Follow on What's weapon used in the war from Revelation (Bible) as previously announced,,,,,,,
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Will you believe in Jesus’ word? or in the words of the false pastors?
You should answer this question.
And who will be the cult?
If the congregation members had known the promise of the Bible, they would have searched for the fulfillment.
There is no salvation unless what was written in the New Testament is fulfilled.
★ What we must think about in regards to this generation of corrupt believers is if they(believers) heard that Today,
- The New Testament (the promised prophecies) has fulfilled
- The words of prophecy became flesh and has appeared
However, no matter how much the New Testament fulfillment is proclaimed, they act as though they did not hear anything.

People who believe and follow their own pastors, not accepting the promised pastor’s testimony, can’t help but to be led into hell.
Shinchonji has the holy spirit and the true pastor who speaks the revealed word; SCJ is truly orthodox (Mt 11:27, Jn 14; Jn 16; Rv 10).
Those who despise SCJ and call us a cult are controlled by the devil.
They are following the example of those who called Jesus and his disciples heretics (Jn 8; Acts 24:5).
Please take a close look at the book Revelation and Commentaries, which was recently published by SCJ.
Who speaks the truth and who lies? Lies are the seed of the devil (Mt 13:24-28; Mt 13:37-39; Jn 8:44). SCJ(Shinchonji), on the other hand, has mastered the Bible.
The one who overcomes has received the blessings promised in Rv 2 and Rv 3. He, along with the promised twelve tribes—the people who belong to heaven—can both be found in SCJ (Rv 7; Rv 14).
Just as God fulfilled the promise he made through Abraham in Moses’ time (Ex 12), and just as God fulfilled the Old Testament at the time of Jesus’ first coming (Jn 19:30), God is accomplishing the New Testament through Shinchonji today.
Thus, Shinchonji has been testifying about the physical fulfillment of the New Testament (Rv 1:2; Rv 10; Rv 22:16).
Shinchonji is accomplishing the fulfillment of the New Testament (Rv 21:6), which no one in any previous generation was able to accomplish.
No one can know God or receive salvation without the twelve tribes and the one who overcomes (Rv 7; Rv 12).
Shinchonji has mastered the Bible.
Shinchonji has been created according to the Bible and is living a life of faith according to the Bible.
Today, people who lack the revealed word and who misunderstand the Bible are calling SCJ a cult.
They persecute us because the spirit that controls them is not the spirit of God.
That's all for today's <Those who call SCJ(Shinchonji) a cult and its revealed word(啓示神學) a cult are themselves the real cult>
- The aroma from Shinchonji -
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