2019년 12월 30일 월요일

Alas! Current Situation of CCK

The Current Situation of CCK,
The Christian Council of Korea

"Hey God, hold up.
You are dead, if you mess with me"

Chairman of Christian Organization Says
"I will kill God" 
Must Resign Now!


In South Korea, many Christians desire to follow God with a pure heart, but they are being led on the wrong path by Pastor Jeon Gwang-hoon, the President of the Christian Council of Korea, an organization that represents many South Korean churches.

Pastor Jeon Gwang-hoon
Pastor Jeon Gwang-hoon said "if God messes with me, He's dead."
This pastor, a man, thinks that he can raise himself above the eternal God and threaten God. A pastor like this cannot be allowed to lead other Christians and be a President of a Christian organization while disrespecting the holy God.

Christian Council of Korea
The leaders of CCK must also be held accountable for their crimes in finance, harassment and coercive conversion.
To protect the faith of God's people, sign this petition and call on Pastor Jeon Gwang-hoon to resign and for the Christian Council of Korea (CCK) to be shut down immediately.

※ The Barbarism of CCK, it will help you to understand CCK http://subdue-it.blogspot.com/2018/02/sadness-that-goes-beyond-words.html

■ Articles on Pastor Jeon Gwang-hoon
2) The Economist 11/28/2019https://www.economist.com/asia/2019/11/28/protestant-evangelicals-in-south-korea-wield-outsize-political-power
3) Teller Report
- 12/12/2019
- 7/29/2019https://www.tellerreport.com/life/2019-07-29---kwang-hoon-jeon--long-term-delinquent-.SysrbTofS.html

■ Korean Media Articles
1) Korea Times 8/16/2019https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2019/08/356_274055.html
Anti-gov't rallies awash with hate speech

댓글 5개:

  1. Good article. 35,550 signatures and counting calling for the resignation of Pastor Jeon and the shutdown of the CCK. Please add yours here 👉http://chng.it/jXPpLxcK

  2. それでも教会なのに神様にそんな言葉はちょっと...

  3. CCK previously had a large number of saints, but that number is gradually decreasing. CCK does not admit to its fault.

  4. 神様を信じる牧者が神様に言う方分かりにくい。。

  5. I learned that politics and religion should be separated, but why does the pastor get involved in politics?
