Identity of the Tree of Life & the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil
The text: Gn.2:7~9
What are the identities of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
Has any pastors ever made clear the identities of these trees since they appeared in the Bible 6,000 years ago.
God tells us to teach the next generations in parables, the hidden things since the creation, in Ps.78 and Jesus revealed it in parables at his first coming. He promised that he would tell it open when it comes time (Jn.16:25) and that the Counselor, the Spirit of truth, who will come in his name will guide us into the truth. (Jn.14:26, 15:26, 16:13)
At this day of Jesus’ Second Coming, we, Shinchonji, where there is the promised pastor whom the Spirit of truth is with,
tells it open, not in parable, as is promised by Jesus.
Now we will tell you about the trees made from the two kinds of seeds.
Firstly, let us draw two trees, one with the seed of life from God, and the other with the seed of death from the Satan,
both having branches, fruits and birds.
God tells us that we will die if we eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gn.2:17) and that we will live forever if we eat the fruit from the tree of life (Gn.3:22).
What are the identities of these trees? It is written in Prov.3:18, the tree of life is not a plant but a man who gains the wisdom and it is also written at Isa.5:1~7, the vine is the Israeli.
There were two kinds of trees in the Garden of Eden, the tabernacle of Adam, and two kinds of seeds were sown in one field of Jesus (Mt.13:24~30, 37), which grows up to be big trees, and birds come and perch on the branches. (Mt.13:31~32)
These two trees began as seeds, and seeds are words. (Lk.8:11)
Seed of God is the word of life, but seed of Satan is the words of death.
So, the seed of life is sown in the field of the heart and will grow to be the tree of life,
but the seed of death sown in the field of the heart will grow up to be the tree of death.
Tree of life will bear the fruit of life, but the tree of death will bear the fruit of death. It is the natural law of seed and tree.
Jesus who is the Kingdom of Heaven (Mt.13:24, 37) mentions himself as the true vine, the disciples as branch that will bear the fruits, (Jn.15:1~5) and the Spirit of God like a dove descended on him. (Mt.3:16, 13:32) King Nebuchadnezzar was a large tree with branches bearing fruits, which birds nested on and animals sheltered beneath. (Dan.4:20~22)
In his field, that means the Church of Christ, two kinds of seeds were sown, which would naturally grow up to two kinds of trees. The seed of God was sown by Jesus, and the seed of Satan was sown by the pastors of the law, teachers, and the Pharisees in those days. The good seed becomes the sons of the Kingdom of God
and the weed becomes the sons of hell of Satan respectively as are sown. (Mt.13:38)
Of the two kinds of trees as mentioned above, one is Jesus who is the Kingdom of Heaven,
and the other is King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Who do you think is the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
Jesus said that he is the true vine (Jn.15:1) and called the teachers of law and Pharisees as snakes. (Mt.23:29, 33) As it is written at Dt.32, their wine is the venom of serpents and the deadly poison of cobras, the pastors of the law, teachers, and Pharisees are the vines of snakes.
As Jesus mentions himself as the way, the truth, and the life (Jn.14:6), he is the true vine, the tree of life, while the pastors of Babylon these days in Rv.17, 18 are the trees of knowledge for good and evil of the demons and devils,
as they let all the nations drink the maddening wine of their adulteries.
If anyone eats the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good
and evil, his spirit will die and he will become the son of Satan and go to hell.
In conclusion, the identities of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden are as below;
At the First Coming, Jesus was the tree of life, and the pastors of the Pharisees
who were serpents were the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
At the Second Coming, the tree of life is the twelve tribes of Shinchonji Church of Christ (Rv.22:1~2),
and the tree of knowledge of good and evil are the pastors like the beasts having seven heads and ten horns who invaded and destroyed Heaven the tabernacle of the chosen people in Rv.13, and fed them the wine of their adulteries(the venom of serpents=commentary) in Rv.17~18.
As there were two kinds of trees together in the Garden of Eden,
there are trees made of two kinds of seeds together in the field of Jesus’ Church these day.
One is the tree of life born with the seed of God, while the other is
the tree of knowledge of good and evil born with the seed of Satan.
The trees are the pastor of God(the Tree of Life) and the pastor of Satan(the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil) respectively.
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