2013년 4월 30일 화요일

"Shincheonji cult" making, CBS factory

CBS, what's it looking at?


 The nation will stand when public speech stands

If the speech of religion stands, then Christianity will stand, and the unification of religion, world peace and independence will come.

We have a word called (Jang-Doo-Noh-Mee: hidden, head, to show, tail).
This means the head was barely hidden, but the tail could not be hidden. This word came from a simile of an ostrich, which hid its head in a bush but was in trouble because its tail could not be hidden. This means the truth was not publicized and was hidden, but false information has already been shown to the public. Just like the saying, Korean Christianity is currently on a never-ending fight with Shincheonji.  Korean Christianity has been using false evidence to make Shinchonji come before the law, and Shincheonji has proven itself faultless through the truth. Like the statement ‘The truth always shows’, Shincheonji proved its innocence in front of the law.

The biggest incident Shinchonji was cleared of suspicion on was the decision regarding MBC PD Note. After the MBC PD Note aired about Shincheonji, Mr.Koo as an anti-Shinchonji, appealed the public court about the suspicion of Shinchonji regarding the running away from home, physical abuse, confinement and embezzlement. However, on December 14, 2007, Soowon branch court declared Shincheonji innocent in the end.

Report the present state of CBS 
  • Gobble! Devour Shincheonji~  Shincheonji OUT!
  • Repeat everything I say "cult" "Shincheonji cult"
Korean Christians however, who still criticize Shincheonji never accepted this decision
and worked together, publicly speaking to continually give criticisms.
'CBS' of the Christian newspersons created a Shincheonji Taskforce Plan team
and officially opened an anti-Shincheonji online website called ‘Shinchonji OUT’.
Besides this, many different programs were busy discriminating against Shincheonji
before finding out the truth.

From society’s point of view, the role of public speaking is very important.
Speaking publicly is more important if it is a Christian public speech.
Currently, Christian public speeches are not backed up using facts,
and are primarily based on the speaker’s personal views.

Public speeches are now going away from their true purpose by distorting the truth.
There is no other way to explain this situation other than acknowledging
that public speeches have been losing their value and their functionality.

The role of giving public speeches is to announce the truth without biases or discrimination.
The duty of those giving public speeches is to find evidence
and facts before making any announcements to the public.
The Christian public speakers are supposed to have a neutral view,
and must check if any of the information they receive is factual.
Just like the word ‘Jang-Doo-No-Meeh’,
even if anyone wants to hide, the truth will always be revealed.

Time over ^.^)/~  "Shincheonji cult" making, CBS factory
 But, Come and you will see Shincheonji(New Heaven New Earth) twelve tribes ~

2013년 4월 28일 일요일

What do you take God & Bible for?

God, the Bible, and Me

Hos 6:6  “For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burn offerings.”

Who is God?
God is self-existent. His name is Jehovah, and he is spirit (Ex 3:13-15; Jn 4:24).
God is the creator of the heavens and earth.
He is the origin of all blessings and the father of all creation.
He is a living being (Gn 1).

God created Adam and Eve as his creatures, but they were deceived by the serpent.
As a result, all things in heaven and on earth became the possessions of a mere creature, the serpent—the dragon, Satan, and the devil (Rv 12:9; Rv 20:2).
God also had to leave mankind (Gn 3; Gn 6).
Would there be any greater mortification than what God had to go through in this way?
God had to retrieve what he had lost.
He deserves happiness by restoring all things in heaven and on earth and mankind, who has fallen into death (1 Cor 15:27-28).

The Old and New Testaments, the Bible, were given to us through the prophets so that such facts could be made known to the world.
The scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35). God promised what he would fulfill in the future, and he has been fulfilling all his promises accordingly (Jn 19:30; Rv 21:6). It was also noted to us that no one must add to or subtract from Revelation in the New Testament (Rv 22:18-19), and that it was given to us, so that when it happens, we will believe (Jn 14:29).
  • God established promises with Abraham in Gn 15. Four generations, after the descendants of Abraham went to Egypt, God fulfilled his promises to Abraham through Moses.

  • God also established promises with the Old Testament prophets. Roughly about 600 years later, God fulfilled them through Jesus.

  • The promises in the New Testament have also been fulfilled, today, at the time of Revelation (Rv 21:6).

The Lord told us prophecies in advance, so that when they happen, we will believe (Jn 14:29).
We, therefore, must see the embodiment of the prophecies (the physical realities) and believe in them.(Jn 1:14)

The prophets of old were persecuted, as it was written in Acts 7:51-53 and Mt 5:11-12. Likewise, persecution continues even today. Those who persecute others are the pastors of Satan, just like Adam, who betrayed the Lord. Such people shout as if they were the orthodox pastors of God, but on the inside, they are filled with the spirits of the devil and untruth. These are the ones who killed the prophets and the apostles. They faced death in their attempt to pass the word of God on to us.

How can we say that we are true believers, if we disregard the Bible, which they gave us under such circumstances? If we neglect the Bible, will we be able to live in heaven with them, who were martyred for our sake? (Rv 20:4-6) Everyone must strive to know the Bible so that they can understand the meaning of the Bible and act according to it.


The following is the summary of what has been discussed thus far :
God promised to sow two types of seed about 2,600 years ago. God came to Jesus roughly 600 years after the promise was made.
God sowed his seed, whereas, the Pharisees planted the seed of the devil, the beast. Before Jesus’ ascension, he promised to return at the end of the world to harvest. From that time on, Jesus’ promise has been proclaimed to the whole world, over the course of 2,000 years.
The harvest, in fact, has begun today at the appointed time. This time of harvest, is the time for Mt 24 and the events of all the chapters of Revelation, to be fulfilled.
For the sake of the churches, the Lord has chosen a person who saw and heard the physical fulfillment [of Revelation] at the very location it was fulfilled.
  • Jn 4:36  Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.  
God fulfilled his promise with Abraham at the time of Moses,
and he also fulfilled his promises with the Old Testament prophets at Jesus’ first coming.
Likewise, Jesus’ promise in the New Testament, the book of Revelation, has been fulfilled today.
If someone refuses to hear and believe in this, he proves to be born of the seed of the weeds, just like the Pharisees at the first coming. The one who believes in it and is harvested, on the other hand, proves to be born of God’s seed.

Do you believe in this word of promise?
This is the new covenant, which is the New Testament.
This is the promise and the fulfilled physical realities.
This is the physical fulfillment that the believers must see, understand, and believe in order to attain salvation. This is what the believers must put their faith in.

2013년 4월 25일 목요일

'Eternal life' according to the Bible, is eternal life physical or spiritual?

'Eternal life' according to the Bible,

is it(eternal life) physical or spiritual?

  • Jn 12:50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.
When the Bible mentions eternal life, we should understand clearly whether it is referring to physical or spiritual eternal life. The sun, moon, stars, winds, clouds, and rains are in the heavens, just as the spirits are in the spiritual world. Similarly, in the physical world, all sorts of living creatures, plants, and people fill the earth.
According to the Bible, God’s will is for all of his creation to obtain eternal life (Jn 6:40; 1 Jn 5:13).
As part of this will, heaven including the spirits of God and the martyrs will descend to the earth. As God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven, Mt 6:10 is fulfilled. God wants to dwell among his people on earth like he did in the time of Adam when his creation was still perfect (Gn 2; 1 Cor 15:25). This perfection is restored with the fulfillment of the wedding banquet Jesus promised would take place between the spiritual and physical worlds (Is 62:4-5; Hos 2:19-20; Mt 22; Mt 25; 2 Cor 11:2; Rv 19).

  • Why did the vast separation between God and man came about?
  • because of the disobedient and sinful hearts of Adam’s generation (Gn 3; Gn 6:1-3).

Since Jesus established the new covenant in his blood (Mt 26:26-29; Lk 22:20), people who believe in Jesus’ words have received atonement for their sins. At the time of Revelation’s fulfillment, that same blood of Jesus purchases people from the world of decay and death (Rv 1:5-6). God promised to return and unite with his children again. He will return to Shinchonji (Rv 21:1-6), which has appeared as God’s true temple (i.e., Mt. Zion in Rv 14:1-5). Ever since his spirit was separated from his people 6,000 years ago, God has been hard at work restoring all of creation to its original state of perfection. He has been working through his ministering angels and anyone who has been obedient to his commands. Since he left 6,000 years ago, neither God nor his kingdom of heaven have been able to return to dwell among us. This means God’s promise to come and live with us forever will be fulfilled at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment, when all his work is complete (Rv 22:1-5).

Let’s carefully examine this concept so we can understand it more clearly. Although Adam received the breath of life and became a living being (Gn 2:7), he returned to the flesh and died as a result of his sin (Gn 3; Gn 5:4-5).

  • Would Adam have died if he had not sinned? meditate!

Awhile later the sons of God began to marry the daughters of men. This forced God to leave his people and limit their lifespan to 120 years (Gn 6). According to Ps 82:5-7, the sons of God were gods, but because of sins they died like mere men. These people are called gods, but they are not spirits. Jesus was talking about these same people when he said that those who received God’s seed and the word of eternal life can be called gods (Jn 10:35). Similarly, the apostles called people born of God the offspring of God (Acts 17:27-29).

In Jn 8:12, Jesus called himself the light of the world. Jesus later asked his disciples, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even through he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” Mary replied, “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world,” (Jn 11:25-27). Revelation 21:1-6 says that when God returns to dwell among his people, there is no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things passes away. When the fulfillment of these prophecies comes, the work of the entire New Testament will be complete.

In addition, Apostle Paul testified about the seventh trumpet from Rv 10:7 when he said the following:
We will all be changed?in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” (1 Cor 15:51-54)

Since death was a consequence of sin, the atonement we receive through the blood of Jesus Christ frees us from our enslavement to death. When all the prophecies of the Bible are finally fulfilled, there will be no more death (Mt 26:28; Rv 1:5-6). If no one had ever eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, our bodies would never have been destined to die (Gn 2:17; Gn 3:6). Death and suffering were never part of God’s original, holy creation. Death is a consequence of sin. Ever since Adam’s betrayal in the garden, the people of the world have inherited his sin and paid the ultimate price by dying as mere flesh. The Bible talks about the children of God and the children of ordinary men. The children of God live forever, but the children of ordinary men die because of their sins (Ps 82:6; Gn 6:1-3; Acts 17:29).

Followers of Christ whose flesh has died will live in spirit together forever with God and Jesus. True believers whose flesh is still alive at the time of the second coming will change and be re-born as the children of God. They will be clothed with God’s image and likeness according to the prophecies in 1 Cor 15 and Rv 21. Yet, until the prophecies are fulfilled, we cannot precisely describe the coming physical reality. Those who inherit this blessing will know it when it happens. There are so many people today who do not have the correct understanding of the Bible. These people waver on whether or not the flesh can live for eternity. We can be certain, however, that everything begins and ends with God. We must be confident that if it is promised in the Bible, it will be fulfilled. The Bible does promise that although people born of the seed of God live together with ordinary men right now, only the offspring of God will continue to exist beyond the millennium described in Revelation (Rv 20:4-6; Rv 22:1-5).

Jesus Christ’s discourse on eternal life & Shincheonji Church with the spirit of truth

Jesus Christ’s discourse on eternal life

& Shinchonji Church with the spirit of truth


Jesus Christ’s discourse on eternal life &

Shincheonji Church with the spirit of truth

The heaven and earth that God created are everlasting.
The sun, moon, stars, clouds, and winds are also eternal.
The living things on the earth, however, have limited life spans.
According to the Bible, God created people in his image and likeness (Gen 1:26-27).
These people God created are God’s children, but can also be called gods (Psa 82:6; Acts 17:29).

People (Adam and Eve) became mortal because they ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which the serpent gave them.
After this, God shortened the lifespan of his sons, making them mortal (Gen 3:19; Gen 6:1-3).
This was why Apostle Paul pointed out that although death came through the first man, Adam, life comes through the second man, Jesus Christ (1 Cor 15:21-22).
These are the two potential outcomes for all people: life or death, depending on whether we eat from the tree of life given by God or from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil given by the devil (Gen 2:9; Gen 2:17; Gen 3:22; Jn 14:6).
Just as Apostle Paul testified (1 Cor 15:26; 1 Cor 15:51-54), God’s work on earth since Adam’s fall is to get rid of death and to give eternal life back to his creation (Rev 20:12-15; Rev 21:3-4).

The seminaries and pastors of the world neither know God’s will nor do they know the Bible because God has not revealed either one to them (Isa 29:9-13; Rev 5:1-3).
It is not their fault that they do not understand the true meaning of the Bible.
On the other hand, anyone who falsely interprets the Bible (2 Pet 3:16), that person does not know God’s will and is behaving arrogantly.
Before the book is opened, it could only be taught according to men’s rules, but once it is opened, from that time on it should not be taught according to men’s rules.
If Adam had sinned by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, would he have died and returned to dust (Gen 3:19)?

Let us examine what Jesus taught regarding eternal life in the following passages so we can truly make this knowledge our own.
People persecute us as heresy without knowing the true meaning of the Bible themselves.
Perhaps discussing exactly what Jesus said in the NT about this topic(Jesus Christ’s discourse on eternal life) will help to alleviate some confusion.

  • Jn 8:47-55 => “The one who belongs to God listens and responds to God’s words. You don’t listen and respond, because you don’t belong to God.” The Judeans replied, “Aren’t we correct in saying that you are a Samaritan and are possessed by a demon?” Jesus answered, “I am not possessed by a demon, but I honor my Father – and yet you dishonor me. I am not trying to get praise for myself. There is one who demands it, and he also judges. I tell you the solemn truth, if anyone obeys my teaching, he will never see death.” Then the Judeans responded, “Now we know you’re possessed by a demon! Both Abraham and the prophets died, and yet you say, ‘If anyone obeys my teaching, he will never experience death.’ You aren’t greater than our father Abraham who died, are you? And the prophets died too! Who do you claim to be?” Jesus replied, “If I glorify myself, my glory is worthless. The one who glorifies me is my Father, about whom you people say, ‘He is our God.’ Yet you do not know him, but I know him. If I were to say that I do not know him, I would be a liar like you. But I do know him, and I obey his teaching.”

  • Jn 11:25-27 => Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live even if he dies, and the one who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” She replied, “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God who comes into the world.”

  •  Rom 8:9-11 => You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, this person does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is your life because of righteousness. Moreover if the Spirit of the one who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, the one who raised Christ from the dead will also make your mortal bodies alive through his Spirit who lives in you.

  • Rev 21:1-4 => Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth(Shincheonji : in Korean), for the first heaven and earth had ceased to exist, and the sea existed no more. And I saw the holy city – the new Jerusalem – descending out of heaven from God, made ready like a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying: “Look! The residence of God is among human beings. He will live among them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will not exist any more – or mourning, or crying, or pain, for the former things have ceased to exist.”

  •  Jn 14:16-17 => Then I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you foreverthe Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot accept, because it does not see him or know him. But you know him, because he resides with you and will be in you.

  • Jn 14:20 => You will know at that time that I am in my Father and you are in me and I am in you.

  • Rev 3:20 => Listen! I am standing at the door and knocking! If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into his home(※ 1Co 3:9) and share a meal with him, and he with me

  •  Gal 4:6 => And because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, who calls “Abba! Father!” 

Do the scriptures above say that only the spirit lives eternally or do these say that even the body can live eternally? Is there death in the kingdom of heaven?

Jesus said that only those who have become a new creation by being born again through water and spirit can enter the kingdom of heaven (Jn 3:5-7; 2 Cor 5:17).
Apostle Paul said that when people are transformed, the perishable body will put on the imperishable, and the mortal body will put on immortality and death will be swallowed up by life (1 Cor 15:51-54). Should we deny these scriptures?

 Jesus bore the cross to atone for people’s sins and so that God, who had left because of people’s sins, could come with Jesus to dwell within his people (1 Cor 3:16; Jn 14:20; Rev 3:20; Gal 4:6; Rom 8:9). Although people should die as payment for their sins, those to whom God and Jesus come and dwell will be able to attain life. Just as Jesus of Nazareth was raised from death to life, it will be possible for people never to die (Jn 11).  http://subdue-it.blogspot.kr/2013/04/why-did-jesus-bear-cross-do-you-know-why.html

Anyone who belongs to God listens to God’s word and believes it. Anyone who listens to it but does not believe proves that he or she does not belong to God (Jn 8:46-47). John the Baptist came in the name of Elijah (Matt 11:10-14; Matt 17:10-13; Lk 1:13-17). Jesus came in the name of God (Jn 5:43). The spirit of truth, the Counselor, comes in the name of Jesus and dwells within the person God chooses (Jn 14:16-17; Jn 14:26; Rev 10).

Because the spirit of truth is with Shincheonji Church of Jesus (SCJ), we have mastered the Bible and teach it. Instead of persecuting SCJ, people should repent and come to learn.

SCJ is doing everything according to the Bible. How could this be wrong?
If SCJ is not doing things according to the Bible, let us discuss with the Bible.

Why do people label SCJ as a cult when they do not even understand the true meaning of the Bible? Labeling anyone as a cult according to one’s own judgment is following in the footsteps of John Calvin. Instead, we(Shincheonji) argue that the teachings of those who persecute us because they incorrectly interpret the Bible are not according to the Bible, and are thus the true heresy(cult).

We have love, forgiveness, and truth, and we pray for those who persecute us.

Click here ↓↓↓↓ 

2013년 4월 24일 수요일

Those who call SCJ a cult and its revealed word(啓示神學) a cult are themselves the real cult

Follow on What's weapon used in the war from Revelation (Bible) as previously announced,,,,,,,

Source : http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/386

Will you believe in Jesus’ word? or in the words of the false pastors?
You should answer this question.
And who will be the cult?
If the congregation members had known the promise of the Bible, they would have searched for the fulfillment.
There is no salvation unless what was written in the New Testament is fulfilled.

★ What we must think about in regards to this generation of corrupt believers is if they(believers) heard that Today,
  • The New Testament (the promised prophecies) has fulfilled
  • The words of prophecy became flesh and has appeared
Then they must immediately let go of whatever they were doing and confirm‍ it themselves.
However, no matter how much the New Testament fulfillment is proclaimed, they act as though they did not hear anything.
The New Testament has been fulfilled today in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi province and its completion is drawing near. Believers who truly wish for the kingdom of heaven, must come confirm‍, believe, and receive salvation. At the time of the Second Coming, the fulfillment of the prophecies and the revealed word is given through the chosen pastor – the promised pastor (refer to Mt 11:27, Rv 1:1-2; 22:8-9; 16; Rv 10).
People who believe and follow their own pastors, not accepting the promised pastor’s testimony, can’t help but to be led into hell.

 Those who call Shinchonji(SCJ) a cult and its revealed word a heresy are themselves the true heretics.
Shinchonji has the holy spirit and the true pastor who speaks the revealed word; SCJ is truly orthodox (Mt 11:27, Jn 14; Jn 16; Rv 10).

Those who despise SCJ and call us a cult are controlled by the devil.
They are following the example of those who called Jesus and his disciples heretics (Jn 8; Acts 24:5).
Please take a close look at the book Revelation and Commentaries, which was recently published by SCJ.

Who speaks the truth and who lies? Lies are the seed of the devil (Mt 13:24-28; Mt 13:37-39; Jn 8:44). SCJ(Shinchonji), on the other hand, has mastered the Bible.
The one who overcomes has received the blessings promised in Rv 2 and Rv 3. He, along with the promised twelve tribes—the people who belong to heaven—can both be found in SCJ (Rv 7; Rv 14). 

Just as God fulfilled the promise he made through Abraham in Moses’ time (Ex 12), and just as God fulfilled the Old Testament at the time of Jesus’ first coming (Jn 19:30), God is accomplishing the New Testament through Shinchonji today.

Thus, Shinchonji has been testifying about the physical fulfillment of the New Testament (Rv 1:2; Rv 10; Rv 22:16).
Shinchonji is accomplishing the fulfillment of the New Testament (Rv 21:6), which no one in any previous generation was able to accomplish.
No one can know God or receive salvation without the twelve tribes and the one who overcomes (Rv 7; Rv 12).

Shinchonji has mastered the Bible.

Shinchonji has been created according to the Bible and is living a life of faith according to the Bible.

Today, people who lack the revealed word and who misunderstand the Bible are calling SCJ a cult.

They persecute us because the spirit that controls them is not the spirit of God.

That's all for today's <Those who call SCJ(Shinchonji) a cult and its revealed word(啓示神學) a cult are themselves the real cult>                                
                                                 - The aroma from Shinchonji -




What's weapon used in the war from Revelation (Bible) !!

war in the Bible

Main reference : Mt 24:6-8

  • What kind of  war does the Revelation speak of?

In physical war, the flesh is killed and in spiritual war spirits are killed.
Whether it is spiritual or physical, war involves killing and taking away from each other.   

The war of Mt 24 occurs in the temple of God.
The events of Rv 13 and the entire book of Revelation occur in God’s tabernacle (temple) as well. The war that takes place in the four gospels and Revelation is the war between God and the devil the war between God’s pastor and Satan’s pastor.

  • Why do these wars occur? 

In the time of Noah, time of Moses, the First Coming of Jesus, and the Second Coming of Jesus, God’s chosen people grow corrupt and become Satan’s nation as the holy spirit and the Word fade away.
But the churches and their members who call themselves the chosen people don’t recognize their real situation.
They think that they are carrying out the best life of faith.
Nobody knows that their church and their members became devil’s nation and devil’s people.   

Today, at the time of the Second Coming, God sends a messenger to prepare the way for the Lord. Won’t Satan know about this, too? 
With all worldly religious authority, Satan uses his pastors to hinder the work of preparing the way. At this time, the group of pastors who prepare the way could not overcome and received the mark of Satan and his pastors (accepting their doctrine) and worshipped (offer service to) them. They accept their doctrines, and receive and marry the evil spirits. These are the events of Revelation 13 that take place in the tabernacle of heaven; this is the event of destruction of the sun, moon, and stars as they darken and fall.

  • What's weapon used in the war spoke of Jesus in the Revelation?

After these events occur first, like the First Coming, the woman clothed with the sun (the pastor who prepares the way) gives birth to a spiritual child in Revelation chapter 12, and spiritual brothers come to be with this child. At this time in heaven there is war between 'Jesus and his angels’ and ‘Satan and his group (the evil spirits) who invaded the tabernacle,' while there is war between the 'child and his brothers' and 'the pastors of the dragon' in the churches on this earth. In Rv 13 Satan’s group kills the saints of the tabernacle that prepared the way, but in Rv 12 the child and his brothers fight against the dragon’s group and overcome them.
The weapon that led to victory was the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. (Answer! <<== Rev 12:1)

Through what was mentioned above, we can see that ‘war’ is not a physical war, but a spiritual war of words that occurs within the church. The pastors who preach the war of Revelation and the four gospels as ‘physical war, physical weapons, and physical death,’ must repent and be born again. Their sin was that they belonged to Satan and sowed Satan’s false seed (weed: devil’s child, Mt 13:38-39). If the devil still dwells within them, they will not repent, but people who hear and perceive this Word will repent and be born again.

In Rv 12, at the time of Revelation's fulfillment it is promised that eventually the salvation and the kingdom of God will come by fighting against the dragon (Satan) and overcoming (Rv 12:7-11). Despite this, will it be true to say ‘I attained salvation, I received the holy spirit, and I am orthodoxy’ while still being in darkness and belonging to the devil? If this was true, what Jesus said in Rv 12 would be false.

  • Will you believe in Jesus’ word?
  •  In the words of the false pastors?

You should answer this question.
And who will be the cult?
If the congregation members had known the promise of the Bible, they would have searched for the fulfillment.
There is no salvation unless what was written in the New Testament is fulfilled.

Here today,
                      'War in the Bible' is continued in my next blog

2013년 4월 23일 화요일

The end of the world from Bible to talking! & cult

The end of the world?      No~


Cults and the end of churches


  • The field = world (Mt 13:38) 
  • The harvest = the end of the age (Mt 13:39)

  Source : http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/152 
Let us discuss cults and the end of each generation within over the 6,000 years of biblical history.
If we compare Adam to Noah,   Adam was the corrupt, worn-out tradition and Noah was considered orthodox. Adam’s world, which had been considered orthodox, became a cult, and Noah’s world was the new orthodoxy.
Adam became a possession of Satan, but Noah belonged to God.
Later, however, Noah’s sons Canaan and Ham became heretics just like Adam.
At that time, Moses was appointed as the new orthodoxy.
Canaan became a possession of Satan, but Moses belonged to God.
Abraham’s descendants—the Pharisees and teachers of the law—were heretics who belonged to Satan (Mt 23:29-33; Jn 8:44).
Jesus, on the other hand, was truly orthodox because he belonged to God (Mt 3:16-17; Jn 10:25-30; Jn 17:7-8).
Just as was mentioned, the previous generation became an old, worn-out tradition and a cult.
The subsequent generation, which was created later, became orthodox. A man is either orthodox or heretical depending on the type of spirit that resides within him.
We cannot see the spirits within people, but we can hear the words people speak (1 Jn 4:1-6).
Not only is God the word (Jn 1:1-4), but Jesus is also the word (1 Jn 1:1-2).
Although Jesus was a physical being, he is also the word because God, who is the word, is with him.
A person can be considered orthodox if his testimony is spoken according to the Bible (the word).  If his testimony, however, runs counter to the words of the Bible,  he is a heretic.
How can a believer, who is outside the Bible and carrying out an arbitrary life of faith, possibly understand the Bible? Today, Shinchonji Church of Jesus would like to announce that the CCK is the true cult. We also pray that those who belong to the CCK will be born again through the blood of Christ. Those who receive the revelation and the testimony of Shinchonji Church of Jesus will know the only true God and Jesus (Mt 11:27; Jn 17:3). By receiving the word of revelation, they will also know the true meaning of the Bible and eventually attain salvation.

The prophecy, the world (Christian world), pastors, and their congregations are coming to an end.
A new era is being launched.
God and heaven are descending upon the 12 tribes of SCJ that have been purchased by the blood of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Let us all receive the returning Lord and live with God in heaven!
There is only one Lord.
There is only one Bible.
There is only one purpose of our life of faith.
The only purpose of our faith is in the same God, the same hope, the same heaven and the same eternal life. We are the same brothers and family who have received the same seed of God.
Just as the Lord loves us, we must love each other. We must forgive, love, and bless one another.

Shincheonji, The New Thing, Orthodoxy & CCK, the Old Cult

Shincheonji, The New Thing, Orthodoxy & CCK, the Old Cult

From the time of Adam to the time of Jesus is the old era, and from after Jesus and on makes the new era. When comparing the two, the old, having become corrupt and worn out, turned into a cult. The new era, however, has become the recreated world of orthodoxy by the means of the new thing. The old, worn generation, still holding onto its traditions, labels the new generation as a cult in an attempt to hide their corruption and falsehood. If the old generation had not been corrupted, would God have created the new?

Jesus came to the church of Judaism and did the new thing. Is this cultish? Did he form a faction? Because the world of Moses and the Law became corrupt and broke the covenant, God promised a new thing (Jer 31:22, 27, 31) and fulfilled it through the promised pastor, Jesus (Jn 19:30). This is not forming a faction. This is not a cult.

Also, Jesus promised that through Peter (meaning “rock”), he will build his church (Mt 16:18-20). This church was the (Christian) Catholic Church, built on Peter as the foundation. Sprouting from the Catholic Church was the Protestant Church; but now, how many parts has this split into? This is the act of forming factions and cults. The New Testament mentions about cults (sect/ factions/ divisions/ heresy) in five different verses (Acts 24:5, 14; Gal 5:20; Ti 3:10; 2 Pt 2:1).

Some of these are the case
  1. of the Jews calling Jesus and his disciples cults
  2. of the disciples pointing out active cults.

In the Korean language, the world for cult, eedan(異端), means ‘a different end’; ee(異) means ‘different’ and dan(端) means ‘end’. This means starting out with the things of God, but resulting in something different completely. It refers to the pastors and their denominations who preach a different doctrine from Jesus’. Apostle Paul said in Galatian 1, ‘If anybody should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned,’ (Gal 1:8). By these standards, doctrines that are Biblical are orthodox, a gospel different from that of the Bible is that of a cult.

One denomination under the CCK (Christian Council of Korea) labeled Shincheonji Church of Jesus as a cult(? kk), arguing that we claimed Matthew 24 to be the only part of the Scriptures that talk about the subject of Biblical eschatology. We, Shincheonji, however, have never made such a claim. Like the Pharisees, they made up a lie to make Shincheonji look like a cult. The CCK, who also persecutes and labels Shincheonji as a cult, loved money like the Pharisees (Lk 16:14), and sold and bought ecclesiastical authority with money. They themselves have become the root of all evil (1 Tm 6:10). This is the essence of a cult.

Also, the CCK and the denominations under them have committed lots of atrocious deeds for the sake of their conversion education program. Some of the things they do to believers (victims) include confining them in rooms, forcing them to take leave of absences from school or work, and confining at asylums for refusing to receive the education. They make several hundred thousand Korean won for each person that undergoes the coercive conversion education program. Once, there was even an incident of murder, an act that is following in the footsteps of their forefather (of Presbyterianism) Calvin. These are not normal actions for man or for the Spirit. These actions are fit for a cult. (actions of CCK => http://subdue-it.blogspot.kr/2013/03/conversion-personal-rights-conversion.html)

Trying to live out their lives of faith while it is centered on ecclesiastical authority has inevitably gotten the CCK preaching absurd things. They have taken evil for good, white for black, truth for lies, lies for truth, orthodoxy for cult, and cult for orthodoxy. The CCK cannot be considered as part of Christianity, but as a group that plays a leading role in destroying it.

Shincheonji has proposed several times for a public Biblical debate to the CCK, as well as the Christian community. We also sent them a list of 40 questions regarding the Bible. There has not been a reply to anything, however. We, Shincheonji, are the fulfillment of the new thing that Jesus promised in the Bible - New Heaven and New Earth, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. This is the temple of the new kingdom that the Bible has promised.

The prophecies of the Bible were given before they happen, so that we will believe when they happen (Jn 14:29). What is the reason, then, for not believing? Is it because what Jesus prophesied and fulfilled is a cult? The Bible’s fulfillment is Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. Its name was not man-made, but promised beforehand by God in the Bible (Rv 15:4-5). Is it wrong to fulfill the Bible? How can they even know and believe in its fulfillment when they don’t understand meaning of the Bible in the first place? A person who has evil and lies in his heart will act evil and lie, but a person who has good and truth in his heart will do good and tell the truth.

Why is Shincheonji growing in number day by day? It is because the CCK did proclaim Shincheonji to be a cult to the entire nation, but those who had discernment came here to make sure, and have ended up learning and perceiving the truth. Not only that, but they also end up finding out that their previous denomination was full of lies. These people pray sincerely for the pastors of the church they had attended. They also continue to bring in more and more believers who long for the truth. The numbers are adding up as people are congregating here like clouds. This is a sign of our victory. Long live God, Jesus, and Shincheonji!

<The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shincheonji cafe>

2013년 4월 19일 금요일

Annihilation Earth?? No!! The end of the corrupted Christianity, The Victory of Shinchonji

Annihilation Earth??  No!! no~ Never~!!!
It's just~ The end of the corrupted Christianity,
The Victory of Shinchonji

in whispers~ back and forth~  (What?) Shinchonji......
in whispers back and forth, (What sound?) Shinchonji has overcome ......
in whispers almost anywhere. (What sound is this?) Shinchonji has overcome the world ......

Let's listen for the whispers~

    I heard that if people go to Shinchonji and study the Bible, they can be the master of the Bible. Our city task force for the federation of heresies went to Shinchonji to argue, their wives and daughters were already attending Shinchonji, and now they go to there, too.

Before Shinchonji came to be, nobody knew which teaching was true or false. There is no pastor who can win against Shinchonji in any of the churches of the world. Some people said they were going to Shinchonji’s open word seminar to argue, but they ended up clapping. They liked it, and said it’s very good. People changed just by listening to it, and now go to Shinchonji.

  The pastors are so poor because they have no ability for contradicting   the opinions that ‘the word of Shinchonji is true’
 It’s so strange. Nobody knows that we don’t actually go to a theological school, but buy our ordination and the laying on of hands with money. Through this we’ve done very well. The chairman of the Christian Council of Korea buys his status with money. I’m not the only one who buys it with money. 
 I heard Shinchonji teaches the Bible at no cost… 
 Six thousand people in the Yeoido square, twenty five hundred people in Busan, three thousand people in Kwangju. Nobody can hinder this; there is no way to stop us, to stop those who are thirsty…

The word of the Bible, which we could not come to understand, is being revealed in Shinchonji. Even if you try to stop and block us, we will go by concealing ourselves.  

 God is with them, the Spirit is working there, the word of life is there, and the word of Revelation is there. Shinchonji is the place the prophecies and the promises of the New Testament have been fulfilled. The pastors have gone; the Doctors of divinity have gone, also our preachers and the son and daughter of the pastor’s have gone there too.

I heard the wife of the pastor goes to Shinchonji. Ohhhh, it’s the end of the world, the end. The end of the church! 



That's right The end of the corrupted churches
The Eschaton is not the end of the physical world,
but the end of the corrupted Christianity.

                                                              Source : http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/342

Why did Jesus bear the cross? Do you know WHY?

 Why did Jesus bear the cross?  

WHY ?  Why did Jesus bear the cross?
There are two main reasons Jesus bore the cross.
  1. The crucifixion allowed for the atonement of the sins of men (Mt 26:28; Ro 6:6-11),
  2. It allowed God and Jesus to come and unite with people who have no sin (Ac 2:36-38; Gal 2:20; Ro 8:9-11).

Before the crucifixion, the spirit was not yet with people (Jn 7:38-39), but after Jesus was crucified he breathed on people and told them to receive the spirit (Jn 20:22-23).

Jesus, right before his ascension, commanded his disciples to wait for the holy spirit that the Father promised to send and to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth after the spirit came upon them (Ac 1:4-8).
After that, they received the spirit Jesus had promised and went on to preach the gospel (Ac 2:1-4).

The holy spirit, which left people because of their sins, was able to return to people without sin because Jesus bore the cross on behalf of his disciples to atone for their sins. Where does Jesus currently reside?

Let us truly believe by meditating on the following scriptures:

  •  I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So the life I now live in the body, I live because of the faithfulness of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Gal 2:20)
  •  You will know at that time that I am in my Father and you are in me and I am in you. (Jn 14:20)
  •  Listen! I am standing at the door and knocking! If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into his home and share a meal with him, and he with me. (Rev 3:20)
  •  And because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, who calls “Abba!Father!” (Gal 4:6)

  •  You, however, are not inthe flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, this person does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, butthe Spirit is your lifebecause of righteousness. Moreover if the Spirit of the onewho raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, the one who raised Christfrom the dead will also make your mortal bodies alive through his Spirit who lives in you. (Ro 8:9-11)
  •  We are coworkers belonging to God.You are God’s field, God’s building. (1Co 3:9)
  •  Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you? (1Co 3:16)
  •  Then I saw thrones and seated on them were those who had been given authority to judge. I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of the testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had refused to receive his mark on their forehead or hand. Theycame to lifeand reigned with Christ for a thousand years. (Rev 20:4, NASB)

According to the scriptures, Jesus resides within us after he has atoned for our sins. This is why he bore the cross and it is our hope. It is wrong to talk about the Bible if you do not understand it fully and if you are not a Christian. These people are not qualified to talk about the Bible. You must proclaim and testify the truth only after receiving the holy spirit that allows you to see, hear, and master the Bible. You should be thankful that you now know the true meaning of Jesus’ cross, which we proclaim for our own salvation.