Do you know the figurative meaning?
Genesis Chapter 1
♣ First day (GE 1:1-5)
1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep,
and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
3. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
4. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
5. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.”
and there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Let’s take a look at the figurative meanings of this passage.
There is no passage saying, God created the heaven and the earth on the first day.
What, then, is the empty and formless earth?
What is the dark sky?
When did God create the waters, which He was hovering over?

On the first day, the earth, sky, and waters are already recorded in the scripture without being said that God created them.
It also says God creates the light from the face of the waters.
What happened to the earth that it became empty and formless? Why did the sky go dark?
Why did God create the light from the face of the waters? The earth, sky, and waters already existed, these elements were not said to be created.
There was light but there is nothing saying the sun was created.
The literal sun, moon, and stars are not on the surface of the waters, but they are in the physical sky. The scripture states, however, God was hovering over the waters and created light there.
This obviously does not make sense if it is understood physically.

When the scripture states that God created the heavens and the earth, it does not mean that God reated them for the first time.
The earth is figuratively referring to flesh (those who were formed out of the soil, Gn 2:7), and thus, when a person thoughts are mixed (with other doctrines), it can be described as the earth being mixed or formless. Furthermore, a person’s heart is likened unto a temple of the spirit of God (1 Cor 3:16).
If the spirit of God leaves the person’s heart, then the heart of that person becomes empty. This is the status of the earth being empty.
What does it mean that the darkness was over the surface of the deep?
The chosen people of God are the figurative sun, moon, and stars, who belong to heaven.
If they fall from heaven and return to mere flesh, then it becomes the condition of being darkness. They began with the holy spirit, but they returned to mere flesh by some other force (Gal 3:3).

The scripture also describes how the spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
The waters are not physical waters, but they symbolize the world (Dn 7:3, 17).
God was hovering over the waters in order to find a light in the world. Having found the light, means having found the person with the word of light (the pastor with the truth).

The light appears in the midst of darkness, and there is a scripture which says, “There was evening, and there was morning.” In other words, God chooses a person with the truth like light from among the people whose hearts and spirits have gone dark, due to their ignorance (1 Thes 5:4-8).
Selection of a person is the first thing God does when he begins the work of re-creation.

This can be proved by several passages in the Bible such as Jeremiah 4, 1 Thessalonians 5 John 1:1-5, John 12:46, Matthew 24, and Revelation 6. These passages contain things hidden from the creation of the world, and Jesus has revealed them through the parables. Please examine these references for yourselves.
(The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji)
God is the Lord of all creation. God creates his world (initial creation), but when that world becomes corrupt, he re-creates another world (re-creation). The creation during Moses’ time occurred after the times of Adam and Noah.
God figuratively uses the creation of the physical world to explain the spiritual creation.
The reason why God uses metaphors and figurative language, to refer to the spiritual creation, is because it contains the secrets of the kingdom of heaven.
God spoke to Moses, and Moses recorded what he had heard from God in Gn 1. Even in Gn 1, there are hidden things according to Ps 78. Jesus explained these hidden things through the parables at the first coming (Mt 13:34-35), and promised to let them be revealed at an appointed time (Jn 16:25).
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