● Conclusion regarding the Apostles’ Creed
Source : http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/494 (Shincheonji cafe)
Shincheonji denies the Apostles’ Creed, because ......

The Jews told Pilate that they and their descendants would be accountable for the cost of the sin of killing Jesus. Pilate washed his hand in front of the Jews and handed Jesus over to them.
The Apostles’ Creed was not spoken by the apostles, yet people have been deceived into thinking that it is the apostles’ confession of faith. The Catholic church, which had become corrupt, and the Jews, who thought they were superior to others, put the blame on Pilate in order to avoid the blame of having killed Jesus, as recorded in Matthew 27. The Protestants received this tradition without questioning it and have been keeping it.
Because believers did not know about this fact, they have been believing and confessing the Apostles’ Creed. This kind of action is the same sin as the Jews, the chief priests, and the elders at that time crucifying Jesus (Acts 3:13-15). Believers have not been able to understand in accordance with the Bible and have thus been deceived. Therefore, they must truly repent, be born again, believe in accordance with what is written in the Bible, and receive salvation.
It was not Pilate who was responsible for killing Jesus, but rather the chief priests, the elders, and the Jews, who met at the public council and discussed about how to kill Jesus.
From its very beginning, Shincheonji, which has received the revelation from heaven, has never included the word daegae when reciting the Lord’s Prayer, and it has never recited the Apostles’ Creed.
Such Shincheonji denies the Apostles’ Creed, is he considered as cult?
Which do you think Jesus and the Bible will acknowledge as correct – Shincheonji or the Protestant churches?
Believers who have discernment and who truly believe in the Bible must make a judgment for themselves. Since the Apostles’ Creed are words of deception and words that are added to the Bible(Rv 22:18~19), Christians should not confess and recite it(the Apostles’ Creed).

Source : http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/494 (Shincheonji cafe)
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