The Sons Of God Who Born of God's Seed
God’s Seed, Abraham’s Seed, and the Gentiles

Just as seen on the Mountain of Transfiguration (refer to Mt 17:1-8), although we are wearing our flesh as an external surface, our inner person is born into God’s image, and is born only of God’s seed, not of Abraham’s seed and natural descent (man) nor of the seed of gentiles and man. If one takes off his own flesh, his inner person will be shown. If he clothes himself with the holy spirit, the clothes his flesh used to wear will disappear.
It is only when the seed (the Word) is sown into our body, which is like soil and earth which grows, sprouts, and becomes a tree, that the birds (the holy spirit) will come and perch in us to live together.
Whether one takes off his flesh or not, he is a man born of God’s seed. Just like Jesus’ image was transformed on the Mountain of Transfiguration, those who are transformed through the sound of the seventh trumpet will no longer be mortal and perishable (1 Cor 15:51-54).
This is the same word as it says in John 10:35, “If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came.” They are the offspring of God as it is mentioned in Acts 17:29.
In this manner, it is only feasible through the seed of the Divine Being/God that allows one to be the offspring of God and to become a god. These are the sons of God as it says in Genesis 6:2.
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