2014년 8월 3일 일요일


Follow on preceding "Betrayal, Destruction, and Salvation"

Persecution at the First and Second Comings

At the first coming, God and Jesus fulfilled every promise in the Old Testament (Jn 19:30) and testified to the betrayer, destroyer, and savior

However, they (the chosen people of Physical Israel) did not believe, but instead persecuted, exiled and even killed Jesus whom God was one with along with His disciples.

God is also fulfilling every promise in the New Testament in Jesus’ second coming like the time of first coming (Rv 21:6). The new world of God established in this time is ‘New Heaven New Earth (Shinchonji), the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (New Spiritual Israel) (Rv 21:1-7, 15:4-5). The betrayer, destroyer, and savior are testified here. 

However, Christians (Spiritual Israel) do not believe this fact, and so they persecute, exile, and even kill us because we do not convert to their religious body.


They have been waiting and praying for the second coming of Jesus but, 
why do they carry out such illegal action?

The answer is in SCJ cafe~.~

Source: SCJ cafe

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