Beliefs in Shinchonji
Main reference: 1 Cor 3:16-17

The coming of the end of the age of the believers is caused by their corruption. Those who became corrupt in their life of beliefs are the outsiders. They are mere gentiles who have no part with God; They are sinners just like Adam. Their worship is offered to demons, not to God. How can the children of God have a relationship with demons? We cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too, and we cannot have a part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons (1 Co 10:21).
Shinchonji is not something of the old, but it is something new. It is the kingdom of God which He newly created after destroying what was old and corrupt. This is fulfilled at the time of Revelation through the Lord’s Second Coming. This is the new people of heaven of the new kingdom, Shinchonji, the people who are harvested from the corrupt churches as wheat, born of the righteous seed of God.
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