"The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil"
in the Bible
What are the true forms of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gn 2:9) recorded in the book of Genesis?
The Tree of Life & the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
The Tree of Life & the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Also, the big tree, the organization grown out from the seed of evil spirit, the death, is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the nation of demons, Babylon or hell in Revelation 18:2. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is the pastor that belong to evil.
As written in Revelation, among the two types of trees in the Garden of Eden, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Babylon, will be fallen after its judgment in Revelation 17, 18 and thereafter, the only one which will remain to exist is the tree of life (the victor) that bears twelve kinds of fruit in Revelation 22:1-2.
God has hidden this until today and now has revealed it, but people are misunderstanding due to “not knowing the Scriptures, or the power of God” (Mt 22:29). But the believers who have their hopes in Heaven can reach to the salvation by believing and understanding it.
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