Shincheonji Teaching:
Eternal life
in the spirit
and in the flesh
■ Main reference: John 8
Is Jesus' promise concerning eternal life spiritual or physical?
Frist, let us consider eternal life.
Although Jesus promised heaven and eternal life in the New Testament, the Jewish priests and elders at the time of the first coming refused to believe and attacked Jesus instead. They considered Jesus' claims about eternal life to be nonsense. They argued over eternal life and responded to Jesus by saying, “Both Abraham and the prophets died, and yet you say, ‘If anyone obeys my teaching, he will never experience death.’ You aren't greater than our father Abraham who died, are you?” (John 8).
Clearly, the issue of eternal life was a point of controversy between Jesus and the Jews. Whose teachings were correct? If Jesus had denied eternal life, he would have been a liar. The fact that confirmed the existence of eternal life meant he was keeping God’s word and was speaking on behalf of God (Jn 5:19-20; Jn 12:49-50; Jn 17:7-8). Just as Jesus spoke on behalf of God (1 Jn 2:1), we, too, must speak on behalf of Jesus. If a person speaks according to the Bible, that person speaks on behalf of God and Jesus. Refusing to believe in any words that are spoken on behalf of God and Jesus is refusing to listen to God’s and Jesus’ words. This is just like what the Jews did when they refused to listen to Jesus; they refused to listen to God (Jn 12:44). If anyone wants to deny another person’s testimony, they should do so through the scriptures.
When considering what Jesus said about eternal life, would Adam and Eve have returned to dust if they had not eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that brought them death (Gen 3:19)? Did God intend for his people, who were created in his image, to become sick, suffer, and eventually die? No. Death is result of sin (James 1:15), and it is because of sin that God, who is life, could no longer be with his people. God left his people and this limited their lifespan (Gen 6:1-3).
God was able to come to Jesus because he had no sin (Lk 3:22). Jesus then bore the cross to solve the problem of sin for the rest of us (Jn 1:29; 1 Pet 2:24). Afterwards, the spirit of God, who had once left people, came back to Jesus' disciples because their sins had been atoned (Acts 2:1-4).

Shincheonji Church of Jesus has spoken the recorded words of Jesus on his behalf. We have never spoken of physical eternal life without firmly basing our words on the Bible. We have only spoken according to what is written in the Bible. Just like Jesus' disciples (Jn 11:25-27), Shincheonji believes in the words of Jesus. The people who persecute us, however, claim that Shincheonji's idea that the flesh can live forever is not based on the Bible. This is simply another scheme to persecute Shincheonji by telling lies just like the Jews did at the time of the first coming. Is this not the same as the situation regarding the Apostles' Creed? The apostles never wrote the Apostles' Creed. Others created it on their own and forced all Christians to confess it.
What are these things that Shincheonji Church of Jesus claims about eternal life that are mentioned in the Bible? According to the scriptures, God is the only one who can give or take away life (Job 1:21). Even though God, who is life, left Adam, Adam was able to live nearly 1,000 years. Soon after that, however, the human lifespan was decreased to approximately 70 years with the accumulation of original sins, hereditary sins, and personal sins (Ps 90:10). Thus, as sin accumulated, our lifespan dropped. If our sins are atoned and God is able to return to his people once more, people will be able to live longer. Jesus talked about eternal life because he was able to solve the problem of sin and make it possible for people to reunite with God, who is life.
Let us learn more about how the Bible testify about eternal life tomorrow~.~
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