2014년 4월 15일 화요일

The Cult


The Cult

Source: Shincheonji(old: Shinchonji) cafe 

Just like it is written, since Revelation will fulfill (Rv 21:6) one must write it in his heart. If one adds and subtracts then he will not be able to enter into heaven and will also receive curses (Rv 22:18-19).

The one who adds and subtracts is one who will receive curses. Just because the one who is not able to enter into heaven, the one who receives curses, calls the one who does not add or subtract from Revelation (the one who has mastered) a cult, does that make him a cult? That person himself is the cult.

This is just like the 1st coming when the pastors called Jesus a cult. The Korean proverb explains this situation: one who did wrong will be the one to blame the other who has not done wrong.

Shincheonji is called a cult for freely operating Bible mission centers. In the Bible it says to freely give for you have freely received the free gift of the water of life (refer to Mt 10:8, Rv 22:17).

Today, the pastors of the CCK, who love money and authority, again call Shincheonji a cult. Shincheonji does not add to or subtract from Revelation but are those who mastered the Bible.
The pastors of CCK add and subtract from Revelation.
Who is truly the real cult?

Who is truly the real cult?






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