2014년 9월 17일 수요일

The Creator Is One!

Source: Kingdom of the Lord, The Center of the World

God is the Creator who created heaven, earth and everything in them.

According to the Bible, a creation took place in each era.
There was a particular place where the event took place.

God began 
Adam’s world at Eden (Ge.2). 
Noah’s world at Mt. Ararat (Ge.8)
Mose’s world, an offspring of Noah, at Mt.Sinai (Ex.34). 
Joshua’s world at Shechem, the land of Canaan (Jo.24).
Jesus’ world at Galilee (Mt.4:12-17).

The physical Israel is no longer the chosen people since it ended at the First Coming of Jesus. 
Though the seed of the gospel of heaven has been sown from the land of Judah to all over the world, the physical Israel has not yet received the Gospel of the Lord.

The Creator is one! 

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