2017년 3월 2일 목요일

Shincheonji Bible: What is a Promise?

What does a promise mean to you?

When making a promise, do you keep them 100%?

It is very difficult for anyone to make a promise and keep it because we do not see the value. Keeping a promise builds a trust between two parties and it also build faith. When we see an individual keep his promises all the time, that person is seen as reliable, trustworthy, and faithful. This is a person who many people will follow and this is a person many people will want to follow.

Since the first day of God's spiritual and physical creation, God has been keeping His promises with al of His creation, but it is creation that did not keep their promises. Let us look at Adam. Adam was to make sure he doesn't eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and his blessing was that he would be able to rule over all creation. However just as Hosea 6:7 states, Adam broke the covenant and this broke the trust and faith between man and God. Entrusting in the serpent's words, Adam now was bound to sin and sin had entered the world as a result of breaking a simple promise.

Then from this story in the Bible, shouldn't we be ones who make sure we keep every little promise? Shouldn't we keep even the smallest promises with one another and even more so with God?

Let us remember that God wants to be with his people as stated in Revelation 21. Then let us make sure we keep His promises. Then let us first understand His promises and be sure we keep it the way He wants us to keep it.

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