The Prophecies and their Fulfillment
Hee’s Oath and Appointed Task
Hee’s Oath and Appointed Task
Main references:Jn 14:29, 10~11, Zec 9:10

Jesus saw and testified how God came to him and fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament. Jesus has revealed the words of the opened scroll and the fulfillment of the prophecies to Hee, and Hee alone. Hee is the only one Jesus has commanded directly. Thus, of all the people of the world, Hee is the only one who can testify about the fulfillment of the New Testament (refer to Rv 1:2, 22:16). This generation hates and persecutes Hee without reason. If any other pastor had come and given his own testimony, this generation would have accepted him without persecution (refer to Jn 15:23-25; Jn 5:43).
Although the complete fulfillment of the prophecies of the New Testament is being testified, people refuse to believe. Doesn’t this prove that the lives of faith they lead are false and that the spirit in them is not God’s spirit? Even if they refuse to believe in Hee, shouldn’t they believe in the prophecies and their fulfillment (refer to Jn 14:29).
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