2014년 8월 4일 월요일

Sowing and Harvesting

Sowing the seed and Harvesting crops

Roughly 2,600 years ago, God prophesied through Jeremiah that the seeds would be planted (Jer 31:27).

About 600 years after that prophecy was made, God came to Jesus and fulfilled that word by sowing the seed of his word (Mt 13:24-25). 

Today, 2,000 years after that seed was sown, Jesus has come to his church with his angels like a thief, and he is harvesting crops and bringing them to the barn of heaven according to his own promises in the New Testament (Mt 24:43-44; Rv 3:3, 14:1-4). 

No one knows where Jesus has returned or where the barn is located, but Jesus has promised to reveal the location in the Bible. 

Let’s take a look~~

Source: SCJ(old: Shinchonji) cafe

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