2014년 8월 25일 월요일

Be Born Again

The Word from the beginning

<The Word Since the Beginning, the Faith to be Revealed & I>

The promise God made through Jesus in the New Testament is regarding “being born again,” from a sinner to a righteous. One must be born again by God’s seed and His spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh and the spirit gives birth to spirit (Jn 3:5-6).

The Word from the beginning is spirit, it is God (Jn 1:1, 4:24), the seed, and the life.  This Word is imperishable, and it is the spirit.  One is able to be born again by “the Word since the beginning,” because this Word is the seed, the spirit, and the life. Accepting the faith to be revealed from heaven is accepting the seed of life and the holy spirit.  

This enters me and changes me from within, so that what is mortal becomes immortal, and what is perishable into the seed that is imperishable (1 Cor 15:53-54, 1 Pt 1:23), to a new creation that does not perish (2 Cor 15:7).  This is a new person who is born again. 

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