2014년 12월 30일 화요일

The Reality of Betrayal, Destruction, and Salvation

The Betrayers, Destroyers, and the Saviors

The Signs of the End of Age: Betrayal, Destruction, and Salvation

Who are the betrayers, destroyers, and the saviors?

The betrayers are the pastors and the members of each church. 
Why are the pastors and congregation members the betrayers? 
The answer is in Shincheonji cafe =>> ( http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/605 )

Who are the destroyers?
The answer is in Shincheonji cafe =>> ( http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/605 )
The chosen people’s duty within God comes to an end, and they fall away from Him to side with Satan, because they have obeyed and worshiped Satan’s pastors.  This is the destruction of the chosen people.  

 A person is a murderer if he murders someone.  Following this logic, a person is a destroyer if he invades and destroys God’s chosen people. 

In this end of age, the churches have been destroyed because of their betrayal. During this time, the messenger (promised pastor, savior) sent by the Lord  comes according to Revelation 1, 2, 3, and 10, and ... To be continued in Shincheonji cafe  http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/605


The one whom God sent will speak the word of God and proclaim the fulfillment of Revelation.  The one who received the word of revelation overcomes Satan, receives the food of eternal life, the authority to judge, and the iron scepter to rule all nations.  God, Jesus, and heaven come down to him, and together, he governs all nations.  He brings cessation of war and fulfills peace so that this world becomes a world of peace where God reigns (refer to Rv 2, Rv 3, Rv 19:6).  This is the end of age and recreation, and the reality of betrayal, destruction, and salvation. 

The Correct Understanding of
Bible and Shincheonji!
From SCJ school


2014년 12월 29일 월요일

In the New Testament, Promised Pastor and Temple

The Pastor and Temple that are Promised
in the New Testament

You must be know the appearance of physical entity(Jn 2:19~22, 10:30) the pastor and temple that had promised in the Old Testament, but do you know the appearance of physical entity the pastor and temple that have promised in New Testament?

 The pastor and temple that are promised in the New Testament

God's chosen pastor at the end of the age, at the time of Revelation, becomes God's temple (1Co 3:16-17). Refusing to believe in the words of Jesus’ promises is the same as refusing to believe in Jesus or the Bible.

There is only one God,
one Jesus, one Bible,
one promised pastor,
and one temple!

All believers must strive to find the pastor promised in the New Testament using the Bible (Mt 6:33).

Because the promised pastor unites with the promised spirit of truth (i.e. the Counselor or Advocate), he testifies about the fulfillment of the New Testament prophecies and the revealed word of God (Jn 14:16-17, 26; Rev 10, Rev 22:16-17). Everyone must understand and believe that there is only one person who receives the revealed word in Rev 5 and Rev 10. Only one person receives the scroll written directly by God. All believers must seek that promised pastor and learn from him.
The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shincheonji
From SCJ cafe

2014년 12월 28일 일요일

The Betrayer, Destroyer, Savior

Betrayal, Destruction, and Salvation
Who are the betrayers, destroyers, and the saviors?

The Signs of the End of Age:
Betrayal, Destruction, and Salvation

The betrayers are the pastors and the members of each church.  Why are the pastors and congregation members the betrayers?  They once belonged to heaven before the destroyers appeared, but because they get destroyed by Satan and his pastors, they fall from heaven to earth.  Like Adam they return to dust.

  Who are the destroyers? As written in Matthew 23, Matthew 24, Revelation 2, Revelation 3, Revelation 13, Revelation 17, and Revelation 18, they are the pastors belonging to the devil.  They force the betrayers into submission using their ecclesiastical authority and church doctrine.

At that time, the chosen people of God betray, because they get deceived by the pastor of the hostile enemy by receiving their doctrine.  Because of their betrayal, they receive destruction from the enemy.  At the end of age, God’s churches betray as they get deceived by the group of the devil, the same way Adam and Eve betrayed as they obeyed and worshiped the deceiver.  Like Adam and Eve, they get destroyed because of their betrayal.  In other words, the chosen people’s duty within God comes to an end, and they fall away from Him to side with Satan, because they have obeyed and worshiped Satan’s pastors.  This is the destruction of the chosen people.  

 A person is a murderer if he murders someone.  Following this logic, a person is a destroyer if he invades and destroys God’s chosen people. 

In this end of age, the churches have been destroyed because of their betrayal.  They are no longer God’s nation, pastor, and church members, for they have become the possessions of Satan.  During this time, the messenger (promised pastor, savior) sent by the Lord  comes according to Revelation 1, 2, 3, and 10, and leads a movement of repentance, seals the people of God with the word of revelation, and creates the new nation.  These two worlds are the first heaven and first earth and the newly created heaven and earth—new heaven and new earth—found in Revelation 21.  One world ends because of betrayal while the other is created into a nation of people born of God’s seed. 

At this time, the one whom God sent will speak the word of God and proclaim the fulfillment of Revelation.  The one who received the word of revelation overcomes Satan, receives the food of eternal life, the authority to judge, and the iron scepter to rule all nations.  God, Jesus, and heaven come down to him, and together, he governs all nations.  He brings cessation of war and fulfills peace so that this world becomes a world of peace where God reigns (refer to Rv 2, Rv 3, Rv 19:6).  This is the end of age and recreation, and the reality of betrayal, destruction, and salvation.
The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji!
From SCJ school

2014년 12월 27일 토요일

The Sealed 144,000 In Revelation 7

The 12 Tribes,
The Sealed 144,000
In Revelation 7

The sealed 144,000 in Revelation 7 are the 12 tribes, and it is written in Revelation 14 that the 144,000 are on Mt. Zion and have God’s name and the name of the Lamb written on their foreheads.
This means that they are sealed with God’s name and the Lamb’s name which is the word. 
As stated in Revelation 22:4, “they will His face, and His name will be on their foreheads.”   
They will be God’s servants and will reign with God for ever and ever (Rv 22:5). 
Having His name written on their foreheads means that they are sealed with the word, for God is the word (Jn 1:1) and Jesus is the word (1Jn 1:1-2).

Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/592
The Sealed 144,000 and the Great Multitude Dressed in White

The time of Revelation is the time when God finalizes His 6,000 year-long work.  It is the time when He harvests the fruit of the seed that was planted 2,000 years ago.  
Those who are born of God’s seed will hear and believe in the words of Jesus’ messenger and will be sealed.

 The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji!
From SCJ school

2014년 12월 26일 금요일

Testimony In Revelation

 http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/592Testimony In Revelation
Open your Bible Revelation 22:16
What did the Revelation 22:16 say?
This is The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Rv 22:16, Jesus said : “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches.
I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

  • Jn 3:31-34
 31 The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from heaven is above all. 32 He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony. 33 Whoever has accepted it has certified that God is truthful. 34 For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit.

It is written that the one from above has seen and heard the things of above and testify to the word of God; the one who receives this testimony gets sealed and certifies that God is true. 

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/592how can a person believe if he has not seen and heard anything?
How can a person acknowledge and be sealed if he cannot believe? 

Hearing the word of God and acknowledging it is being sealed. 

It is written in Revelation 22:16 that God has sent His messenger to the churches to testify the events of Revelation which he has seen and heard.

Those (the churches) who accept this testimony are sealed, but those who do not believe despite hearing the testimony, are not sealed.

Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/592
The Sealed 144,000 and the Great Multitude Dressed in White

2014년 12월 25일 목요일

144,000 and Great Multitude Dressed in White

The Sealed 144,000 and
the Great Multitude
Dressed in White

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Main reference:  Rv 7, Rv 5:9~10
In Revelation 7, the main reference, what is the sealed 144,000 and the great multitude dressed in white?
These are the promises in Revelation 7 that Jesus made known to his disciple Apostle John 2,000 years ago. 
The sealed 144,000 are the priests of God’s new kingdom the 12 tribes, and the great multitude dressed in white are the people, in other words, the congregation members of the 12 tribes who have washed their sins with the blood of Jesus (Rv 5:9-10, 7:9-14).  

Then, what does “sealed” mean?
The mean is at SCJ cafe,
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The Sealed 144,000 and the Great Multitude Dressed in White

  • Rv 5:9~10
And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.  You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.”

2014년 12월 23일 화요일

What's 'sound of trumpet' in the Bible?

The Sound of the Trumpet, In the Bible

The Sound of the Seventh Trumpet

In Revelation 5, there is a scroll sealed with seven seals in the hand of God. Jesus took the scroll and started to open the seals in chapter 6, opening all seven seals in chapter 8. 
http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/601Surely the sealed scroll has opened (This is the revelation).

As each seal is opened, the reality of the events that are recorded in the book appears. In Revelation 8 to 9, the six angels sound the six trumpets.

This sound of the trumpet is the sound of proclaiming the fulfillment of the reality that has appeared. This trumpet is a person that an angel has chosen; take a look at Isaiah 58.

  • Isa 58:1
“Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet. Declare to my people their rebellion and to the descendants of Jacob their sins.
The Correct Understanding of
Bible and Shincheonji!
From SCJ school

2014년 12월 22일 월요일

On the Day of Judgment

The Words of the Messenger, the Advocate,
The Words that were Testified

Pastors Who Did Not Believe in Every Generation
& the Persecution

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/516Shincheonji, we have sent letters urging repentance and made known these facts to pastors in Korea and all over the world, and therefore, they will not be able to make an excuse by saying they did not hear about it on the day of judgment (refer to Jn 15:22).

The words of the messenger, the Advocate, are the words of Jesus, and the words of Jesus are the words of God, the Father (Jn 16:8-15).

The words that were testified were the promised words of Revelation, that is, life that was conveyed.  If one does not believe, it does not mean they do not believe in the words of the messenger, the Advocate.  It means one does not believe in Jesus' words, that is, no believing in God's words. Those who believe will receive salvation.  Those who do not believe will be thrown into the lake of fire for the sin of not believing. 

Shincheonji earnestly prays that people will believe and receive salvation.

2014년 12월 21일 일요일

Sons of God

The Sons Of God Who Born of God's Seed

God’s Seed, Abraham’s Seed, and the Gentiles

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/578Everyone born of God’s seed does not have the image of people born of the seed of Adam (for example, Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses), the betrayer: they bear the resemblance of God’s image and likeness.

Just as seen on the Mountain of Transfiguration (refer to Mt 17:1-8), although we are wearing our flesh as an external surface, our inner person is born into God’s image, and is born only of God’s seed, not of Abraham’s seed and natural descent (man) nor of the seed of gentiles and man. If one takes off his own flesh, his inner person will be shown. If he clothes himself with the holy spirit, the clothes his flesh used to wear will disappear.

It is only when the seed (the Word) is sown into our body, which is like soil and earth which grows, sprouts, and becomes a tree, that the birds (the holy spirit) will come and perch in us to live together.

Whether one takes off his flesh or not, he is a man born of God’s seed. Just like Jesus’ image was transformed on the Mountain of Transfiguration, those who are transformed through the sound of the seventh trumpet will no longer be mortal and perishable (1 Cor 15:51-54).

This is the same word as it says in John 10:35, “If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came.” They are the offspring of God as it is mentioned in Acts 17:29.

In this manner, it is only feasible through the seed of the Divine Being/God that allows one to be the offspring of God and to become a god. These are the sons of God as it says in Genesis 6:2. 


2014년 12월 18일 목요일

End of Age of Believers

Shincheonji is the New Kingdom of God!
The Reality of Christianity at the time of the Lord’s second coming
Our life of faith in Shincheonji
The End of the Age of the Believers

Main reference: 2 Cor 6:14~18 

Shincheonji is not something of the old, but it is something new. It is the kingdom of God which He newly created after destroying what was old and corrupt. This is fulfilled at the time of Revelation through the Lord’s Second Coming. This is the new people of heaven of the new kingdom, the people who are harvested from the corrupt churches as wheat, born of the righteous seed of God.

Those who became corrupt in their life of faith are the outsiders. They are mere gentiles who have no part with God; They are sinners just like Adam. Their worship is offered to demons, not to God. How can the children of God have a relationship with demons? We cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too, and we cannot have a part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons (1 Co 10:21).
The coming of the end of the age of the believers is caused by their corruption. The Lord’s return comes so that the true believers can be delivered and saved from corruption. Satan controls every corrupt church (Mt 24, Rv 1-22), and God’s people, who are held captive, can cross over from death to life as they understand the word preached to them and come before the Lord (refer to Jn 5:24-25). 
Look at Rv 2 and Rv 3. God and His Word are not in the kingdom that became the kingdom of demons due to its corruption. It is only a place full of money, fame, and authority. How can anyone say that he is not aware of this?

This is the reality of Christianity at the time of the Lord’s second coming.


[2 Cor 6:14-18] Do not be yoked together with unbelievers [if you believe in God and his word]. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? *What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? *What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people,” *“Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” *“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”


2014년 12월 17일 수요일

Shincheonji, New Heaven and New Earth

The New Heaven and New Earth

The New Heaven and New Earth,
& the First Heaven and First Earth
that Passed Away
When are the new heaven and new earth created after the first heaven and first earth disappear? Where are they created? And who are they? What kind of kingdom are they?
The time when they are created is the Lord’s second coming when Revelation in the New Testament is fulfilled. At that time, Spiritual Israel (churches of Jesus) is destroyed and comes to an end. The Lord returns to harvest and seal people, and he creates God’s new kingdom (new heaven and new earth) here on earth. The new kingdom Jesus creates is the twelve tribes of Shincheonji Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (the 144,000 priests and the people of the great multitude). Shincheonji is the kingdom promised in the New Testament. It is heaven, and its people are the people of heaven.
This is truly the kingdom, which is the fulfillment of the New Testament of the prophecy that Jesus gave so that we would believe when it happens.

2014년 12월 16일 화요일

Era of Revelation

Revelation of the
Physical Fulfillment

Commandments of Men and God’s Revelation
in the Former-Heaven and the Latter-Heaven

At the First and the Second Coming alike, before the faith to be revealed (revealed faith) came, everyone was teaching and learning at the level of men’s teachings. According to Hosea 4:6, no one has any other way but to be destroyed without the knowledge to be revealed (revealed knowledge).

After receiving the revealed faith, one can go on to perfection by leaving the elementary teachings of the Way (Heb 6:1-3 NKJV).  “Perfection” is the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation that appeared as a physical reality (revelation of the physical fulfillment). The difference between the era of the sealed scroll and the era of the revelation of the sealed scroll is as great as that of heaven and hell.

Physical Israelites claimed that they believed in the Old Testament prophecies, but they did not believe in their physical fulfillment (refer to Jn 1:9-11; Jn 3).  This faith was false.

If we claim that we believe in the New Testament prophecies, yet we do not know and believe in the physical fulfillment of the prophecies, how can we be any different from Physical Israel?

The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji!
From SCJ school


2014년 12월 15일 월요일

What New John Saw

Rv 1:2
who testifies
to everything he saw-that is,
the word of God and
the testimony of Jesus Christ.


Jesus took the scroll from God’s right hand in Rv 5 and began to open the seven seals one by one starting from Rv 6.  He opened all of them in Rv 8. He gave the opened (revealed) scroll to the angel in Rv 10, who then gave the opened scroll, the revelation, to the New John. 

Like Jesus at the First Coming (Ez 3), the New John received and ate the scroll (Rv 10:8-10).

The angel told the New John to prophesy this word and what he saw (Rv 1:2) again to the peoples, nations, languages, and kings (Rv 10:11).  In Rv 11, while he was preaching according to this command, the New John was killed by those who came out of the Abyss; but, like Jesus, he came back to life in 3 days.

The reasons why they killed the New John were that they considered the revealed word as a blasphemy just like the people at the First Coming, and they, who were the sun, moon, and stars that darkened and fell, did not perceive the revelation, which is the light of life (refer to Jn 1:4-5).

Commandments of Men and God’s Revelation
in the Former-Heaven and the Latter-Heaven
  • Rv 1:2  who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw.
  • Rv 22:8  Now I, John, saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw,...

  • Rv 1:2  who testifies to everything he saw-that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
  • Rv 22:8  I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them,...


2014년 12월 14일 일요일

Fulfillment of Prophecies

The Fulfillment of the Prophecies

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/577Just as God made known to Abraham the events that He will fulfill at the time of Moses, God prophesied again through the Old Testament prophets, making known what will be fulfilled in the future. 

This promise was the Old Testament.  After this, God came to Jesus as promised and fulfilled the Old Testament.
God, who fulfilled the Old Testament, promised future events through Jesus—the New Testament.  It is written that the New Testament is fulfilled at the appointed time, the Lord’s Second Coming.

After his ascension, Jesus made known through his disciple, John, the revelation that will be fulfilled (the Book of Revelation).  Most of the content of Revelation is written in parables; it is a sealed scroll that no one in heaven or under heaven can open or look inside (Rv 5:1-4). 

However, no one should add to or subtract from Revelation (Rv 22:18-19).

What will fulfill at the time of Revelation?
It is ...... to SCJ cafe.

Ringing Out the Old and Ringing In the New: the Old Era and the New Era

2014년 12월 13일 토요일

Holy Spirit

                         New Creation!      

New Clothes!
(Holy Spirit)

 and Ringing In the New:
the Old Era and the New Era

Just as one puts off old clothes and puts on the new, the sons born with God’s seed will live in God’s image and likeness. 

They will put off their old selves that were like old clothes for their flesh. 

Their inner-persons will put on new clothes. 

The new set of clothes is the holy spirit

This is change, a change into a new creation.

2014년 12월 12일 금요일

If Christ lives in you?

If you do not have the spirit of Christ?

The Word Since the Beginning, the Faith to be Revealed & I

As it is written in 2 Corinthians 5:13-15, Christ died for all, and therefore all died.  And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for the dead (themselves), but for him who died for them and was raised again. The person who lives in this manner is a new creation, a person who has been born again. 

Therefore, do not add to or subtract from the Word from the beginning, the revealed word that is like the water as clear as crystal, the Revelation (prophecy) and what has been revealed (physical fulfillment).

Through complete faith, the spirit of Christ will come into the temple of our hearts and live there.  Therefore, I am dead, and Christ lives in my body (Gal 2:20).  This is a person who completely belongs to Christ. 

The saying that a person’s heart is a building, a field, is correct.  If one does not have the spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ (Rom 8:9).  If Christ lives in me, like Jesus Christ, I will know the work of God, will act according to His will, and live with God in heaven. 

※ Jesus said, "The words that I speak to you are spirit(Jn 6:63),"
and in Rev 1:1 speaks of  The revelation from Jesus Christ.

Then, do you have the spirit(The Revelation of Jesus Christ) of Jesus Christ?

2014년 12월 11일 목요일

The Word from the beginning

Accepting the faith to be revealed from heaven
is accepting the seed of life and the holy spirit!

The Word Since the Beginning,
the Faith to be Revealed & I

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/559The promise God made through Jesus in the New Testament is regarding “being born again,” from a sinner to a righteous. 

One must be born again by God’s seed and His spirit. 
Flesh gives birth to flesh and the spirit gives birth to spirit (Jn 3:5-6). 
The Word from the beginning is spirit, it is God (Jn 1:1, 4:24), the seed, and the life. 
This Word is imperishable, and it is the spirit. 
One is able to be born again by “the Word since the beginning,” because this Word is the seed, the spirit, and the life.
Accepting the faith to be revealed from heaven is accepting the seed of life and the holy spirit. 

This enters me and changes me from within, so that what is mortal becomes immortal, and what is perishable into the seed that is imperishable (1 Cor 15:53-54, 1 Pt 1:23), to a new creation that does not perish (2 Cor 15:7).  This is a new person who is born again.

2014년 12월 10일 수요일

The Spirit of Truth, the Counselor

Greatest Gospel and Truth
The Spirit of Truth, the Counselor

Faith in Each Era and the Level of Its Culture

Do you know about the fulfillment of the New Testament?
Then, you are allowed to know the spirit of truth, the Counselor who comes in the name of Jesus today.


At the first coming, Jesus spoke about future events in parables. He had many things to say, but did not say everything (Mt 13:34-35; Jn 16:12).

The spirit of truth, the Counselor who comes in the name of Jesus today, allows us to know everything about the fulfillment of the New Testament (Jn 14:26).
Thus, it will be the greatest gospel and truth in the history of mankind.

Ever since Adam’s time, God planned what he would fulfill, and has been fulfilling it step by step. His fulfillment was the events that took place in each era; as a matter of fact, all of this work happened for the sake of today, the time of Revelation.

Today, accepting the faith that is revealed is such a blessing.  The greatest blessing in the history of mankind that allows one to attain and enjoy eternal life and heaven has finally come true today, the dream that mankind has had for the last 6,000 years.

There is no higher truth nor greater blessing than this. Because of this, we will be eternally thankful, thankful to God and Jesus.

2014년 12월 9일 화요일

If you knew 'prophecies'

If you knew the meaning
of the New Testament prophecies,
you wouldn't do that!

Faith in Each Era and the Level of Its Culture

The Bible encompasses about 6,000 years of biblical history since Adam’s time. In this 6,000 years of history, there were the eras of Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus’ first coming, and the era of Jesus’ return.

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/576Whether it is culture in terms of a physical or spiritual sense, which of these eras is civilized with culture? In the sense of both world history and religion, today’s culture of heaven is the highest. There is, however, one thing that remains the same in the past and present time: it is the aspect of people’s life of faith, which is their faith and knowledge (refer to Hos 4:6). Believers during the first coming of Jesus did not know the meaning of the Old Testament prophecies. Likewise, today’s believers at the time of the second coming do not know the meaning of the New Testament prophecies (refer to Is 29:9-13; Jn 1:11; Rv 5:2-4).  

Those who claimed to believe in the Old Testament (the promise of God) at the first coming refused to believe when the physical fulfillment of the Old Testament (Jesus and the work he fulfilled) appeared. They opposed Jesus by calling him a heretic, even crucifying him. In the same way, people claim to believe in the New Testament (the promise of Jesus), but they are refusing to believe in the fulfillment of the New Testament (the one who overcomes and the fulfilled work), although it has appeared. They, just as in the past times, are going against the one who overcomes, labeling him as a heretic and attempting to kill him. This is the same aspect of the life of faith that the believers between the past and present times share.

2014년 12월 8일 월요일

The objective of the New Testament, the creation of twelve tribes

The Creation of Twelve Tribes,
This is The Objective of the New Testament
Faith in Each Era and the Level of Its Culture
Main references: Rv 7:1~17
The Law of Moses at Jesus’ first coming was a tutor (kindergarten teacher) that led people to Christ (Gal 3:23-24). It was proclaimed until the time of the faith in Jesus’ gospel of heaven, which was the faith that should be revealed. 
The faith that should be revealed at Jesus’ first coming was the faith in the fulfillment of the Old Testament. This revelation was the revelation mentioned in Ezekiel 3. This revelation was the new work, the new covenant, and the two types of seed in Jeremiah 31(Jer 31:22, 27, 31). One of these two types of seed was the seed of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven that Jesus sowed (Mt 13:24, 25). This work of sowing the seed was the new work. The work of harvest that will take place at the second coming was the new covenant. The accomplishment of this new covenant is the fulfillment of the book of Revelation.

The objective of the New Testament is the creation of the twelve tribes at the time of the fulfillment of Revelation in the New Testament. These twelve tribes are God’s promise and the promise of the Bible for the last 6,000 years.

※ Rev 7:15~17
Therefore, “they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence.   ‘Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat down on them,’  nor any scorching heat.   For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; ‘he will lead them to springs of living water.’  ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.’ ”

2014년 12월 4일 목요일

If you do not know?

What if you do not know?

About Adding and Taking Away from Revelation

Revelation is the summary of the promise God made in the New Testament.
God made this promise so that when it does happen we will believe (Jn 14:29).

Just as Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament at the First Coming (Jn 19:30), he also fulfills the New Testament at the Second Coming (Rv 21:6).

The people at the First Coming (the Jews) persecuted and killed Jesus, whom God was with, because they did not know that all of the Old Testament was fulfilling at that time. 
Likewise, if one does not know that the New Testament is fulfilling at the Second Coming, they will also persecute in the same way Jesus was persecuted at the First Coming.

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/597If you do not know that the New Testament is fulfilling at the Second Coming, you will also persecute in the same way Jesus was persecuted at the First Coming.
think out!

2014년 12월 3일 수요일

Hee’s testimony

The Prophecies and their Fulfillment
Hee’s Oath and Appointed Task

Main references:Jn 14:29, 10~11, Zec 9:10

http://cafe.naver.com/scjschool/169460Hee’s testimony is just like the testimony of Jesus at the first coming.

Jesus saw and testified how God came to him and fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament. Jesus has revealed the words of the opened scroll and the fulfillment of the prophecies to Hee, and Hee alone. Hee is the only one Jesus has commanded directly. Thus, of all the people of the world, Hee is the only one who can testify about the fulfillment of the New Testament (refer to Rv 1:2, 22:16). This generation hates and persecutes Hee without reason. If any other pastor had come and given his own testimony, this generation would have accepted him without persecution (refer to Jn 15:23-25; Jn 5:43).

Although the complete fulfillment of the prophecies of the New Testament is being testified, people refuse to believe. Doesn’t this prove that the lives of faith they lead are false and that the spirit in them is not God’s spirit? Even if they refuse to believe in Hee, shouldn’t they believe in the prophecies and their fulfillment (refer to Jn 14:29).

2014년 12월 2일 화요일

In Revelation

Revelation 22:16

About Adding and Taking Away from Revelation

Main references: Rev 22:16

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/597God said that no one in heaven or on earth can open or even look inside the book sealed with seven seals, the book of Revelation (Rv 5).  This has been a mystery that God (and Jesus) will fulfill. 

If one does not recognize when the fulfillment takes place, how can he believe in it? Jesus fulfilled this work and made it known to the churches through the messenger (the One Who Overcomes) who saw and heard these things (Rv 22:16).
Just as God fulfilled the Old Testament and preached the fulfillment through Jesus at the First Coming, Jesus fulfills the New Testament at the Second Coming and preaches the fulfillment through the One Who Overcomes as he promised in Revelation 2 and Revelation 3.  Therefore, all the congregation members and pastors in the entire world must meet and listen to the messenger sent by Jesus to know about the fulfillment. 

If they defy the promised messenger, they will not know about the fulfillment of Revelation, nor believe in it. As a result, they will not receive salvation in the same way physical Israel didn't receive salvation at the time of the First Coming.

  • Revelation 22:16
"I Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

2014년 12월 1일 월요일

Prophecy of Peace

The World of Peace
In the Prophecy

At the Second Coming

End of the Churches, End of the Age, Harvest, and Peace

Main reference: Zec 9:10

Jesus promised to complete the world of peace mentioned in the prophecy of Isaiah 52:7 at the Second Coming, for it did not fulfill at the First Coming.
When he returns, he first judges the previous world, harvests the wheat from the field where he had been sowing the seed since the First Coming, and lets God reign over the created nation (Rv 6, 7, 14, Rv 19:6).
Who can stand against this work?
As the Lord promised, he found and raised an advocate of peace to speak on His behalf to the churches (Rv 22:16).
The Christian Council of Korea(CCK) declared war again, but the messenger of the Lord who speaks on His behalf is doing the will of the Lord by proclaiming peace all across the world.
This work is the work of peace that Jesus spoke of in Jerusalem (refer to Lk 19:38-44).
  • Zec 9:10
I will take away the chariots from Ephraim and the warhorses from Jerusalem, and the battle bow will be broken. He will proclaim peace to the nations. His rule will extend from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.
  • Luk 19:38-40
“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”  “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”    “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

2014년 11월 30일 일요일


The Second Coming of Jesus
will be like that time

The Path to Heaven and Hell

Main reference: Mt 7:13-14

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/413The apostle asked, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” Jesus christ answered, ‘Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to’ (Lk 13:23-24). 
The text and reference verse above is the content related with the event of the First Coming and Second Coming of Jesus christ, that is,  persecution. (refer to Mt 5:10-12, Mt23:30-36, Acts 7:51-53,
Lk 20:9-15, Jn 16:1-4, Rv 11:7-10, Rv 8, 9)

At the end of the world, if the pastor truly believes in God and the word of God, he must ask himself who this verse applies to. The narrow and confined path is the path to heaven which is persecuted. The path that many people go on is the path to hell which persecutes.

People who killed the prophets of God in the Old Testament were the pastors who called themselves true believers.  Also, people who killed Jesus and his apostles were the priests, that is, the pastors at that time.

 And, Jesus christ said the Second Coming of Jesus will be like that time.

2014년 11월 29일 토요일

Today is

Today those who do not
come to the Shincheonji

End of the Churches,
End of the Age, Harvest, and Peace

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/598The time of Revelation, the time of the Second Coming of Jesus, has come today.  Satan is captured, bound, and thrown into the abyss (Rv 20:1-3), and from this point on, the world where God the Creator reigns finally comes.

Today those who do not come to the Shincheonji, the world of peace, will continue to live in suffering and meet their ends without tasting the sweetness of peace.

Where is God and heaven? Where do the dead and those who are alive go?

They go to the place that fulfilled according to Revelation 3:12.

  • Revelation 3:12
The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name.

2014년 11월 28일 금요일

The work of peace

The world of peace is fulfilled 
at the Second Coming 
End of the Age,
Harvest, and Peace

Jesus promised to complete the world of peace mentioned in the prophecy of Isaiah 52:7 at the Second Coming, for it did not fulfill at the First Coming.


When he returns, he first judges the previous world, harvests the wheat from the field where he had been sowing the seed since the First Coming, and lets God reign over the created nation (Rv 6, 7, 14, Rv 19:6).

Who can stand against this work? As the Lord promised, he found and raised an advocate of peace to speak on His behalf to the churches (Rv 22:16). The Christian Council of Korea declared war again, but the messenger of the Lord who speaks on His behalf is doing the will of the Lord by proclaiming peace all across the world.

This work is the work of peace that Jesus spoke of in Jerusalem (refer to Lk 19:38-44).

  • Rev 22:16
I Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches


2014년 11월 27일 목요일

God and Heaven, Where to?

The World where
God the Creator Reigns
End of the Churches, End of the Age, Harvest, and Peace

Q : Where is God and heaven?
      Where do the dead and those who are alive go?

A : They go to the place that fulfilled according to Revelation 3:12.

http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/598The Second Coming of Jesus promised in the New Testament occurs after the world of the former heaven betrays and gets destroyed the same way the world of Adam ended in the days of Noah and like the world of the Physical Israelites in the days of Jesus’ First Coming. 

The pastors are deceiving their congregation members into thinking that the time of the end comes upon the people of the secular world. However, the Bible states that the time of the end is regarding the end of the churches. The world of Adam did not believe in God’s Word but in the serpent’s words.

As a result of their betrayal, the world that God created became the world of the serpent, and the devil has ruled over this world for the past 6,000 years.  However, the time of Revelation, the time of the Second Coming of Jesus, has come today. 

Satan is captured, bound, and thrown into the abyss (Rv 20:1-3), and from this point on, the world where God the Creator reigns finally comes.
• Rev 3:12
Him who is overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name.                                            -Rev 1:1  The revelation of Jesus Christ-