The Highest Truth Shinchonji
<Shinchonji cafe>Doctrine of Shinchonji,...
<Shinchonji cafe>Doctrine of Shinchonji,...

Even though people are doing these evil actions of persecution, all we, the people of Shinchonji, want is for them to be born again by the word of truth. The only way to receive salvation is through Shinchonji, there is no other way. These people take evil for good, the lie for truth and call themselves holy, while calling Shinchonji heresy. They say 'stay away, we are too holy for you' (refer to Is 65:5-6).
After the harvest has ended, the doors will be shut, the dragon is locked in the Abyss and the wicked people will end up in the lake of fire. Shinchonji will become one with the new heaven, God's paradise.
Jesus told us love our enemy. The people of Shinchonji are acting according to the world of Jesus.