The identity of the dragon in the Bible.
Main reference: Rev 12:9, 20:2
- Rv 12: 9 ☞ The great dragon was hurled down that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray.
- Rv 20: 2 ☞ He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil or Satan and bound him for a thousnd years.
Source : (Shinchonji Cafe)
What is the identity of the dragon?
Has anyone seen them?
What's the meanig of dragon from Bible?
Simply, dragon = Satan = devil = serpent (Rev 12:9, 20:2)
The dragon, an angel God created who betrayed, has the names of the serpent, devil, or Satan (Gn 3:1; Rv 12:9; 20:1-2), and is also called an evil spirit. Both God and Satan are spirits. When they work within the human world, they work within a persons flesh.(Lk 22:3)
Q : Why did God’s creation, the angel, betray God and become Satan?A : Because he wanted to be in a higher position of authority.
※ In James 1:15 it states, ‘Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is
full- grown, gives birth to death. It also says each person is tempted when they are dragged away
by their own evil desire and enticed (Jam 1:14)
The reason that one of God’s creations would become a traitor is due to greed.
In Genesis 3, the serpent and Eve betrayed God because they wanted to be like God.
A description of the betraying cherub is found in Ezekiel 28 where, ‘he called himself a god’ and that he was ‘the model of perfection, full of wisdom and beauty.

They are heaven’s army, who guard God’s kingdom and heaven.
One of these cherubim betrayed and became a serpent.
He took control of one fourth of the heavenly army and he was found in the Garden of Eden. Since he had gained more authority, he now wanted to be in the place of God, so he went on to deceived Eve (Is 14:12-14; Gn 3).
Q : Why did the creator God and dragon become enemy and have war against each other?
A : Originally, the serpent was one of God’s creations (Gen3:1).
The serpent was one of the guardian cherubim (four living creatures).
Since he ascended himself to be like God and opposed God, so he got expelled and became Satan
(Rv12:9, 20:2). So the war between God and dragon began (Ez 28).
The guardian cherubim was the four living creatures (Ez10:20-22, Ez1:, Rev4) and had many armies as an archangel. Since one of the guardian cherubim received honor and power, he wanted to be God himself. In Ez28:12-18, the guardian cherubim who called himself God was in Eden, walked among the fiery stones, adorned with many precious stones (Rv17), anointed as a guardian cherub, and was the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. He whose heart became proud on account of his beauty was the serpent in Eden, Satan, devil, and dragon.
The angel and his followers that sinned are described as ‘the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling’ (Jude 1:6; 1:9). In 2Peter it says, ‘they have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam’ (2Pt 2:15). This kind of act is compared to as ‘a dog returns to its vomit and a sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud’. It also tells us in Revelation 9:14-16 ‘the four angels who had been kept ready were released to kill a third of mankind. The number was twice ten thousand times ten thousand’.
After the dragon, or the serpent, had deceived Adam and Eve (Gn 3), it has been able to govern the world for the last 6,000 years here on the earth (Mt 4:8-9; Lk 4:5-6; Eph 2:2). Therefore, from that time up until today, all of creation has come to resemble Satan, meaning there is not one thing which is holy. Because all the nations were led astray (Rv 18), the tree of life must appear and heal the nations once again (Rv 22:1-2).
God and Satan, the devil (the dragon), have been in a continuous war for the past 6,000 years, battling to gain ownership of all creation. The dragon already knew 2,000 years ago that he would be captured and locked up after 6,000 years. At the first coming, the demons begged Jesus, ‘It is before the appointed time, so send us not into the Abyss but into the herd of pigs’ (Mt 8:28-32; Lk 8:26-33). But today, in the time of Jesus’ second coming, it is now the time to seize and lock up the dragon into the Abyss (Rv 20:1-3).
The human world, created by God, has been governed by the dragon for 6,000 years, but from the time when Revelation is fulfilled, God will rule (Rv 19:6). From that moment on, God will govern forever.
Christians should know that the time of Revelation’s fulfillment is now, and strive to be saved by believing and keeping the promise with God.
Source : (Shinchonji Cafe)
Dragon is the symbol of Satan's evil power which dominated men's thoughts and customs in a distorted way~!