Did you know that there is one thing free of cost that all of mankind has equally received?
As stated in Ephesians 2:8, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God."
We have all received this precious, free gift of grace.
When people receive something that is free of cost, it's difficult to really appreciate the full value of what's given. This is because no amount of effort or work was taken to earn this free gift, which decreases the value of the item. To take this even a step further, some could eventually even be disillusioned into thinking that they actually did something to deserve this gift, when in actuality, they didn't do a thing.
We who are beyond undeserving, we who sin day after day, have been saved because of an act of love from God. There is nothing favorable or impressive that we did to warrant receiving this free gift. This grace is beyond comparable value to any physical thing on this earth, because it is the gift that has spiritually saved us, through the precious blood of one who never sinned, Jesus Christ.
When someone gifts you something incredibly huge, what is a normal person's reaction? Even just saying the words "thank you," is not enough. An average person would try to think of a way to repay this gift, either with a similar gift of value or through actions. Don't our actions have to surpass those of "average" people? We are believers, children of God set apart from this world. Then, we need to work towards repaying this grace in a way that is truly acknowledged by God.
Let us be those who are truly doing the work of God, according to His will, so that we can repay even a tiny percentage of this huge gift of grace that he has saved us with. Amen.