2013년 4월 7일 일요일

Real cult from bible and Shinchonji to talking

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji – The New Heaven and New Earth

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Real orthodoxy and real cult

The Bible does not mention the word orthodoxy. The Bible does mention the word cult, but it does not give a clear definition. There are, however, standards in the Bible believers can use to discern orthodoxy from cult: the one and only true God (Jn 17:3) and false gods (Jn 8:41-44; 2 Thes 2:4); the true vine (Jn 15:1) and wild vines (Dt 32:32-33; Is 5:2); the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gn 2:9); the truth (Jn 1:14; Jn 3:21; Jn 17:17) and lies (Jn 8:44); God’s seed and the devil’s seed (Mt 13:24-25; Mt 13:36-40); the true pastor and false pastors (Jn 8; Mt 15); and heaven and hell (Rv 4; Rv 21-22; 2 Pt 2:4).

The Bible describes how people will all be taught by God (Jn 6:45) and how they will become witnesses for the Lord when the holy spirit rests on them (Acts 1:8). The Bible, however, does not teach us that we can become pastors after learning from other people or that we can speak from the pulpit and teach others after being ordained. Paul declared, “Even if we (or an angel from heaven) should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be condemned to hell!” (Gal 1:8). Revelation states, “I testify to the one who hears the words of the prophecy contained in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes away from the words of this book of prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book,” (Rv 22:18-19).  

 Figure which was a satire of CCK

 The Korean Christian Press recently published the proceedings of several forums. One of these forums, in particular (the seventh), has revealed an unsettling fact concerning the origin of the Christian Council of Korea. “The Christian Council of Korea (CCK) was originally initiated as an organization of conservative Christian forces in support of Mr. Kim, a Korean politician. Mr. Kim wanted to mobilize conservative forces to support a third term for the Korean president during Korea’s military dictatorship.” (Please refer to the Christian Council of Korea website.)

 Bible & Shinchonji said real cult => Christian Council of Korea (CCK)

The forum also declares, “The CCK was established in 1989 with many Korean Presbyterian churches as its charter members. Today, it is considered to be a representative conservative Korean Christian organization.” As the forum has revealed the undeniable facts, the foundation of the CCK was originally intended to meet certain political needs. With its origin focused on the mobilization of conservative Korean Christians for political gain, they cannot claim to be orthodox. Nor can they claim to be representative of Korean Christian organizations.

Bible & Shinchonji said real cult : CCK

Furthermore, because the Korean Presbyterian Church allowed its members to praise and bow down to the Japanese emperor during the most recent Japanese occupation, how can they shamelessly continue to maintain their claims of orthodoxy? It was Calvin who first founded the Presbyterian Church. Did Calvin obey Jesus’ commands of love, forgiveness, and atonement for sin? Calvin recklessly murdered people who went against his doctrines. Some pastors who belong to the Presbyterian Church have recently driven a man to murder his ex-wife because she refused to change her denomination to Presbyterianism. The CCK is acting just as Calvin did. How can they be considered orthodox?

Heretics(real cult) are those who tell lies, persecute, curse, and murder others without hesitation in accordance with the will of evil spirits. These people are those who spread the unbiblical and arbitrary teachings of men without knowing the meaning of the Bible (Jn 8:44; Gal 1:8; 2 Thes 2:9-12).

Just as God fulfilled the promise he made through Abraham in Moses’ time (Ex 12), and just as God fulfilled the Old Testament at the time of Jesus’ first coming (Jn 19:30), God is accomplishing the New Testament through SCJ today. Thus, SCJ has been testifying about the physical fulfillment of the New Testament (Rv 1:2; Rv 10; Rv 22:16). SCJ is accomplishing the fulfillment of the New Testament (Rv 21:6), which no one in any previous generation was able to accomplish.

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