The Book of Revelation
Today,,, Revelation 7
The Summary of the Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation (Chapters 1-22)

After the work of sealing, the winds blow (judgment) again and a great multitude dressed in white (people) who have washed themselves with the blood of the Lamb come out from all nations.
Fulfillment of the New Testament
Jesus who fulfilled the Old Testament promised the New Testament, and he fulfilled the New Testament’s Revelation today in the nation of East, in Republic of Korea.
This is the Bible, this is the prophecy, and this is the fulfillment of what is promised.
If one has eyes and ears, he must see and hear.
If he has a heart and a mind, and has a sense of judgment and faith, he must follow the will of the heavens and become a person of heaven in the new era, as according to chapters 7 and 14.
Isn’t the fulfillment of Revelation, ultimately the New Testament,
that we the believers have been wanting, waiting, and believing in?
Let us do the Lord’s will as promised, and fulfill the hope.
Let us also be thankful.
This is an era to receive God’s grace; it is the day of salvation.
Let us not miss this time.
I pray the Lord’s guidance will be with you.
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