2014년 12월 29일 월요일

In the New Testament, Promised Pastor and Temple

The Pastor and Temple that are Promised
in the New Testament

You must be know the appearance of physical entity(Jn 2:19~22, 10:30) the pastor and temple that had promised in the Old Testament, but do you know the appearance of physical entity the pastor and temple that have promised in New Testament?

 The pastor and temple that are promised in the New Testament

God's chosen pastor at the end of the age, at the time of Revelation, becomes God's temple (1Co 3:16-17). Refusing to believe in the words of Jesus’ promises is the same as refusing to believe in Jesus or the Bible.

There is only one God,
one Jesus, one Bible,
one promised pastor,
and one temple!

All believers must strive to find the pastor promised in the New Testament using the Bible (Mt 6:33).

Because the promised pastor unites with the promised spirit of truth (i.e. the Counselor or Advocate), he testifies about the fulfillment of the New Testament prophecies and the revealed word of God (Jn 14:16-17, 26; Rev 10, Rev 22:16-17). Everyone must understand and believe that there is only one person who receives the revealed word in Rev 5 and Rev 10. Only one person receives the scroll written directly by God. All believers must seek that promised pastor and learn from him.
The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shincheonji
From SCJ cafe

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