- Rv 1:2
who testifies to everything he saw—that is,
the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Shincheonji Good News
"Promised Pastor"
There is the promised pastor at the time of the fulfillment of Revelation. God, the kingdom of heaven, Jesus, and the spirits who died in Jesus come to the promised pastor (Rv 3:12). By overcoming, the promised pastor received the authority to judge (white stone), the food that gives eternal life (hidden manna), the iron scepter to rule over all the nations (Rv 2:17, 26-27). He also sits on the throne with God and Jesus (Rv 3:21). Jesus fed him the open book from heaven through an angel, saying, "You must prophesy again (Rv 10).” Therefore, this pastor is the true promised pastor. The New Testament speaks of these promises and tells us to believe in them. Do you believe this?
-Shincheonji Good News
The period of 2,000 years after Jesus’ first coming was the time when the work of the New Testament (the Good News) was proclaimed as a testimony to the whole world. Because this work has been preached to the ends of the earth, it is now the time to fulfill the New Testament. In fact, it is fulfilling now.
However, if one neither believes in the New Testament nor knows what it means, he will not recognize the fulfillment when it happens. Like those at the First Coming, he will oppose the work of fulfillment. As Jesus had told us, what we have to believe in are the promises of the New Testament (Jn 14:29).
One cannot receive salvation if he does not know the prophecies and the fulfillment of the New Testament. Those who claim that they have already attained salvation before the New Testament even started to fulfill are people who do not know the will of the Bible and who speak words of deception.
As written in the Bible (Is 14:24), God had planned in advance what He will fulfill in the future. He first prophesied through the prophets (Hos 12:10), and after making the prophecies known to the whole world, He fulfilled these prophecies through the pastor He had previously promised to send. God has been showing believable evidence throughout the past 6,000 years. In the same manner, the things Jesus promised to fulfill are prophecies, the New Testament.
What we need in this era is the messenger that the Lord has promised. We need a promised pastor, like Moses and Jesus, but the promised pastor of the New Testament. This promised pastor will testify to the fulfillment of Revelation at the time of the Second Coming. Come and take a look~!
Have you ever heard of this good and amazing News in your life?
Do your ears pricked up with surprise on hearing Shincheonji Good News?
You should heed Shincheonji News!
Have you met the promised pastor that testify to the fulfillment of Revelation?
Try to answer this question "Yes, or No".
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