Heaven, the temple of God, & the world, the church of man
Shincheonji has been testifying about the cult of the CCK, repent before God!
Main references: Jn 3:31-34, 1 Jn 4:4-6

Religion does not speak about men’s knowledge, men’s will, or the knowledge of the world. It speaks about the education of the holy spirit of heaven. Simply put, religion teaches the will of God, the holy spirit. The church of the world belongs to the world and is born from the world. It is a place where people teach the things that are seen, heard and taught on the earth. God’s temple, in contrast, is a place where the things in heaven are seen, heard, and taught.
Will the holy spirit be present in the church of the world where worldly words are preached?
As discussed, the CCK, which has the Presbyterian Church as its central force, goes against what is truth and sacred today when they label Shincheonji and its gospel of the revealed word as a cult. Their claim is illogical and unreasonable. In fact, Shincheonji is the only City of Truth among all mankind, and it teaches the gospel of the revealed word according to the 5Ws and 1H. Just as the pastors persecuted Jesus and his disciples at the first coming, the pastors of the CCK handed over false information about Shincheonji to the MBC PD Notebook and laid the blame on Shincheonji for all the outrageous deeds they had done. Despite their brutality, Shincheonji has overcome them with the truth, and its victorious new song is shaking the heaven and earth.

Whoever does not believe in Jesus’ parables and their explanations, and whoever opposes the work of the harvest or hinders others from being harvested, is clearly a pastor and servant of Satan. God’s temple speaks the word of God because God dwells in it. The church of the world only speaks the words of men and worldly stories because God is absent from that church. Today, it is only the worldly words that come out of the churches of this earth. This is the evidence that God does not dwell in those churches.

No one can enter heaven unless they are born again of God’s seed and spirit (Jn 3:5; 1 Pt 1:23). Will someone who persecutes God’s revealed word be able to attain salvation? Persecutors, please answer this question.
Source : http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/462
답글삭제Why not?
CCK is Satanic organization of christianity today~!