What's cult?
Shinchonji church tell you plainly about "the fact of cult"
Jesus told us to freely give what we have freely received (Is 55:1; Mt 10:8; Rv 21:6; Rv 22:17).
Because SCJ(ShinChonJi) is teaching and preaching the Bible free of charge, however, many pastors who charge people for Bible lessons are persecuting SCJ(Shinchonji) and calling us a cult. Which of these two groups is obeying the Bible and which is the true cult—the group that is freely providing teachings according to Jesus’ words in the Bible or the group that is nitpicking about the other group’s faithfulness to Jesus’ commands?
Distinguishing between God's church & church of the world
The congregation doesn’t have the Word because the pastor doesn’t have it, and the pastor doesn’t have the Word because the seminary he studied at doesn’t have it, and the seminary doesn’t have the Word because the spirit, which is the identity of the words, doesn’t exist there. Who can deny it? God says that anyone who will add anything to or take anything from his Word (revelation) cannot enter Heaven and he will add disaster to him. (Rv.22:18~19) He also says the Word is with God, so the Word is God, and life is in the Word, so the Word is the light of life (Jn.1:1~4)
We suggest those who insist that Shinchonji Church of Christ is an unorthodoxy(cult), to take a Bible examination between Shinchonji instructors and their doctors of divinity, professors and pastors, and between the saints who were taught by Shinchonji instructors and the saints who were taught by their pastors, in order to determine whom God’s Spirit is with and whose words are biblical.

SCJ TV : http://www.scjbible.tv/index.php
What to be taken by heart by everyone not to make the same mistake just as Jews did 2000 years ago!