The creation and re-creation of the earth

According to Genesis, God created the heavens and the earth in six days.
Then, on the seventh day, God rested from all his work and blessed that day (Gn 1:1-2:3).
There are two types of creation: spiritual and physical.
We must also consider the process of re-creation. The steps of spiritual creation
and re-creation are as follows:

1. Selection of a pastor
2. Creation of a kingdom
3. Making a covenant with the chosen people
4. Breaking of the covenant by the chosen people
5. Destruction of the chosen people by gentiles
6. Selection of a new pastor
7. Judgement of the betrayers and destroyers
8. Salvation
9. Creation of a new kingdom
10. Making a new covenant
11. Rest and blessings

Moses wrote Gn 1 roughly 2,500 years after Adam (Gn 2).
The process of creation described in Gn 1, is actually the process of spiritual re-creation.
It is described figuratively using references to specific aspects of nature.
Evidence for this way of understanding Gn 1 can be found in Jer 4, 1 Thes 5, Jn 8, Jn 12, and Rv 21.

After God created Adam, he chose a pastor in each subsequent generation to re-create his kingdom. Adam was chosen first, but God later worked through
Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, and Jesus at the time of his first coming.
Why, then, did Jesus work on the seventh day of the week? Although the Jews could not see it,
hey were in error because they did not know the scriptures or the power of God (Mt 22:29).
God did rest after the work of creation, but God had been forced to re-create the world because of Adam’s sin. The creation started with Adam, but later went to Noah, Moses, and others.
Doesn’t Hebrews say that if nothing was wrong with the first covenant, there would have been no need for another (Heb 8:7)? Re-creation was necessary because the first covenant was broken.
This is also what Paul was talking about in Heb 4 when he said the following:


The repeated process of re-creation and rest will surely come to an end
when Revelation is finally finished (Rv 21:6).
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