When he, The Chosen Promised Pastor with the Spirit of truth comes.....what? how? why?
Jesus will send Counselor to us......just, just, just
the Chosen Promised Pastor with the Spirit of truth.

Source : http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/248
The text: Jn 16:8-15
In every generation, there was a pastor who was chosen by God.
In the New Testament, who, when, and where is the promised pastor?
What God was promised to Abraham ==>> chose Moses and through him fulfilled .
What God fulfilled through Moses, was previously spoken
to His people, the Israelites, before it was fulfilled.

What was previously spoken through the Old Testament prophets==>>
Jesus was chosen (Lk 9:35) to fulfill the prophecies and testify .

The prophecies of the New Testament were prophesied through Jesus and His disciples==>>
at the time of the second coming, one pastor (the one who overcomes) is chosen,
shown the events of the fulfillment and told to testify what was seen and heard to the world.
In each of the different generations, there are pastors of prophecy who speak of the future,
but there is also a pastor who testifies to what was seen and heard.
The second of these two is the promised pastor, whom God has chosen.
Prophecies are told in advance, so that the fulfillment can be believed in at the time
they are seen and fulfilled (Jn 14:29).
The prophecies of the New Testament (gospel of the kingdom of heaven) that will be fulfilled,
is made known to the whole world as a testimony to all nations (Mt 24:14). When the gospel
of the kingdom of heaven is spread to all nations, then the end will come, the Lord will return
and fulfill the promised prophecies (Mt 24:29-31).
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