2014년 8월 20일 수요일

Shincheonji, The City of Truth

Shincheonji, the City of Truth, 
has overcome through the truth!

Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/461
<The Path of the Word and the Blessing of Heaven>

Shincheonji, the City of Truth, has overcome through the truth. Judging whether someone is a heretic or orthodox, right or wrong must be based on the Bible. 

There is a Korean phrase:  seogi dongrae dongseong seohaeng (西氣東來 東成西行). It means the winds (energy) of the West have come to the East, and what has been fulfilled in the East is proclaimed to the West.  The gospel of heaven, which was fulfilled in Europe in the West was proclaimed to the ends of the earth, to a nation in the East, the Republic of Korea (西氣東來: the winds of the West have come to the East).  
This was proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony, and Jesus promised that the end would come once the testimony was proclaimed to the ends of the earth (Mt 24:14). At the end of the age, that is, when the Christian world comes to an end, at the time of the Second Coming, because the New Testament was fulfilled in the Republic of Korea in the East as promised, the gospel of revelation (the physical fulfillment of the New Testament) was proclaimed to Europe in the West, which had proclaimed the gospel of heaven to the East.  This is the work of proclaiming to the West what has been fulfilled in the East.  

Today, as it is recorded in the Bible, all nations must be healed, and the God of truth must reign (Rv 22:2, Rv 19:6). 

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