2015년 4월 8일 수요일

The Prophecy and Fulfillment of Shinchonji Harvest

The Prophecy and Fulfillment
of Shinchonji Harvest
God does nothing without revealing His plan (refer to Am 3:7).
If there are no prophecies and fulfillment, then on what basis are you going to believe in the Bible?

The covenant (prophecy) God had made with Abraham fulfilled at the time of Moses, the covenant made with the Old Testament prophets fulfilled during Jesus’ first coming, and the prophecies of the New Testament made through Jesus and Apostle John has fulfilled without adding or taking away  from them (refer to Jn 19:30, Rv 21:6).

God fulfilled the promises in Jeremiah 31 as He came to Jesus and planted the seed (Mt 13:24-25).  Jesus then promised to return to harvest (Mt 13:30, 24:29-31).  He came and harvested as promised, according to Revelation 14.  He sealed those who were harvested as written in Revelation 7 and established God’s new nation and people.  This nation is the promised new heaven new earth, Shinchonji in Revelation 21.

Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/643
New Heaven and New Earth (Shinchonji)

댓글 1개:

  1. Apostle Paul said "as for the prophecies, they will pass away". There is time for prophecies to proclaim and there is time for it's fulfillment to proclaim.
