2014년 12월 22일 월요일

On the Day of Judgment

The Words of the Messenger, the Advocate,
The Words that were Testified

Pastors Who Did Not Believe in Every Generation
& the Persecution

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/516Shincheonji, we have sent letters urging repentance and made known these facts to pastors in Korea and all over the world, and therefore, they will not be able to make an excuse by saying they did not hear about it on the day of judgment (refer to Jn 15:22).

The words of the messenger, the Advocate, are the words of Jesus, and the words of Jesus are the words of God, the Father (Jn 16:8-15).

The words that were testified were the promised words of Revelation, that is, life that was conveyed.  If one does not believe, it does not mean they do not believe in the words of the messenger, the Advocate.  It means one does not believe in Jesus' words, that is, no believing in God's words. Those who believe will receive salvation.  Those who do not believe will be thrown into the lake of fire for the sin of not believing. 

Shincheonji earnestly prays that people will believe and receive salvation.

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