2014년 11월 30일 일요일


The Second Coming of Jesus
will be like that time

The Path to Heaven and Hell

Main reference: Mt 7:13-14

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/413The apostle asked, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” Jesus christ answered, ‘Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to’ (Lk 13:23-24). 
The text and reference verse above is the content related with the event of the First Coming and Second Coming of Jesus christ, that is,  persecution. (refer to Mt 5:10-12, Mt23:30-36, Acts 7:51-53,
Lk 20:9-15, Jn 16:1-4, Rv 11:7-10, Rv 8, 9)

At the end of the world, if the pastor truly believes in God and the word of God, he must ask himself who this verse applies to. The narrow and confined path is the path to heaven which is persecuted. The path that many people go on is the path to hell which persecutes.

People who killed the prophets of God in the Old Testament were the pastors who called themselves true believers.  Also, people who killed Jesus and his apostles were the priests, that is, the pastors at that time.

 And, Jesus christ said the Second Coming of Jesus will be like that time.

2014년 11월 29일 토요일

Today is

Today those who do not
come to the Shincheonji

End of the Churches,
End of the Age, Harvest, and Peace

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/598The time of Revelation, the time of the Second Coming of Jesus, has come today.  Satan is captured, bound, and thrown into the abyss (Rv 20:1-3), and from this point on, the world where God the Creator reigns finally comes.

Today those who do not come to the Shincheonji, the world of peace, will continue to live in suffering and meet their ends without tasting the sweetness of peace.

Where is God and heaven? Where do the dead and those who are alive go?

They go to the place that fulfilled according to Revelation 3:12.

  • Revelation 3:12
The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name.

2014년 11월 28일 금요일

The work of peace

The world of peace is fulfilled 
at the Second Coming 
End of the Age,
Harvest, and Peace

Jesus promised to complete the world of peace mentioned in the prophecy of Isaiah 52:7 at the Second Coming, for it did not fulfill at the First Coming.


When he returns, he first judges the previous world, harvests the wheat from the field where he had been sowing the seed since the First Coming, and lets God reign over the created nation (Rv 6, 7, 14, Rv 19:6).

Who can stand against this work? As the Lord promised, he found and raised an advocate of peace to speak on His behalf to the churches (Rv 22:16). The Christian Council of Korea declared war again, but the messenger of the Lord who speaks on His behalf is doing the will of the Lord by proclaiming peace all across the world.

This work is the work of peace that Jesus spoke of in Jerusalem (refer to Lk 19:38-44).

  • Rev 22:16
I Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches


2014년 11월 27일 목요일

God and Heaven, Where to?

The World where
God the Creator Reigns
End of the Churches, End of the Age, Harvest, and Peace

Q : Where is God and heaven?
      Where do the dead and those who are alive go?

A : They go to the place that fulfilled according to Revelation 3:12.

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/598The Second Coming of Jesus promised in the New Testament occurs after the world of the former heaven betrays and gets destroyed the same way the world of Adam ended in the days of Noah and like the world of the Physical Israelites in the days of Jesus’ First Coming. 

The pastors are deceiving their congregation members into thinking that the time of the end comes upon the people of the secular world. However, the Bible states that the time of the end is regarding the end of the churches. The world of Adam did not believe in God’s Word but in the serpent’s words.

As a result of their betrayal, the world that God created became the world of the serpent, and the devil has ruled over this world for the past 6,000 years.  However, the time of Revelation, the time of the Second Coming of Jesus, has come today. 

Satan is captured, bound, and thrown into the abyss (Rv 20:1-3), and from this point on, the world where God the Creator reigns finally comes.
• Rev 3:12
Him who is overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name.                                            -Rev 1:1  The revelation of Jesus Christ-

2014년 11월 26일 수요일

Promised Pastor

Whoever has ears, let them hear
what the Spirit says to the churches!!

Religion, Pastor and Faith
Main reference: Rev 3:12, 21

Originally, the holy God was with Adam, who had no sin (Gn 2), but God left him when he committed sin (Gn 3, 6).
God and Jesus, who have no sins, want to come back to people and become one with them (Rv 21:1-3).
Thus, in order to forgive the sins of mankind, he made sinless Jesus carry the cross (Is 53; Jn 1:29; Jn 19).

Buddha Siddhartha Gautama, Confucius, and Isaiah neither had the power nor right to get rid of the sins of mankind, let alone their own. It is clear that we sinners need God and Jesus above all things. God’s work is to save people from their sins by the blood of a righteous man, Jesus. It is also to seize Satan, who makes people commit sin, and throw him into the Abyss. Jesus came to this earth just as the prophets (Moses, Isaiah, Siddhartha, and Confucius) had prophesied, and fulfilled the Old Testament. Then he prophesied again about the future (i.e. the New Testament). This prophecy was concerning a promise to send a pastor in his name (Mt 23:39; Jn 14).

God, heaven, and the angels came to Jesus at the First Coming (Mt 3:16-17; 4:17), and Jesus said, ‘No one comes to the Father except through me’ (Jn 14:6). Likewise, today, even if one says he believes in Jesus, if one does not believe in the word of God (i.e. if he does not believe the promised pastor) that was spoken through the lips of Jesus, then he cannot come to heaven, God, or Jesus.

This is because heaven, God, and Jesus have come to the one who overcomes, the promised pastor (Rv 3:12). If the believers truly believe in Jesus, they also must believe in what he promised.

  • Rev 3:12
The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name.
  • Rev 3:21
To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.

2014년 11월 25일 화요일

New Spiritual Israel

The twelve tribes,
New Spiritual Israel

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/509God’s new kingdom is created in today’s era of the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation, the time of the Second Coming, through the Promised Pastor (the one who overcomes in Rv 2, 3, the messenger who speaks on behalf of Jesus in Rv 22:16). This is New Spiritual Israel (era of the latter-heaven).

The corrupt generation passed away and a new generation began in each and every era. Today, too, a corrupt generation (Spiritual Israel) came to an end as promised in the New Testament, and a new generation began. New Spiritual Israel has begun as it fought and overcame the dragon (Rv 12:9). The twelve tribes have been established by harvesting and being sealed according to the promises. This is the kingdom of promise. This is the new kingdom purchased by the blood of Jesus. Those who perceive this will obtain salvation.
The Corrupted Orthodoxy In Each of the Eras


2014년 11월 24일 월요일

The Messenger of Jesus ...

SCJ 28. Dec. 10th
The Messenger of Jesus


The narrow, being persecuted, path is the way to heaven. People who walk on this narrow path are hard to keep their true faith because of the pressure and sorrow that comes along. During the Japanese colonial period, many true believers were imprisoned until the day of their independence to keep their faith. It seems that true believers, today, are imprisoned under the power of the people with ecclesiastical authority.

To us who endured, the sound of the seventh trumpet is being heard. However, is there anyone who can know this? In this situation, how can people overcome the evil people without the belief, the word and God? Many disciples kept their faith even in front of death. Shincheonji, which has sprouted and grown in the snow, is blooming with flowers and yielding fruits.

And the birds come to us and sing.
We, Shincheonji have endured even the robustious winds of the evil, even after being trampled down; we have lived patiently. Crossing over and over the pass of Ariryeong, the kingdom of heaven is coming. In the narrow and confined way, we’ve been walking with the word of God as a cane.

Shincheonji, which started out from a blank piece of paper, bloom with flowers of a new nation beautifully. It is a heaven where the birds and butterflies come and sit together. We are left from the wide way of the hell, and are walking on the narrow, steep, confined path to heaven. We are the people of heaven. Let’s love one another. Let's live forever in Shinchonji, Shincheonji of good fortune.

SCJ 28.Dec.10th
The Messenger of Jesus

The Messenger of Jesus of Shincheonji has said...
The Path to Heaven and Hell


2014년 11월 23일 일요일

Idol, in the Bible

Idol, in the Bible
The Correct Understanding of
Bible and Shincheonji !!
The Idol in the New Testament &
the Resurrection of the Dead
What is the idol in the Bible?
What does an idol refer to? People think of an idol as something made of stones, wood, or iron such as the image of Buddha in a Buddhist temple. This type of idol is nothing but an image, which neither benefits nor harms people. The true meaning of an idol according to the Bible, however, is a false teacher (Hab 2:18). Daniel 2 also portrays this type of an idol. In fact, the idol was a person; it was a false pastor.

At the time of the first coming, Jesus warned people, “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees.” Just like the yeast at that time, and the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which Adam and Eve ate in their time, today there is the wine of adulteries (maddening wine) which has caused all nations to fall according to Revelation 17 and 18. This wine of adulteries is the same as the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the yeast which a false pastor gives. Those who feed people this wine of adulteries are the pastors who belong to the group of the dragon, the kingdom of demons. They are the reality of the idol in Daniel 2. They are also the idol, the beast, the dragon, and the serpent, portrayed in Revelation 13.
How ignorant they must be that they are unable to understand this word!

The real understanding of worshiping an idol is for someone to believe in something else which is not God, as though it was God, and believing in a church, which is not of God’s denomination (church), as though it was God’s church. It is also believing and serving someone, who is not God’s pastor, as God’s pastor. Furthermore, believing in a different gospel or doctrine, which is not given by God, is also idol worship.

The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji!
From SCJ school


2014년 11월 22일 토요일

What God Promises in the New Testament

The Promised Pastor
The Promised Nation
The Promised Kingdom

The Upcoming World (Heaven) and the Passing World

What God promises in the New Testament is the promised pastor, the promised nation, and the promised kingdom. These are His kingdom and His righteousness (Mt 6:33) that followers have to seek first.

They call themselves Holy Spirit and truth not knowing themselves, because they were born with the seed of Satan and had the image and likeness of the spirit of Satan. Only the Bible can judge what is right and wrong of this behavior. Therefore, if the believer wants to carry out a true faithwalk, one must know the word and the era, also the place and the fulfillment of betrayal, destruction, and salvation. From whom can we receive the revelation? We have to find the answer from the Scriptures. We have to ask and seek the answer like Matthew chapter 7:7~8.

If we do not receive the revealed word, we do not know the three things stated above (betrayal, destruction, salvation) and the place. God does not acknowledge the worn faith of today. Do not be ones who go to hell because without even knowing you persecute thinking that that is truth, but with good deeds one must find the way to life according to scripture. One has to read Romans 8:9~28 and first judge their faith carefully.


God established Shincheonji, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony which was promised in advance for everyone in the whole world, and made the promised pastor testify the prophecy and its fulfillment. If you believe this, you will enter Heaven, however, if you do not believe this, you will have no choice but to go to hell.

2014년 11월 21일 금요일

Shincheonji, The City of Truth

No one in this world can come to heaven and Jesus except through the one who overcomes!

Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is Near!

As the Revelation of Jesus Christ and Jesus promised  God, Jesus, and heaven will descend upon the one who overcomes (Rv 3:12, 21).

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/539The reward for those who believe in the Revelation of New Testament and the punishment for those who do not believe will be determined by the judge of Shincheonji. How can the ones who are persecuting attain salvation? Politicians, pastors, and even the press must depart from any personal matters, and as they are born again of the culture of heaven, this country will be even more blessed. Blessings have come very near to us.

No one in this world can come to heaven and Jesus except through the one who overcomes. No one among the Buddhists and Confucianists understands their own scriptures. No one among them has acted according to their scriptures. How then can they receive salvation? Only hell waits unless people are born again of the fruit of the tree of life in Shincheonji. People must know before they speak, and they must speak truth.

Shincheonji is the greatest city of truth within the 6,000 years of God’s history. The reason why it is the greatest city of truth is because Shincheonji has been established through the holy spirit of truth (refer to Jn 14:26, 16:13-15, 25). It is in Shincheonji the truth which the Bible refers to exists.

I am making this known to people once again that the eternal truth no one else can transgress is in Shincheonji. I am praying everyone will live through this truth.

Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is Near!

2014년 11월 20일 목요일

Today, in Shincheonji

What we Need to See and Believe Today 
Now is the Time to Believe in the Revelation

Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is Near!

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/539What we need to see and believe today is not the fulfillment of the Old Testament, which is the revelation at the first coming; now is the time to believe in the revelation of the New Testament. Moses saw what was in heaven, and he fulfilled it accordingly. Jesus, too, saw what was in heaven and accomplished it according to what he saw. Today the New John has seen what was in heaven, and he has fulfilled it together with the Lord. Since there is the fulfillment at this time, we need the revelation of today. 
No one knows God, heaven, and the one sent by God except the ones who receive this revelation. Jesus promised the one who overcomes would receive the food of eternal life, the authority to judge, and the iron scepter to rule over all nations (Rv 2). Furthermore, God, Jesus, and heaven will descend upon the one who overcomes (Rv 3:12, 21).

Today, we in Shincheonji have proclaimed the heaven of the second coming, not the heaven of the first coming, has come to the one who overcomes in Shincheonji. Now that heaven is near, we have also preached and asked for repentance several times.

2014년 11월 19일 수요일

The actions of Three Entities

The steps for understanding
the true meanings in the Bible

The betrayer, the destroyer, the savior

The Words of Promise, Their Meanings,
and Biblical Knowledge

  • The steps for understanding the true meanings in the Bible
1. First, one must read the Bible.
2. One must know the basic knowledge about the Bible
(equivalent to   the kindergarten level in the Bible study process).
3. Introductory Level Study: Study of the physical entities of the parables.
4. Intermediate Level Study: Study of the prophecies and their fulfillment in specific chapters of the Bible.
5. Advanced Level Study: Study of the prophecies and the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation in the New Testament.  In every era, there were the chosen people who betrayed, the enemies (the ones who oppose), also known as the the destroyers, and the savior.

As seen in the prophecies, the chosen people betray and the gentile destroyers and the promised pastor, the savior, appear.  Each fulfills all their work recorded in the Bible.  By seeing the actions of these three entities, one can know who the betrayers and the destroyers are, and know who the savior is.  The words of promise, the books of prophecies, make known these three entities.  If one does not know about these three entities, he can mistake the savior as the destroyer or the betrayer.

2014년 11월 18일 화요일

A New Person who is Born Again

How can we be Born Again 
a New Person?

The Word Since the Beginning, the Faith to be Revealed & I

Accepting the faith to be revealed 
from heaven is accepting the seed of life and the holy spirit.  

This enters me and changes me from within, so that what is mortal becomes immortal, and what is perishable into the seed that is imperishable (1 Cor 15:53-54, 1 Pt 1:23), to a new creation that does not perish (2 Cor 15:7).  

This is a new person who is born again. 

The saying that a person’s heart is a building, a field, is correct.  

If one does not have the spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ (Rom 8:9).  

If Christ lives in me, like Jesus Christ, I will know the work of God, will act according to His will, and live with God in heaven. 

2014년 11월 17일 월요일

This Era

God and Heaven come 
to Shincheonji, 12 Tribes 

The Word Since the Beginning, the Faith to be Revealed & I

This era is the era when God and heaven come, and the place they come to are the 12 Tribes, Shincheonji of the people of heaven who are born again into a new creation. Those who are not considered as the people of heaven, the kingdom promised in the Revelation of the New Testament, cannot see God and heaven, nor can they enter it.

The revelation that was in part during the First Coming is fundamentally different from the revelation that is perfect during the Second Coming.  As a result, when the perfection comes, the perfection is greater.  Believing this is the faith to be revealed, and the perfect faith is the revelation of the New Testament.  

The things that help us believe in the revelation are its physical entities. 

Believing this is the faith to be revealed.
The perfect faith is the revelation of the New Testament.
The things that help us believe in the revelation are its physical entities.

2014년 11월 16일 일요일


Orthodoxy Revelation Word

Tradition, Orthodoxy & Heresy

Orthodoxy is a revelation of promise that is given when the sealed is unsealed in time. 

Jesus opened the seven seals of the scroll taken from the hand of God, opened and gave it to the angel and let the promised pastor eat it (Rv 10), and then he showed the fulfilled reality of his words (in every chapter of Revelation). The revelation is to make known what he saw, heard, and was given to testify by God (Rv1:1-3). 

Therefore, it is  legitimate as it is based on what is from heaven. Except for the one who received the revelation, there is no one who knows Jesus, the revelation, heaven or the promised pastor.

I wish for you to attain salvation by repenting, getting on the right path of faith, and seeking after where there is the fulfillment of God's words according to the prophecy (Mt7:7-8).

2014년 11월 15일 토요일


Perfect Faith, Revelation

The Word Since the Beginning, 
the Faith to be Revealed & I

The revelation that was in part during the First Coming is fundamentally different from the revelation that is perfect during the Second Coming.  

As a result, when the perfection comes, the perfection is greater.  

Believing this is the faith to be revealed, and the perfect faith is the revelation of the New Testament.  

The things that help us believe in the revelation are its physical entities. 

2014년 11월 14일 금요일

The World of Paradise

In the World of Paradise ...
-March 30. SCJ year 30-

Creation of heaven & earth, & 
creation of new heaven & new earth

We look at all things in heaven and on earth. All things that the Lord has created are fascinating and they are genuine and good. To the family of heaven, the world of paradise and the new heaven and earth, let us love one another. Is it not the love of God, who created all things? Since we love all things and all things love us, it is heaven. Let us become the new creation that burst the flowers of love together.

I am beautiful when I smile out of joy. I am beautiful when I sing, when I dance and when I smile like flowers in full bloom. May God help me become a beautiful and unchanging flower in the new heaven and new earth, the new world promised by God, the creator. May he help me become a gift to my loving Lord by becoming that flower.

Every moment I daydream and every moment I think, the world of paradise enters into my heart. The image of God, the smiling Lord enters into my heart. The stormy days have all disappeared. I cannot help but dance for the Sabbath-rest. I will become an eternal flower of love, a breath and joy for all things in the world of paradise.                  


March 30, SCJ year 30

2014년 11월 13일 목요일

The Corruption of the CCK

CCK condemns other people as heresy and 
cover up the sins of their organization! 

<The Path to Heaven and Hell>

Main reference: Mt 7:15~20

God made the corruption of the CCK(Christian Council of Korea) to the congregation members of the churches?

People who still follow them, although they have seen and heard it are people who were born with the evil seed. They will be judged because they’re the same group of thieves. In order for people to live in the world of a thief and the devil, they must carry out the same actions.

In this world, the path of true believers who keep the faith and go on the right path is narrow and confined. This is because of the persecution from the wicked people. They don’t call the traditional organizations which cheat and steal as heresy. They’re all in the same group. They accuse true believers of a sin they've committed and  are frantic to make them into a heresy.

CCK condemns other people as heresy and cover up the sins of their organization!

Look at the organizations of today which boast about their tradition. Jesus said, ‘By their fruit, you will recognize them’ (Mt 7:15-20)

They do not have the word of God but only the words of the world. Aren't money and power the only things they know? One time (Japanese colonial period), they bowed down to and worshiped the god of Japan, Now, they buy and sell the authority with money. However, they insist that people who teach the Bible at no cost are heresy. With their ecclesiastical authority, they convert people to their church, and they kill people who resist to be converted, like Calvin. Is it this orthodoxy? If you don’t realize these things even after seeing and hearing it, you’re like an animal. In the Christian news paper these days, corrupt and rebellious behaviors involved in money fraud and etc. are widely spreading. People who cheated God and people of their money say that Shincheonji is heresy. When you hear news about those big and famous church cheating people of their money, can you say that it is orthodox? Why are people converted there?
Do they have the right to say that Shincheonji is heresy?

Tell me, in front of the heaven!

2014년 11월 12일 수요일


What the SCJ is like?

Qualification for the People of SCJ

  • SCJ : Shincheonji Church of Jesus

In other churches, anyone who attends the church becomes a believer, and anyone who completes (graduates) the theological seminary becomes a pastor.  However, only those who are born again into a new creation and sealed with God’s Word, that is, those who are born of God’s seed and Spirit, can enter SCJ (refer to Rv 21:27). 

Shincheonji is where the Holy God and the spirits of the spiritual world are at, and it is a kingdom and the priests purchased with the blood of Jesus (Rv 1:5-6, 5:9-10).  

As mentioned above, Shincheonji is the place not only where men (believers) are gathered, but where the Holy God, Jesus and the spirits of the spiritual world are also gathered(Rv 14:1-5). 

2014년 11월 11일 화요일

The Reason the CCK Must be Disbanded

The reason why 
the CCK must be disbanded

The CCK must Be Disbanded

Why should the CCK (Christian Council of Korea) be disbanded?

Firstly, it is not a true Christian organization. True Christianity is supposed to testify God and Jesus’ work of salvation. However, the CCK has ruined Christianity and made it suffer disgrace.

Let's take a look at 'the detailed reason why this CCK must Be Disbanded'
Click this image, and you can check.

Secondly, it should be disbanded because it is committing acts similar to that of the Pharisees, who persecuted and killed Jesus and his disciples. Pharisees loved money (Lk 16:14). The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil (1 Tm 6:10). Just as the Pharisees had done, the CCK has sold and bought power with money.

2014년 11월 10일 월요일

The Free Bible Center of Shincheonji

Studying of Revelation From Heaven

Fulfillment of Prophecies and Faith

Main reference: Jn 3:31-34

According to God's Word, CCK, they are the false seminary schools.

They are not acting according to God's will but are operating these seminary schools according to their own. 

How to confirm the reality of this?  

If a Bible exam is given to a student who attends the free Bible centers of Shincheonji and also to a CCK seminary student, one will know. 

The difference will be like heaven and earth. 

Therefore, the "study of revelation" from heaven and the "study of the earth" from the world is different (refer to Jn 3:31-34).

  • Jn 3:31-34

The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from heaven is above all. He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony. Whoever has accepted it has certified that God is truthful. For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit.

2014년 11월 9일 일요일


The CCK is not able to ...

Fulfillment of Prophecies and Faith

The CCK is not able to teach the Word at seminary schools. 

 Why can't the CCK teach the Word at seminary schools?

because they do not know. However, they still receive money. 
Because congregation members do not have money, they are unable to attend and also graduate from seminary schools. 

 Why is it that they don't have the Word? 

It is because the holy spirit is not at the seminary schools. 

■ Why is it that the holy spirit is not there? 

It is because they love money, power, being honored and worshiped, and lies, that the holy spirit cannot be together with them. That is why they have become the worldly seminary schools that do not have the Word. 

2014년 11월 8일 토요일

To verify the New Testament fulfillment

Please, Take a Look at the New Testament Fulfillment

Religious Unification, World Peace
& the Restoration of Light

God proclaims to the whole world what He will fulfill (prophecy), and once it has been preached throughout the whole world (refer to Mt 24:14), God appoints the promised messenger, the one who speaks on behalf. 

Then, at the time of Jesus’ second coming, which is today, God fulfills the promises of the New Testament. God shows the fulfillment to the chosen messenger who speaks on behalf, and it is made known to the churches (Rv 22:16). 

The churches that hear this message must verify the New Testament fulfillment and believe it in order to be the family of God, and through this all religions will be unified. 

2014년 11월 7일 금요일

The Pastor from the New Era Today

Why did come the pastor from the new era today?

A Conversation between the Old and New Eras

The words and thoughts of the pastors from the old era are from the old era, and the thoughts and words of the pastor from the new era are prophesied (promised) in the Bible and they are of the new era.

There is the fulfillment of past prophecies and then there is the fulfillment of the prophecies in the new era.

The pastor in the new era will pass along to the pastors from the old era what has been fulfilled in the new era.

The pastor from the new era today did not come to abolish the faith in the heavenly gospel of the previous era, but he came to fulfill it. 

This is similar to what Jesus said during the first coming "I have not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill (complete) it (Mt 5:17)."

What the pastors from the previous era preach is how Jesus came during the first coming and fulfilled the Old Testament. The pastor from the new era preaches about the fulfillment of the new covenant (New Testament).

  • Mt 5:17

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

2014년 11월 6일 목요일

The Sin of Leaving the Word of Promise

The Sin of Leaving the Word of Promise

Jesus said in Jn 12:48, “that very word which I spoke will condemn him (the one who forsakes and does not accept the Word) at the last day.” This is referring to the sin of leaving the Word of promise.

Fulfillment of Prophecies and Faith

  • Jn 12:48

There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day.

2014년 11월 5일 수요일

In the Bible

In the Bible...

Fulfillment of Prophecies and Faith

Main reference: Mt 10:8, Rev 22:17, Is 55:1 

Today, the pastors of the CCK, who love money and authority, call Shincheonji a cult. 

Shincheonji does not add to or subtract from Revelation but are those who mastered the Bible. 
The pastors of CCK add and subtract from Revelation. 
Who is truly the real cult? 
Shincheonji is called a cult for freely operating Bible mission centers. 
In the Bible it says to freely give for you have freely received the free gift of the water of life (refer to Mt 10:8, Rv 22:17)

The CCK is not able to teach the Word at seminary schools because they do not know "revelation word"

2014년 11월 4일 화요일

Our Hope & Destination

Our Hope and Destination

Main references:  Rev 3:12

 Where is God? and where will the Heaven appear in his second coming?

God and heaven are in Rev 3:12. 

Can you find and come to that place? 

This is the promised kingdom, our hope, and heaven where God is.

This is the destination of life of faith-it is where God purposed.

Persecution at the First and Second Comings

  • Rev 3:12 

He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name.

2014년 11월 3일 월요일

Work of Salvation

The Work of Salvation

The New Heaven and New Earth, & 
the First Heaven and First Earth 
that Passed Away

The prophecies and the pastors of the New Testament exist until the messengers of the seven lampstands who prepare the way in Revelation 2-3 and 13. 

Since that time, people have been hearing the gospel of the revelation, the fulfillment of the book of Revelation, and they have been coming and gathering to the new heaven where they can attain salvation. Therefore, the events of Revelation in the New Testament encompass the end of the Spiritual Israelites  due to their betrayal and destruction, and the judgment of Satan, the group of the destroyers, in Revelation 12 and 18, and the New Spiritual Israelites. 
As Spiritual Israel and the destroyers are judged and come to an end, only the re-created New Spiritual Israelites can exist at the end. These are the events of destruction and salvation similar to the days of Noah and Lot (refer to Mt 24:37-41; Lk 17:26-30). As the promised pastor fought against the dragon and overcame it, he has become Israel (New Spiritual Israel) and has created Shincheonji, the twelve tribes. It is from this time on that the kingdom of God and salvation can come (Rv 12:10-11).

The work of salvation has nothing to do with those who do not know and believe in the New Testament prophecies and their physical fulfillment. But to those who believe in God and his promises, this work of Salvation is the greatest blessing because it is the fulfillment of their will and hope.  

Do you believe in this prophecy and its fulfillment?

2014년 11월 2일 일요일

The testimony of Shincheonji

The Testimony of Shincheonji is 
the Testimony of the New Era

A Conversation between the Old and New Eras

Main reference: Rev 3:12, 21:1~7

The testimony of Shincheonji today is not of the old era but of the new era. 

It is about the fulfillment of the promised New Testament prophecies. 

It testifies about the promised coming of God, Jesus, the angels, and the holy city New Jerusalem, or heaven.

  • Rev 3:12

The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name.

  • Rev 21:1~7

Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”   He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”   He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children.

2014년 11월 1일 토요일

The Words of The Promised Pastor

The testimony of Shincheonji 
               and the Promised Pastor

A Conversation between the Old and New Eras

Speaking from the eyes and lips of the Holy Spirit and the Bible, Jesus does not acknowledge the pastors and churchgoers today from the established churches, those from the previous era (spiritual Israel). 

Jesus will only acknowledge those who are harvested today, sealed with the words of Revelation, and whose names have been recorded in the book of life. These are the words of the Counselor who has received authority to judge (refer to Rv 2:17, 19:10, 22:16).

Today, through the corruption of the spiritual Israel, one era has gone away just as it was promised in the New Testament and a new era has opened. Those who realize this will seek it just as it is written in Matthew 7:7-8. 

God's will is to establish the new pastor and a new congregation just as it was promised in the Word. The eternal city of truth "beautiful Shincheonji" will be created and this is the new heaven, the promised kingdom, the 12 tribes where the saviors who are sealed are at.

Today, these are the words of the promised pastor and the testimony of Shincheonji.