and who is sent in the name of Jesus
Source: Religion, Betrayal, & a Rebel
God and His Son, Jesus, came to the world at the first coming. Jesus made known the betrayers (the pastors of the Physical Israelites), the destroyers (the Pharisees), and the savior (Jesus himself). Jesus also testified about the fulfillment of the Old Testament.
Today at the second coming, God, Jesus, and heaven have come to this earth. The promised pastor, the one who overcomes, and who is sent in the name of Jesus, has also come.
This messenger of the promise has made known and testified about today’s betrayers and destroyers. He has also made known the fact of who the savior is, and he has testified about how the promised Revelation has been fulfilled.
The prophecies of Revelation have been fulfilled.
The promises of God and Jesus have come to pass and have come to an end. The testimony is also finished. At a time like this, there are people who believe, and there are people who do not believe. It is only those who believe who will be able to attain salvation.
The kingdom of promise, which was God’s promise and His will, has been created according to Revelation 7 and 14. One generation was put to an end due to its betrayal (Rev 13), and an eternal new generation has begun, that is, the era of Shincheonji (i.e. new heaven and new earth) (refer to Mt 19:27-29).
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