war in the Bible
war in the Bible
Main reference : Mt 24:6-8
- What kind of war does the Revelation speak of?
In physical war, the flesh is killed and in spiritual war spirits are killed.
Whether it is spiritual or physical, war involves killing and taking away from each other.
The war of Mt 24 occurs in the temple of God.
The events of Rv 13 and the entire book of Revelation occur in God’s tabernacle (temple) as well. The war that takes place in the four gospels and Revelation is the war between God and the devil the war between God’s pastor and Satan’s pastor.
- Why do these wars occur?
In the time of Noah, time of Moses, the First Coming of Jesus, and the Second Coming of Jesus, God’s chosen people grow corrupt and become Satan’s nation as the holy spirit and the Word fade away.
But the churches and their members who call themselves the chosen people don’t recognize their real situation.
They think that they are carrying out the best life of faith.
Nobody knows that their church and their members became devil’s nation and devil’s people.
Today, at the time of the Second Coming, God sends a messenger to prepare the way for the Lord. Won’t Satan know about this, too?
With all worldly religious authority, Satan uses his pastors to hinder the work of preparing the way. At this time, the group of pastors who prepare the way could not overcome and received the mark of Satan and his pastors (accepting their doctrine) and worshipped (offer service to) them. They accept their doctrines, and receive and marry the evil spirits. These are the events of Revelation 13 that take place in the tabernacle of heaven; this is the event of destruction of the sun, moon, and stars as they darken and fall.
- What's weapon used in the war spoke of Jesus in the Revelation?

The weapon that led to victory was the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. (Answer! <<== Rev 12:1)
Through what was mentioned above, we can see that ‘war’ is not a physical war, but a spiritual war of words that occurs within the church. The pastors who preach the war of Revelation and the four gospels as ‘physical war, physical weapons, and physical death,’ must repent and be born again. Their sin was that they belonged to Satan and sowed Satan’s false seed (weed: devil’s child, Mt 13:38-39). If the devil still dwells within them, they will not repent, but people who hear and perceive this Word will repent and be born again.
In Rv 12, at the time of Revelation's fulfillment it is promised that eventually the salvation and the kingdom of God will come by fighting against the dragon (Satan) and overcoming (Rv 12:7-11). Despite this, will it be true to say ‘I attained salvation, I received the holy spirit, and I am orthodoxy’ while still being in darkness and belonging to the devil? If this was true, what Jesus said in Rv 12 would be false.
- Will you believe in Jesus’ word?
- In the words of the false pastors?
You should answer this question.
And who will be the cult? Answer!
If the congregation members had known the promise of the Bible, they would have searched for the fulfillment.
There is no salvation unless what was written in the New Testament is fulfilled.
Here today,
'War in the Bible' is continued in my next blog
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