealing to those who don't read the scriptures as much as they would. However in God's eyes, who is the one at fault and who does He look favor upon? Do highlight marks indicate one is closer to God? If someone's bible is falling apart, does that they are closer to God? Not necessarily.

What good would it be if a book is read 1000 times and over with every page marked up, but the reader does not understand? What good is it? In fact it would be better off not to have wasted that much time on the book while trying to understand it with one's own thoughts and imaginations. However what would be the result of someone who reads the book once and it is explained directly by the author what every sentence means? This person would be one who is more knowledgeable than anyone who attempts to read the book.

The Bible is the same. We do not read the Bible to flex how much faith we have nor do we read the scriptures because we want to look good to others. We do not read it for us to feel good nor do we read it to just become a good person in front of God. We must start to read it as a book to KNOW God and His heart. This is a book that has been brought to every single one of us through blood shed and one cannot understand the heart behind this book unless they know the hearts of those who died for it. Furthermore, one cannot fully understand this book unless they have felt the heart of God through the first page and the last. The Bible is not a book to make us do good things, but through the knowledge and understanding of God's heart through every page, one is able to naturally change. For example, when a child understands the heart of their parents by becoming a parent themselves, they change and show gratitude to their parents. It is a matter of now becoming mature with the scriptures and leave the infancy of our hearts. This way God may fully share His heart with you. May we find those who know the heart of God! May we pray to meet those who know the heart of God!