2017년 1월 11일 수요일

Shincheonji Bible: Why do You Read the Bible?

Often, many people of faith read the scriptures and reflect on what they read that day. Some others post pictures of their bible open with so many highlight marks and it can be appealing to those who don't read the scriptures as much as they would. However in God's eyes, who is the one at fault and who does He look favor upon? Do highlight marks indicate one is closer to God? If someone's bible is falling apart, does that they are closer to God? Not necessarily.

What good would it be if a book is read 1000 times and over with every page marked up, but the reader does not understand? What good is it? In fact it would be better off not to have wasted that much time on the book while trying to understand it with one's own thoughts and imaginations. However what would be the result of someone who reads the book once and it is explained directly by the author what every sentence means? This person would be one who is more knowledgeable than anyone who attempts to read the book.

The Bible is the same. We do not read the Bible to flex how much faith we have nor do we read the scriptures because we want to look good to others. We do not read it for us to feel good nor do we read it to just become a good person in front of God. We must start to read it as a book to KNOW God and His heart. This is a book that has been brought to every single one of us through blood shed and one cannot understand the heart behind this book unless they know the hearts of those who died for it. Furthermore, one cannot fully understand this book unless they have felt the heart of God through the first page and the last. The Bible is not a book to make us do good things, but through the knowledge and understanding of God's heart through every page, one is able to naturally change. For example, when a child understands the heart of their parents by becoming a parent themselves, they change and show gratitude to their parents. It is a matter of now becoming mature with the scriptures and leave the infancy of our hearts. This way God may fully share His heart with you. May we find those who know the heart of God! May we pray to meet those who know the heart of God!

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