2014년 8월 15일 금요일

Shincheonji and The One Who Overcomes

No one in this world can come to heaven and Jesus except through the one who overcomes!

Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/539
SCJ cafe : Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is Near!

Blessings have come very near to us. 
No one in this world can come to heaven and Jesus except through the one who overcomes. No one among the Buddhists and Confucianists understands their own scriptures. No one among them has acted according to their scriptures. How then can they receive salvation? Only hell waits unless people are born again of the fruit of the tree of life in Shincheonji. People must know before they speak, and they must speak truth. 

SCJ is the greatest city of truth within the 6,000 years of God’s history. The reason why it is the greatest city of truth is because Shincheonji has been established through the holy spirit of truth (refer to Jn 14:26, 16:13-15, 25). It is in Shincheonji the truth which the Bible refers to exists. I am making this known to people once again that the eternal truth no one else can transgress is in SCJ. I am praying everyone will live through this truth.

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