Bible Story
"Cain and Abel"

Cain, the older brother, became a farmer. He worked in the fields, growing grain and fruits. Abel, the younger brother, had a flock of sheep. He became a shepherd.
When the two brothers, Cain and Abel, were old enough, they offered their gifts to God upon the altar. Cain would bring some of the fruits and grains that he had grown, and Abel would bring sheep from his flock that he had killed.
They would burn their gifts upon the altar.
Abel would always choose the best sheep from his flock to give to God, while Cain kept the best fruits and grains for himself.
Cain's heart was not right when he came before God. So God showed that he was not happy with Cain and his offering.
But instead of being sorry for his sin and asking God to forgive him, he became very angry at God and toward his brother Abel.
Cain became more and more angry with the way "he saw" was treating his brother Able.
One day, when the two brothers were out in the field together, Cain struck and killed his brother. So Cain, the first baby born in the world, grew up to murder his own brother.
The Lord called out to Cain, "Where is Abel, your brother?"
Cain answered, "I don't not know. Am I my brother's keeper?"
Then the Lord said to Cain, "What have you done? Your brother's blood is crying to me from the ground.
As long as you live, you shall be under God's curse for the murder of your brother. When you are farming, the ground will not give up its food to you. You will walk over the earth, and shall never have a home. You have done a very evil thing."
And Cain said to the Lord, "My punishment is more than I can handle. You are driving me away from me. If anyone finds me, they will kill me, because I will be alone, and no one will be my friend."
And God said to Cain, "If anyone harms you, he will be punished for it."
And the Lord God placed a mark on Cain, so that whoever met him would know him. They would know that God had forbidden anyone to harm him. Cain and his wife went away from Adam's home to live in a place by themselves, and there they had children. Cain's family built a city in that land. Cain named the city after his first child, whom he called Enoch.
- Question: Why Cain killed Abel in the Bible?
♣ The reason is in the News Testament.
♣ The answer is in 1 Jn 3:12.
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