The first man, Adam, and Eve returned to dust (Gn 3) and received destruction (Gn 7) because they did not believe in God’s promise (Gn 2:17). Noah’s son, Ham, became cursed (Gn 9:20-27) and was destroyed in Canaan (Jos 9 ~ 10) because he committed the same sin that Adam did (Gn 3:10). The Israelites, the descendants of Abraham who escaped to Canaan from Egypt, were destroyed and went into captivity because they worshipped the Gentile gods again during the days of Solomon (1 Kgs 11).
The Israelites had been keeping the Law, and the first of the Ten Commandments was, “Do not worship any other gods.” God even told the people of Israel, “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” (Jos 1:8). However, neither Adam nor the Israelites kept the Law and as a result, they all received destruction (Hos 6:7). Then, God promised to create a new thing (Jer 31) which, unlike the Law that was given to Moses, was to plant two kinds of seeds. What God did through Jesus was to sow the seed of the New Testament (Mt 13), and Jesus returns to harvest the fruits of that seed (Rv 14:14-16). Jesus seals them and creates the twelve tribes (Rv 7). They are the firstfruits, the 144,000 in Rv 14.
Today, God has shown the greatest power (the fulfillment of Revelation) within the 6,000 years of history of the Bible. However, are you yet to overcome your flesh and are still so short of faith? Will you face the same end like Adam who once started in spirit but ended in flesh (Gal 3:3, ESV)? Why do you not believe, but instead fall into laziness and disregard the promise? What is it that you want? Is it the bread that merely feeds the flesh? What we believe is the promise, and it was given for us to believe when it is fulfilled (Jn 14:29). The holy spirit will drive out those who do not believe or do not participate in the work of harvest. God has been working for 6,000 years to create the twelve tribes of the New Testament, and only the sealed twelve tribes can enter the kingdom of heaven.
I have taught the promise of the New Testament and its fulfilled physical entities for the people to believe them. Let us not be ungrateful. Eternal life, or eternal punishment, is right before our eyes.