Stop your evil deeds and repent! Judge for yourself who are the true cult that interpret the Bible on their own
Stop your evil deeds and repent! Don't blame cult on Shinchonji! ~ Judge for yourself who are the true cult that interpret the Bible on their own!!
The founder of the Presbyterian Church is Calvin,
but the founder of the Shinchonji Church of Jesus is Jesus.
Please judge for yourself who are the true cult that interpret the bible on their own.
Matthew 15 shows us how the argument took place between Jesus and the elders at that time.
The elders insisted on their traditions, but Jesus proclaimed God’s commandments.
In the same way today, the conversion education program (itself in accordance with the traditions of Calvin and his Presbyterian Church), has clashed with the revealed words of God coming from Shinchonji Church of Jesus. Which teaching truly comes from the will of God?
Where do you think salvation can be found?
Which of these two groups is cult? Which is orthodox?
Jesus bore the cross for our sins.
In spite the tremendous love Jesus has shown us through the forgiveness of our sins, Calvin’s Presbyterian Church as it exists in Korea broke the commandment of God when they bowed down to the Japanese emperor (Ex 20:3-5).

Can this claim be considered orthodox?
Isn’t it too a lie?
They should even repent for claiming to be orthodox.
In addition, Calvin’s Presbyterian Church in Korea has been labeling the Shinchonji Church of Jesus a cult.
Shouldn’t they also repent for calling us a cult?
If they want any kind of conversion to take place, it should be people of the Presbyterian Church of Calvin converting to the true Church of Jesus.
If they repent and convert themselves to the Church of Jesus, and if they are born again of the revealed word (i.e. the water and the spirit), then they will obtain salvation.
Repent! Repent!! Repent!!!
Apostle Paul declared in Gal 1 that he had abandoned the knowledge he had gained in the world.
He also claimed to be teaching people with the revealed word from above.
He stated that even the angels of heaven would be eternally condemned if they were to preach a gospel other than the one the apostles preached (Gal 1:8).
Therefore, the Presbyterian Church must stop following the unbiblical traditions of their elders.
They should stop reciting the phrase “Dae-gae” from the Korean Lord’s Prayer since it is not in the Bible. They should stop reciting the Apostle’s Creed because it contains several false doctrines.
They should also stop trying to convert people to the Presbyterian Church. Instead, they should learn the revealed word of Jesus in an effort to be born again.
They should stop persecuting, cursing, criticizing, murdering, deceiving people, and destroying innocent families.
The Presbyterian Church and its conversion education program has led its people to persecute and confine their own family members just for attending the Church of Jesus.
These innocents were forced to abandon their families to avoid this harsh persecution.
The forced conversion education programs of the Presbyterian Churches in Korea have pushed innocent victims to give up their jobs and education.
They have suppressed people using their ecclesiastical authority and by making up lies.
They have also blamed Shinchonji for their own sins.
They have blamed their evils on Shinchonji.
These actions that they have carried out must be stopped.
They should make an effort to learn the truth and repent for their sins.
We, Shinchonji, in SCJ earnestly pray to the Lord that they will stop their lies and learn to speak only true and beautiful words.
One more time, stop your evil deeds and repent! Don't blame cult on Shinchonji! ~
Judge for yourself who are the true cult that interpret the Bible on their own!
Come and you will see!
Where? ho ho ho ... over here ↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘ Shinchonji~
"Ask, Seek, Knock!" and then you will be given, find, be opend to you!
Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Q : Why? Why is the kingdom of heaven small and narrow?
A : The answer is Mt 23:13(You must read and meditate!)
Today, Who are teachers of the law and Pharisees?
Can you answer this Question?
Then comment below(~.~) please^^
Refer to this posting =>
I'm sorry, but Jesus had no idea what Korea was. He didn't found Shinchonji. A little old ugly man did.
답글삭제What do you think about Jesus's feature (appearance of Jesus)?
삭제Was he handsome?
Look in Isa 52:13-53:12 [*53:2]
& Jer 8-9
And Jn8:56-58,
Jn 1:1-4, Jn 1:14-15, 1Jn 1:1-3
Please, meditates ! ^.^ !
I read this writing well. Thank you.
답글삭제Repent and turn around to God our Heavenly Father~!